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Democratic Unionist group to cooperate with Sudan Revolutionary Front

05-13-2014, 08:51 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

Democratic Unionist group to cooperate with Sudan Revolutionary Front



    13 May

    .) -

    The Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) and the Unionist Movement (UM) have agreed to work together to unite the opposition in Sudan, and develop a “transformation process” towards democracy.

    The UM is one of the groups within the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) that oppose the leadership’s choice to cooperate with the ruling National Congress Party NCP). Senior DUP leader Sharif Siddig El Hindi is heading the UM.

    In a joint statement on Sunday, the SRF and UM announced that SRF chairman Malik Agar and UM leader El Hindi had signed an agreement aiming at uniting the Sudanese opposition. They agreed to cooperate with all opposition parties to develop a clear roadmap for a fair constitutional process.

    Both parties emphasised the importance of a comprehensive solution for the country, which “accommodates all Sudanese by building a citizenship-based nation, without discrimination of anyone, regardless of their ethnical background”. This solution is to be reached by a broad constitutional dialogue.

    Constitutional dialogue

    “A national dialogue, as called for by President Omar Al Bashir does not make sense without the transition from totalitarianism to democracy, and from war to peace. Creating the appropriate environment for such a dialogue requires stoppage of the wars in the Blue Nile, South Kordofan, and Darfur, the provision of basic freedoms, and confidence-building,” the statement read.

    “An independent mechanism is to be created to oversee the process of the constitutional dialogue. All parties to the constitutional process, from civil society organisations to political forces, will participate on an equal basis.”

    “The NCP needs to acknowledge the political crisis deeply experienced by the entire country, and start a constitutional transformation process supported by the Sudanese people. This process should conclude with arrangements for a transitional government involving all parties to the process, in order to end the wars and restore democracy.”

    On Monday, the NCP announced that its proposed national dialogue will take place before the end of May, warning opposition parties refusing to join against sabotaging the process.

    The DUP is the oldest political party in Sudan. Its chairman is Mohamed Osman El Mirghani, who is also leader of the Khatmiya Sufi order, based in eastern Sudan. The DUP is the only Sudanese party to have solely governed the country through democratic elections (1953).

    File photo: SRF chairman Malik Agar (Reuters)


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