البجا عرب مهما تفلسف الأستاذ جعفر بامكار (إهداء للأخ: محمدين محمد إسحاق)

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04-06-2007, 04:49 PM

Biraima M Adam
<aBiraima M Adam
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-05-2005
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
البجا عرب مهما تفلسف الأستاذ جعفر بامكار (إهداء للأخ: محمدين محمد إسحاق)

    كتب الأخ محمدين محمد إسحاق الأتى فى بوستى:

    الفور عرب: دراسة علمية تقول أن الفور يحملون الجينات العروبة
    Quote: هذه الدراسة اخي بريمة تعاني من خلل كبير في المبتدأ
    تصنيف البجة ووضعهم من ضمن القبائل العربية كانت بداية خاطئة
    البجة ليسوا عربأ ..
    و اليك هذا:

    Quote: The Beja are nomadic tribes that live mainly in the Red Sea Hills of the Sudan. This mountainous, semi-desert region lies parallel to the Red Sea coast from southeastern Egypt through northeastern Sudan into Eritrea. The Beja roam these mountains between the Red Sea and the Nile and Atbara rivers and also the plains that slope down westwards to the Nile river valley. They are a non-Arab, Hamitic people, numbering 1.8 million, who call themselves Bedawiyet and speak a Cu ic language called To-Bedawiye. Most Beja speak some Arabic as a second language, and in the south some of them speak Tigre.

    The Beja have lived in this area for some 6000 years. They have a remarkable resemblance to some people seen in ancient Egyptian monuments. The Romans and Byzantines called them Blemmyes, and the Axumites called them Bega or Bougaeiton. They were converted to Christianity in the 6th century through the influence of the Nubians of the Nile Valley. In the 13th century, under growing pressure from Mameluk Egypt, they became Muslim at the same time adopting genealogies linking them to Arab ancestors.

    They are a non-Arab, Hamitic people


    شعب البجة هو من اعرق شعوب افريقيا ..شعب هذه ارضه من الاف السنين
    ويأتي هذا الباحث ليسميهم عربأ ..اي دراسة هذه اخي بريمة ..هذه جريمة في
    حق التاريخ الافريقي ..اقرأ المزيد :

    Quote: Eastern Sudan has been the homeland of the Beja since the days of the pharaohs 4,000 years ago. Despite contact with the Egyptians, along with Greeks and Romans, it was the Muslims who finally had a real and lasting impression on the Beja. Although the Beja had partially accepted Christianity in 500 A.D., their conversion was only skin deep and beginning in 640 A.D., when Arabs first invaded Sudan, the Beja began to gradually adopt the Islamic faith. The Arabs did not conquer Sudan, and although many Beja tribes still do not speak Arabic, Islam left a lasting impact on their lifestyle, customs and religious practices.


العنوان الكاتب Date
البجا عرب مهما تفلسف الأستاذ جعفر بامكار (إهداء للأخ: محمدين محمد إسحاق) Biraima M Adam04-06-07, 04:49 PM
  Re: البجا عرب مهما تفلسف الأستاذ جعفر بامكار (إهداء للأخ: محمدين محمد إسحاق) Biraima M Adam04-06-07, 04:55 PM

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