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Statement of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement - north of the branch office of Sweden

05-17-2019, 10:43 PM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
<aSudaneseOnline Press Release
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Statement of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement - north of the branch office of Sweden

    10:43 PM May, 17 2019

    Sudanese Online
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    The 36th anniversary of the founding of the SPLM and the SPLA
    Greetings of revolution and struggle
    Today, we commemorate the 36th anniversary of the establishment of the SPLM / A. We pay tribute to the martyrs of the revolution who founded the SPLM /A and the People's Liberation Movement (SPLM / A), led by the founder of the movement Dr. John Garang de Mobior / Yousif Kuwa and all the leaders of the movement. Their souls are ultimate price in order to build a new Sudan in which freedom, justice and equality prevail in order for Sudanese people to live without ethnic, religious, cultural or geographical discrimination.
    The center's adherence to the Islamic religion and the imposition of Arab identity on all have unfortunately led to the secession of southern Sudan.Today, we are talking about commemorating the past of the vision of the new Sudan, inspired by the ideas and visions of the founding leaders of the movement as we affirm our faith in and adherence to the principles and objectives of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement Whichwere contained in the Manifesto and the Constitution of the Popular Movement and the Sudan People's Liberation Army-North.
    On this anniversary of the founding of the movement, we salute the leaders of the SPLM and the SPLA in the civil and military government in the liberated territories, led by SPLM / A leader Abdul Aziz Adam al-Hilo, the Supreme Commander of the Sudan People's Liberation Army-North and his two deputies, And all the leaders of military and units in the Nuba Mountains / south Kordofan and Blue Nile. We also applaud all student, youth, women and SPLM / A bodies in all the states of Sudan, the liberated territories and the branches of the movement abroad in their ongoing struggle to accomplish the tasks of liberation.We welcome them in their steadfastness for 36 years, and they have the task of building an organized and effective popular movement capable of sensitizing and organizing the masses and supporting the SPLA - north in order to accomplish the historic task of "building a new secular, united and voluntary community, To become a home for all.
    We extend our heartfelt grieves to our fellow refugees and displaced people inside and outside the Sudan, the countryside, the cities, the mountains, the valleys and the cattle camps. We salute you for your steadfastness in the face of the suffering, tragedy, killing and displacement that the Cantered has been carrying out for decades.
    We salute the masses of the Sudanese people who painted the uprising of December 13, 2018 in a unique and united Sudanese peaceful and unique panel in the world that was able to take off the head of the regime last April as it continues its peaceful revolutionary pressure until power is handed over to a full civilian government to express the need for a revolution that seeks to change Radical and comprehensive structure of the Sudanese state.
    We salute the members and the masses of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North in their struggle and steadfastness in the Revolution and urge them to participate more actively in the Sudanese revolution until the total overthrow of the regime and its roots.
    The office of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North condemns all forms of violence and the killing of peaceful protesters in the vicinity and the General Command of the armed forces in Khartoum and demands the military junta to immediately charge the perpetrators and arrest the heads of the former regime and reveal their whereabouts.
    We call upon the African Union, United States of America, the European Union, the UN Security Council and the Troika to stand by the Sudanese people who have expressed their views peacefully by six months in order to transfer power to a civilian government with the participation and consent of all Sudanese.
    We call upon the masses of the Sudanese people to engage in the new vision of Sudan and its membership because the vision of the new Sudan is one of the best options available to us today, because it is an honest and fair vision to solve the root of the problem in Sudan.

    Long live the SPLM and the SPLA
    Long live the vision of the new Sudan
    Long live the unity of the Sudanese peoples
    The struggle is constant and the victory is certain

    Jacob Kaluka Abdulmajid
    Secretary General, Sweden Branch
    [email protected]

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