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DARFUR Union in the UK: Ali Kushayb to the Custody of ICC; The Transitional Government of Sudan Sho

06-09-2020, 11:50 PM
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DARFUR Union in the UK: Ali Kushayb to the Custody of ICC; The Transitional Government of Sudan Sho

    11:50 PM June, 09 2020

    Sudanese Online
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    DARFUR Union in the UK: Ali Kushayb to the Custody of ICC; The Transitional Government of Sudan Should Save Face and Hand in Bashir and co. to ICC
    The surrendering and transfer of Ali Kushayb to the International Criminal Court (ICC) marks a significant chapter in the long road of justice for the people of Sudan in DARFUR. He surrendered himself to the UN forces in Central Africa Republic (ref. 1). A communique was issued by the general prosecutor of ICC Fatou Bensouda, echoing the significance of this moment for justice and for the victims in Darfur (ref. 2).
    This news received with great joy by the people of Darfur in Sudan as well as in the diaspora...some captured the moments with tears; this brings lot of emotions as people remembers the prosecution, the memories of the lost ones, victims of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. These heinous crimes were committed by Bashir and his regime against the people of DARFUR. Half a million killed, 3.5-5 millions are in refugees and internally displaced people (IDP) camps. The victims demand peace that comes side by side with Justice, and the justice that they are aspire to can only be achieved when Bashir and other wanted suspects by ICC are handed to the court and are tried in Le Hague.
    Darfur Union the UK welcome this significant move towards justice for the people of Sudan in Darfur, and demands the following from the transitional government of Sudan.
    1. To officially invite the ICC DARFUR investigation team to the country and GRANTING them full access, security and freedom of movement, to conduct further investigations regarding the genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
    2. In parallel, immediate handover of Bashir and other wanted persons to ICC for them to face justice at Le Hague

    This should go side by side with the efforts to complete the peace negotiations in Juba.
    At the moment, the transitional government of Sudan are delaying justice for the victims of genocide (ref. 3) and other crimes in Sudan. The capture/ surrender of Ali Kushayb should encourage the government to save face; this or be ready to be written in history as obstructer of justice. Bashir and the other wanted persons Will face justice sooner or later.

    Osama Mahmoud
    Head of Comms.
    Darfur Union in the UK
    Website: https://darfurunionuk.wordpress.comhttps://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Twitter handle: @darfurunionuk

    Ref. 1

    Ref. 2

    Ref. 3

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