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News and Press ReleasesUnited Nations Country Team congratulates the people of Sudan on the signing of the Constitutional
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United Nations Country Team congratulates the people of Sudan on the signing of the Constitutional

08-18-2019, 08:56 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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United Nations Country Team congratulates the people of Sudan on the signing of the Constitutional

    08:56 PM August, 18 2019

    Sudanese Online
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    Khartoum, 18 August 2019 - The United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, Ms. Gwi-Yeop Son, on behalf of the United Nations Country Team in Sudan, offers her warmest congratulations to the people of Sudan on the signing of the Constitutional Declaration and Political Agreement and applauds the role of the African Union and Ethiopia in having mediated the talks leading to these important agreements.

    “On these joyous and historical moments, I extend my congratulations to the people of Sudan on this important step, which is the culmination of brave and inspiring efforts, especially by women and youth, for freedom, peace and justice. This step marks a beginning of a new era that holds the promise of a bright and promising future for the country and its people,” Ms. Son says.

    “The United Nations Country Team in Sudan also commends the efforts led by the African Union and Ethiopia in facilitating the talks between the Transitional Military Council and the Forces of Freedom and Change,” she adds.

    Ms. Son reaffirms readiness of the United Nations Country Team in Sudan to support the transitional authorities in fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the Sudanese people. “I join the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, in expressing keenness to engaging with and supporting the transitional governing institutions and commitment to assist the transition process” she concludes.

    *Note: The UN Country Team encompasses all the entities of the UN system that carry out development, emergency, recovery and transition activities in Sudan.


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