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Darfur Union in the UK: Awad Ibn Auf, Gosh and Himiditi - the Trio of Evil - are Playing Musical Ch

04-13-2019, 02:24 PM
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Darfur Union in the UK: Awad Ibn Auf, Gosh and Himiditi - the Trio of Evil - are Playing Musical Ch

    02:24 PM April, 13 2019

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    Darfur Union in the UK: Awad Ibn Auf, Gosh and Himiditi - the Trio of Evil - are Playing Musical Chairs with Bashir and now Al-Borhan is at the ForeFront; the Revolt and the Sit-in Protest Shall Continue until the Demands are Achieved

    The king is dead, long live the king؟ Well, events are happening thick and fast that it is hard to follow the timeline of Sudan. Only on the 11th April 2019, Awad Ibn Auf announced that the military council had taken over the running of the country from Bashir, and he is the head of the council and the transitional period for two years after which they will pass the governing of Sudan to the people. The masses did not buy the aforementioned and they called for his resignation and for the respect of the will of the people. On the 12th April 2019 (the late hours of the night), Ibn Auf announced he his stepping down and he removed his deputy Abdel Marouf, and the new head of the Military Council is Abdel Fatah Al-Borhan. Little is known about Al-Burban, however, what is surfacing is his involvement in the war on Yemen. He was instrumental in coordinating with Himiditi to send Rapid Speed Forces to Yemen. Among the forces sent were child soldiers as cited by many investigations (ref. *). It is not known exactly his involvement in the Child Soldiers case, however, his involvement in Nuba Mountains and in Darfur particularly dates back to January 2002, when he was serving there, he was involved in the early operations in Darfur which known as Preliminary Cleaning - as he was preparing the space for Ibn Auf to come and start the war crimes committed by the regime. The date was significant as it predated the functioning days of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which became operative six months later, in July 2002. The upcoming days will unfold the unknown and the intentions.

    *Ibn Auf*
    He is the one who integrated Himiditi and his troops and bandits into the regular forces and legitimise the existence of the Janjaweed under the banner of the border forces. This was immediately after the Janjaweed gained notoriety post committing war crimes and crimes against humanity under the direct commands of Bashir government of Sudan back in 2007. He is Awad Ibn Auf, the leader of the so called Military Council that “took” over from Bashir on Thursday 11th April 2019.

    Bashir and Ali Osman (the vice president at the time) trusted Ibn Auf to deal with Darfur region back between 2003-2007 where his commands resulted in war crimes that elevated to the level of Genocide (ref. 1). His name is currently not listed with the known names that got indicted by the international criminal court (ICC), however according to Wikileaks cables, he was placed by the US in the black list and was sanctioned for his involvement in crimes in Darfur region (ref. 2).

    The tactics played by the Trio of Evil (ToE) are to secure and to have control over their ultimate fate by labelling themselves as the leaders of change (as referred to by the head of the political sector of the Military Council, Omer Zain Elabidin, in the press conference held on 12th April 2019). They will for ever be the knife at the back of Sudan, unless they are ousted from the power.

    *Janjaweed Himiditi and the Killing in Zalingei 11th April 2019, ElFashir 12th April 2019*

    Claims that Himiditi is in and out of the Military Council are surfacing and the latest is that he is out of the council because “it does not meet the demands of the people”. Himiditi is working very hard to better his image and this PR stunt needs to be looked at carefully. Whilst he is play acting in Khartoum, his forces, Rapid Speed Forces, lead by his cousins in Central and West Darfur are committing atrocities in the very day of the announcement of Bashir “removal” from the chair. Six people were killed in Zalingei by live rounds of ammunition by the security forces including, El Shafee Abdallah, a 12 years old (ref. 3). According to reports the army intervened to stop the RSF personnel from killing innocents however, exchange fire with the security forces backed by Janjaweed resulted in the killing of one army soldier. Moreover, 34 innocent civilians were injured:-
    1) Sidig Ishag
    2) Ahmed Ahmed Musa
    3) Alhilo Ibrahim
    4) Adam Musa Mohammed
    5) Nasir Eldin Awad
    6) AbdelNasir Adam Ismael
    7) Shatir Issa Adam Bosh
    8) Omer Ishag
    9) Mohammed Issa Ahmed
    10) Hawa Eltahir Issa
    And many more that were not listed.

    In ElFashir, on Friday, 12th April 2019, Baha Eldin, 17 years old, was Killed at the hands of Rapid Speed Forces.

