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News and Press Releases UNICEF in partnership with the European Union launches a three-year project in support of comm
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UNICEF in partnership with the European Union launches a three-year project in support of comm

06-08-2020, 03:15 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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UNICEF in partnership with the European Union launches a three-year project in support of comm

    03:15 PM June, 08 2020

    Sudanese Online
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    UNICEF in partnership with the European Union launches a three-year project in support of communities in West Kordofan

    KHARTOUM 08 June 2020 – Over 70,000 families, including children, among the most vulnerable households and communities in West Kordofan, are expected to benefit from a UNICEF project on health and nutrition, education, water, sanitation and hygiene.

    The three-year project, Building Resilient Communities in West Kordofan (BRICK) targets people in three localities of West Kordofan: Meriam, Abyei-Muglad, and Keilak, these localities were selected due to their highest acute food insecurities. The project is supported by the European Union (EU) and jointly implemented by UNICEF and Concern International.

    The 10 million Euro project will specifically address the nutritional and health status of the communities, particularly of women, adolescent girls and children under-five; improve the water, sanitation and hygiene situation; allow more children access to primary education especially girls; and enhance rural livelihoods.

    UNICEF’s programmes for children continues to serve millions of children in Sudan, including refugees, through lifesaving activities in health, nutrition, water, sanitation, hygiene and child protection.
    For more information:
    Fatma Naib, UNICEF Sudan, [email protected], +249912177030
    Salma Ismail, UNICEF Sudan, [email protected], +249965101246

    About UNICEF Sudan
    UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. Across more than 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, to build a better world for everyone.
    For more information about UNICEF and our work for children, visit www.unicef.org/sudan
    Follow UNICEF on Twitter and Facebook

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