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News and Press ReleasesFresh satellite images show devastation of Darfur villages by Rapid Support Forces
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Fresh satellite images show devastation of Darfur villages by Rapid Support Forces

04-12-2014, 05:10 PM
SudaneseOnline News
<aSudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Fresh satellite images show devastation of Darfur villages by Rapid Support Forces

    The American Enough organization has published three new reports on the attacks by the Rapid Support Forces and the government militias. The reports referred to Satellite Sentinel images showing the devastation by the government air forces and the attacks by the government forces, where ruins of burned villages in some parts of Darfur.

    The first report said that the images of Satellite Sentinel Project have shown destruction of around 751 houses in the westerns ides of Saraf-Amra town. The analysts of the images have concluded that the damage that happened in Saraf Amra was deliberate.

    The second report pointed out that the images taken on 26 of march showed burning of more than 211 huts, some tents and the temporary displacement camps in Khor Abachi camp for internally displaced persons in South Darfur by the Janjaweed forces, which are supported by the Sudanese government.

    The third report images have confirmed the bombing by the Sudanese air forces in Jebel Marra area in north Darfur.

    According to the international law, the indiscriminate bombing on the densely populated areas is considered as a war crime.

    To watch the images and three reports, press this link:


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