KUNA-Kuwait News Agency |
اللقب: | KUNA-Kuwait News Agency |
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عدد البوستات: | 6 |
تاريخ التسجيل: | 03-20-2014 |
الدولة التي اقيم فيها هي: | |
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اكلات مفضلة: |
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درست المرحلة المتوسطة فى ......و سنة.... : |
شاعرك المفضل: |
عدد الاطفال: |
معلومات اضافية: |
Brief history about Kuwait News Agency
The Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) was founded according to an Amiri Decree which was issued on 6th October 1979. The goals of the agency were specified as gathering news and distributing it to individuals and media institutions to provide them with objective news services, and to focus on Kuwait's just causes regionally and internationally. The Kuwait News Agency's building is located in Shuwaikh area between the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the building of the Kuwait Red Crescent Society, opposite the Kuwait Sports Club overlooking Al-Jahra Street. There are 365 employees in the agency according to 1999 statistics. The average of news in both Arabic and English bulletins was 72,500 news the same year. |
مكان العمل: |
مكان الميلاد فى السودان: |
صورتى: |  |