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News and Press ReleasesCourt to issue verdict on Sara Abdel-Baghi killing case on Wednesday
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Court to issue verdict on Sara Abdel-Baghi killing case on Wednesday

05-28-2014, 11:27 AM
SudaneseOnline News
<aSudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Court to issue verdict on Sara Abdel-Baghi killing case on Wednesday

    Khartoum-Khartoum North Court is expected to issue its final verdict on the case of killing of Dr. Sara Abdel-Baghi , which was shot dead during last September demonstrations, on Wednesday. The Court has accused a regular forces officer ( Sami Mohamed Ahmed Ali) of murder under article 130 of the criminal code. In the meantime, the Sudanese Solidarity committee has urged all civil society organizations to come to the court. The Human Rights Watch has urged the African committee for rights of people and nations to form a fact-finding committee on killing of 170 demonstrators in Sudan in September 2013, arbitrary arrest, torture and maltreatment. The Human rights Watch has accused the Sudanese government of failure to make genuine investigations let alone the legal purist in the acts of killing and related abuses after six months of the incidents. In a relevant context, the Sudanese Solidarity Committee has called for a protest at the Human rights Commission in Khartoum on Thursday and to hand over a memo on the arrests and continuous human rights violations. The committee referred to the arrests of leader of Umma party Al-Sadeq A-Mahdi, students’ leaders in Khartoum University and cadres from the Ba’ath Arab Socialist Party. It also referred to the trial of the Al-Khojalab demonstrators, the rejection to register the Republican Party by the registrar art of the Political Parties and Associations and d the trial of Mariam Yahia which was sentenced to death and flogging.

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