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News and Press ReleasesLetter to Patrick Kapuwa Chairperson of the Peace and Security Council, of the African Union
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Letter to Patrick Kapuwa Chairperson of the Peace and Security Council, of the African Union

06-23-2019, 05:59 AM
شهاب فتح الرحمن محمد طه
<aشهاب فتح الرحمن محمد طه
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Total Posts: 88

Letter to Patrick Kapuwa Chairperson of the Peace and Security Council, of the African Union

    05:59 AM June, 22 2019

    Sudanese Online
    شهاب فتح الرحمن محمد طه-
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    His Excellency, Patrick Kapuwa
    Chairperson of the Peace and Security Council, of the African Union
    P.O. Box 3243, Roosvelt Street
    W21K19 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

    June 22, 2019

    Dear, Mr. Kapuwa

    We all knew that the powerful world is seeing us, the Africans, as the people whom are not capable to help themselves in whatever matter, without the Westerns’ inference and supervision. In 2002, the British politician, Boris Johnson, wrote of Britain’s colonial legacy in Africa: “The continent may be a blot, but it is not a blot upon our conscience. The problem is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge any more.” And no wonder that in 2016, 44% of the respondents, in a reliable poll, agreed with him, stating that Britain’s colonial history was “something to be proud of”. Nevertheless, we have to believe that we could be far better than had been said.

    It is about time for us to take the advantage of what is happening in Sudan to start what is seriously needed to librate all the African nations from any security threats that obviously will lead to more deteriorations and calamities. What we desperately need is the foundation of strong African Forces, like NATO, beyond any foreign control or any negative intrusion, might be, from the United Nations or others. It’s greatest start is to eliminate the aggressive foreign invasion launched by cruel armed riffraff, famously know as Al-Janjaweed, whom are occupying Khartoum, the Capital city, and all the major cities, waging war against the peaceful Sudanese people in their homes.

    By now all the world knows that Al-Janjaweed militia is the maker of Darfur’ genocides and by now all the world must know that militia as nothing but just one of the unlimited conspiracies of Sudan’ political Islam, by Muslims brotherhood, whom are also nothing but just a constant conspiracy against humanity. Such African Force must be a justified power to strike all the schemes of injustice conducted against the people of Africa, hence to facilitate the implementation of democracy by removing all the military regimes. Consolidate democracy, in the African nations, is the only guarantor for development and absolute drive for unity and stronger economies.

    Regardless of disposing the murderer, Omar Al-Basheer, unfortunately, his terroristic regime still there with its bloody ideology addicting the killing orgasm. It is the regime that invited the global Islamic terrorism to Sudan in the night of June 30, 1989, when the National Islamic Front carried out a military coup that wasn’t able to wait to provide a safe heaven for all the international Islamic terroristic organizations, and it happened. The top guest was Osama bin Laden, and his followers, who came to Sudan and built an infrastructure for the training camp, businesses and financing network in a strategically located country with a clear plan to export their war synergies ideologies, across its borders with Egypt, Libya and other seven African countries, before Southern Sudan independence, including Ethiopia, which has a large number of impoverished Muslim population. Your prompt response is extremely appreciated.


    Dr. Shihab Taha, politically independent. Inbehalf of the people of Sudan mailto:[email protected]@msn.com

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