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News and Press ReleasesSouth Darfur state delays tribal reconciliation: Salamat
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South Darfur state delays tribal reconciliation: Salamat

08-22-2014, 04:35 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

South Darfur state delays tribal reconciliation: Salamat



    22 Aug

    .) -

    The leaders of the Salamat tribe stressed the need to complete their reconciliation with the Taisha tribe, and held the government of South Darfur responsible for the delay in the current conference.

    Jibril Hussein Adam, Omda of the Salamat, told Radio Dabanga from Khartoum that a delegation from his tribe travelled to Nyala city in South Darfur for the reconciliation conference, which was set 15 days ago. “The Taisha tribe has not sent a delegation to Nyala so far,” he reported.

    Hussein cited a recent, isolated incident that resulted in the killing of a Taisha member as a reason for the slowdown of the tribe's delegation. The incident is now being investigated by the authorities, the Omda stated.

    Despite the Salamat's adherence to a tribal reconciliation directed by the President, Hussein said, the delegation cannot be expected to indefinitely remain in Nyala. “As a result of the delay, the Salamat representatives will leave and hold the South Darfur state responsible.”

    Leaders of the Taisha and Salamat tribes signed a charter on the cessation of hostilities in March this year. In November 2013, bloody inter-tribal clashes erupted between the Salamat and Taisha in South Darfur and the Salamat and Misseriya in Central Darfur.

    File photo: Nyala city, South Darfur (Hamid Abdulsalam/Unamid)


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