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News and Press ReleasesTwo killed and nine injured in protests Sudan’s Darfur
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Two killed and nine injured in protests Sudan’s Darfur

01-21-2015, 05:17 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Two killed and nine injured in protests Sudan’s Darfur

    Jan 21, 2015-Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Two people were killed, one of them a child, and nine others injured on Thursday after a wave of protests took place in Nyala, capital of South Darfur State in the wake of the killing of a citizen at the hands of government militia, known as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Monday.
    South Darfur state’s governor, Adam Mahmoud, accused unnamed hidden groups and armed movements of organizing the demonstrations for sabotage, pointing out those members of those movements fired bullets at demonstrators to criminalize the security apparatuses
    At a press conference after dispersing protests, the governor disclosed that there are (4) of the regular forces among those who have been injured, stressing that his state prevented the citizens from illegal demonstrations and rallies
    The governor said that the police dealt gently with protesters because most of them were women and children and revealed that nine people were injured, including five demonstrators and four police officers.
    He instructed the police to take tough measures to prevent gatherings and emphasized that the situation in Nyala is now under control, praising the efforts of the civil administrations in cooperation of the state government to contain the situation.

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