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News and Press ReleasesSudan’s opposition blames the ruling party for the national dialogue failure
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Sudan’s opposition blames the ruling party for the national dialogue failure

12-16-2014, 03:40 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudan’s opposition blames the ruling party for the national dialogue failure

    December 16, 2014-Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Sudan’s opposition parties blamed the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) for delaying the national dialogue launched by president Omer Al-Bashir last January.
    The deputy chairman of the Reform Now Party (RNP), member of the dialogue mechanism, Hassan Rizq, stressed at a press conference in Khartoum on Monday that the opposition is more interested in dialogue than the Government, attributed delay of the dialogue to the involvement of the ruling party in its General Conference and preparing to the next elections.
    Rizk disclosed that the government failed to abide by provisions of the roadmap including issues of the freedoms and stop of the arrests, pointing out that release of the political prisoners in the past came through pressure made by the dialogue’s parties
    He stressed that the opposition rejects any political arrests and trials, for that freedom is not the property of anyone, saying that “everyone has the right to express his opinion.
    Risq revealed that the opposition had submitted letters to National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) and the Interior Ministry on the arrests and freedoms, adding that there is restriction on freedoms and politicians are prevented from exercising their activities and symposiums.
    He noted that the ruling party doesn’t allow the opposition parties to practice their activities, adding the NCP failed to grant warranty for the armed movements and opposed parties to join the dialogue, confirming that their parties has decided to made contact with the armed movements and opposed parties whether government accepts or rejects the step, pointing out that “Sudan Call” agreement scattered of the opposition.
    Sudan opposition signed Sudan Call agreement on 3 December with the rebel leaders which aimed at unifying Sudan’s opposition
    The opposition deal brings together a number of major groups including the Islamist Umma party and the NCF, an alliance of mostly secular parties. They were joined by a group representing the armed movements of three war-torn regions: Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

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