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News and Press ReleasesThe Troika (the United Kingdom, United States and Norway) and Canada remain deeply concerned about
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The Troika (the United Kingdom, United States and Norway) and Canada remain deeply concerned about

02-26-2019, 05:58 PM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
<aSudaneseOnline Press Release
Registered: 01-13-2014
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The Troika (the United Kingdom, United States and Norway) and Canada remain deeply concerned about

    04:58 PM February, 26 2019

    Sudanese Online
    SudaneseOnline Press Release-USA
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    February 26, 2019 For Immediate release

    In particular, President Bashir’s recent decisions to declare a national State of Emergency, to appoint military and security members to senior government positions, and to issue emergency orders criminalizing peaceful demonstrations and allowing security forces to act with impunity will further erode human rights, governance and effective economic management. The return to military rule does not create a conducive environment for a renewed political dialogue or credible elections. We note the ongoing detention of political leaders, activists and journalists, and call upon the Government of Sudan to abide by its public commitments to free them as well as others who have been arbitrarily detained. We also note continuing reports of unacceptable use of live fire, beating of protestors and mistreatment of detainees.

    There remains a clear need for political and economic reform in Sudan that is fully inclusive, and which addresses the legitimate grievances expressed by the protestors. Economic stability cannot be achieved without first reaching political consensus. Political consensus cannot be achieved by imprisoning, shooting, and criminalizing peaceful protesters.

    Troika countries and Canada will continue to monitor the situation closely, and to emphasize that the Government of Sudan’s response to these protests and the actions of the military-led government will determine our countries’ future engagement.

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