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European Union press release:European Union supports combatting Climate Change in Sudan

06-06-2017, 00:39 AM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
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European Union press release:European Union supports combatting Climate Change in Sudan

    00:39 AM June, 06 2017

    Sudanese Online
    SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA
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    On June 5, 2017, we celebrate the World Environment Day. The environment is essential in every aspect of life. The air, water, soil, food we need for survival, all depend on the environment.

    On this occasion, the Delegation of the European Union to Sudan announced € 8.5 million for projects addressing climate change in Sudan. The projects are financed by the EU Global Climate Change Alliance+ (GCCA+).

    The objective of these projects is to improve the ability of Sudanese communities to respond to the challenges posed by climate change. This will be achieved through the protection and better management of farmlands, forests and rangeland. These projects will take place in areas of serious environmental degradation affecting people, agriculture, livestock, forestry and ecosystems. The projects involve the construction of adequate water facilities to improve water availability; rehabilitation of community forests and rangelands; and plantation of shelter belts around farmlands to stabilize movement of sand dunes and stop land erosion. The projects will also promote the use of renewable energy by introducing solar energy water pumps for irrigation and fuel –efficient stoves or biogas for efficient cooking thus reducing the demand for firewood.

    Specifically, the new EU funded projects will focus on rural communities living in the remote areas of North Darfur, Kassala, River Nile and Northern States. They will be implemented by the Netherlands Red Cross in partnership with the Spanish, Danish, and Swedish Red Cross and the Sudanese Red Crescent in River Nile, Kassala and Northern States. COOPI in partnership with the Sudanese Environment Conservation Society will be the implementers in North Darfur.

    An important component of the projects is the engagement of local authorities and institutions, such as the Ministry of Environment and Physical Development. These actors will play a fundamental role in the dialogue with the local communities to better cope with climate change. The projects will therefore provide training to local authorities in natural resources management and support them in preparing environmental management plans. Specific studies and research related to climate change will also be conducted.

    "The World Environment Day is an opportunity for the European Union.”, stated Ambassador Jean-Michel Dumond, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Sudan. “We remain committed to sustainable Development Goals, and together with the African Union we will work on the 2016 Paris Agreement to endure. In Sudan, it means in particular addressing the needs of people affected by climate change. The EU will continue to lead through ambitious climate policies."


    Combatting climate change is one of the most important goals of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. Therefore, the EU is committed to allocate 20% of its development assistance (about €14 billion up to 2020) towards climate change objectives and environmental sustainability.

    June 5, 2017, Khartoum

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