    These actions sums up Himiditi’s intent; to keep a strong grip of the region at all costs. Furthermore, his family are in control unlawfully of many gold mines in Darfur, including Jabel Aamir where a clash took place a year ago between two Janjaweed groups - Himiditi vs. Musa Hilal, which resulted in a wounded victory for Himiditi. Any shift of power from his group will mean loss of finance, accountability and justice for the victims, which he is not prepare for after the host of crimes he committed.

    As for Salah Gosh, he completes the triangle and his profile is not that different from Bashir. During his first stint as the head of National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), he was the executioner and his forces were the lead in torturing and killing activities against civilians and prisoners of war (POW) in the infamous ghost houses. NISS excessive use of force is a policy that deeply embedded in the regime ethos which started a few months after Bashir coup d'etat in June 30th, 1989 (ref. 4). Therefore, Salah Gosh is also can not be part of the solution because his hands are still covered by the blood of the innocents in Darfur and the demonstrators in Khartoum, Atbara, Nuba Mountains, Sinnar and El-Gazira.

    *What is Next*
    The people of Sudan demands are clear; to hell with Bashir, Gosh, Himiditi and Awad Ibn Auf. The musical chairs play was so obvious and the call is to remove the renewed oppressors. It is high time for the masses to support each other all over the country. People from across the spectra (political, non political, the masses that make Sudan) are needed to continue the disobedience and the sit-in protest against the renewed-old faces of evil until the whole junta are out of the picture and ready to face justice . In addition, it is high time to see evidence, where are the people that got captured/ detained by military on 11th April 2019, where are Génocidaire Bashir, Ali Osman, Nafi Ali Nafi, Génocidaire Ahmed Haroun, Awad El-Jaz and their clique؟ A question that need immediate answer. No chance of a revolution recycle.

    *The people in captivity and POW*
    In spite of the number of innocents release from persons after the announcement of Ibn Auf, there are many Sudanese scattered around the country in prisons for no reason. The People of Sudan from Darfuri background are the forgotten ones. Many are in Huda, Kubar, Dabak, Shala Omdurman and Portsudan prisons, including prisoners of war (POW), who are subjected to tortures and abuse at the hands of Police, NISS and RSF. All of the detainees and prisoners of war need to be released immediately, without that there is a missing piece in the freedom of Sudan. The military council and their apparent double standards are visible and it is about the masses to move and call for their release. It is our responsibility to feel for one another so that the country can move forward. The regime is looking to divide the masses by this actions, so it is high time to break the cycle and unite against all that divide the people of Sudan.

    The irony of the RENEWED Military Council was evident at the press conference held by Omer Zain Elabidin, a military man who is a close ally of Ail Osman (former Vice President). Zain Elabidin, who was appointed the head of the political sector by the Military Council, was asked on 12th April 2019, where is Bashir؟ His answer was “he is in a secure place by the army!”
    The second question was “Many western countries and organisations asked for Bashir to be handed to the ICC, how will the Military Council deal with such demands؟
    Elabidin facial expressions changed and he claimed “this action is totally against our Sudanese values, and we “the Military Council” shall and will not hand Bashir to the ICC. He continued “Bashir should be tried in Sudan. If the civil government that will take after us - in two years time - decided to do so, that is on them. Furthermore, we will not hand any Sudanese, even if they were repels, to foreign powers. It is against our Ethos.” end of quote.
    Ethos that tolerate the involvement in acts such as mass killing, torture, unlawful imprisonment, rape and mass rape, war crimes, genocide, recruitment and deployment of child soldiers in and outside Sudan, such ethos are not needed in the new Sudan. Elabidin can take his ethos with him and face the inevitable justice awaiting him and his group. Thus, the ICC case still stands, and yes, the ICC took for ever because it does not have the power/ tools to capture Bashir, as he was able to travel to a few countries in spite of the indictment (ref. 5), however, the case gained much needed attention post the indictment of Bashir by the ICC for 10 counts of war crimes, crimes against the humanity and genocide (ref. 6), all of which were committed in Darfur under his commands by the trio of evil. Bashir to ICC shall continue to be the demand of the people of Sudan, the victims of the 10 counts of the aforementioned crimes, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Politics can be used to delay the ICC case i.e. push the date back (as done by the UN Security Council), yet no one can cause this to go away but all the victims family coming together and calling for the case to be thrown away, and that is highly, very highly unlikely!

    Long live the bravery of the people of Sudan and the civil sit-in protest will continue until the demands are achieved. Free Sudan, New Sudan.

    Osama Mahmoud
    Head of Comms.
    Press Office - Darfur Union in the UK
    Website: https://darfurunionuk.wordpress.comhttps://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Twitter handle: @darfurunionuk

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