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Joint statement between Sudan National Liberation Movement and Sudan Liberation Movement / Army abo

06-29-2019, 06:21 AM
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Joint statement between Sudan National Liberation Movement and Sudan Liberation Movement / Army abo

    06:21 AM June, 29 2019

    Sudanese Online
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    Joint statement between Sudan National Liberation Movement and Sudan Liberation Movement / Army about Overall National Crisis and Sudan Crisis in Darfur. G

    After the positive developments within the Sudan Liberation Movement / Army to freeze the activity of the President of the movement Abdul Wahid Nur and the appointment of Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim Yusuf as President charged until the General Conference in order to achieve the objectives of our struggling people.
    We emphasize the role of all the founding factions of the SLM / A whom have defected from the movement because of the poor vision and deliberately bad administration of Abdel Wahid Nour, which led to the dismantling of the movement. The defected factions whom remained steadfast in the struggle without compromising the cause of their people and paying tribute to the martyrs of the Sudanese people from the first martyr of the genocide in the Darfur region and to the last martyrs of the of the General Command square and the martyrs of Dilig in central Darfur and the rest of the martyrs of the homeland all those who shed their blood for human rights and ask almighty God for the mercy and forgiveness.

    Historical background:

    The Sudanese state has gone through unsuccessful experiments in its modern history because of the imbalance structure in the formation of the Sudanese state, which caused imbalances in wealth, power and culture, which caused political, economical, social and cultural differences, and produced wars that began in 1955 before independence in 1956. The war continues during democratic or military governments. The 30-year-old National Salvation Regime has been the worst of human rights violations in the Darfur region, culminating in the killing of more than three hundred thousand people and the displacement of more than three million people, making them live in displaced and refugee camps. Therefore ,UN Security Council issued Resolution 1556 and Resolution 1591, which classified the situation in Darfur as a threat to international peace and security and as the worst humanitarian disaster of the modern era, leading to the intervention of the International Criminal Court ICC paying the way for the UN Security Council to adopt Resolution 1593 issuing of arrest warrants against the head of the former regime and his loyal militias and some high ranks of his government for the crimes of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Darfur region. Therefore, the major Sudanese problem since 1955 up-to-date is how to stop the war and establish peace, which in turn is the basis of political, economical and social stability.

    After extensive contacts and consultations between the institutions of the Sudan National Liberation Movement and the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) institutions, agreement was reached on national issues and joint action between the two movements, which in turn could serve as a basis for future integration on the below issues.

    1- Resolving the comprehensive Sudanese crisis will only be achieved by rebuilding the Sudanese state on the basis of fair principles that guarantee the rights of citizenship and fair participation in the central decision-making and social justice in true federalism that takes into account the development of local resources and their exploitation for the benefit of the peoples of the regions.

    2. The conflict resolution, stopping of the war and the establishment of peace should be given the highest priority in the period of transitional rule in April 2019 revolution so as not to repeat the errors of the October 1964 revolution and the mistakes of the April 1985 uprising, which did not care about the issues of stopping war and establishing peace, which led to the continuation of the war.

    3. To comply with the United Nations resolutions concerning the Sudan issue in Darfur, including resolution 1556, resolution 1591 and resolution 1593 of the International Criminal Court.

    4. Commitment to the rights of the displaced and the refugees by providing them security in preparation for their voluntary return to their villages of origin after the expulsion new settlers and reconstructions it and immediate individual and collective compensation to them through the procedures of international law.

    5. Cooperation and coordination with the international community in resolving the Sudan issue in Darfur within the framework of political, economical and social citizenship rights to maintain international peace and security.

    6. Support the position of the Security Council and the partners of the Sudan Troika countries in adopting decision stopping the withdrawal of UNAMID forces from Darfur region until the achievement of peace in Darfur.

    Ahmed Ibrahim Yousef, leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement
    Phone: 0033605574340

    Yahia El-Bashir (Bolad), leader of the Sudan National Liberation Movement
    Phone: 00447961608397
    25 June 2019

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