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News and Press ReleasesStray missile kills ten Sudanese in Tripoli, Libya
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Stray missile kills ten Sudanese in Tripoli, Libya

08-23-2014, 05:09 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

Stray missile kills ten Sudanese in Tripoli, Libya



    22 Aug

    .) -

    Ten Sudanese were killed when a stray missile hit a house in Karimiya district in Tripoli, Libya, on Wednesday. It is the second incident in Tripoli with a stray missile causing Sudanese casualties in four days.

    The spokesman for the Committee for Sudanese Stranded in Libya, El Tayeb Ishag, told Radio Dabanga that the missile randomly landed on a house in the Sudanese part of Karimiya, east of Tripoli city.

    Ishag said that 15,000 Sudanese people live in Karimiya and in the Sunday market area, considering these the two biggest areas with Sudanese inhabitants in Tripoli. The siege on their districts makes it very difficult to survive, he stressed.

    'Embassy unable to help'

    On Thursday, about 150 Sudanese gathered at the premises of their country's embassy in Tripoli, demanding it to evacuate them to Sudan, regarding the renewed clashes between Libya's warring parties and the deteriorated security situation. “There is no other way to exit the country,” Ishag said.

    The reduced staff at the embassy, “without a high-level ambassador”, told the Sudanese people they were not able to evacuate them. “They told us they would contact the Libyan Red Crescent Society,” the spokesman said.

    He appealed to international organisations to intervene and find a solution to get the Sudanese people out of the war-torn Tripoli.

    The Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Karti, stated earlier this month that the situation in Libya has reached the stage that Sudanese nationals must be evacuated. He described the shelling of houses in the Karimiya district in Tripoli, where dozens of Sudanese were killed last week as “unintentional”.

    Three Sudanese were killed, and six wounded by a stray missile in the Karimiya district on Sunday. Karimiya was also hit by several missiles in the end of July, killing 38 Sudanese and injuring many others.

    Map: Tripoli, Libya. The missiles were fired in the east of the city, in Karimiya district.


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