دعواتكم لزميلنا المفكر د.الباقر العفيف بالشفاء العاجل
طرد عنصر نظام الأمن فى واشنطن من ندوة إغتصاب صفيه (يوجد فيديو)
طرد عنصر نظام الأمن فى سفارة النظام فى واشنطن من قبل الحضور فى ندوة حول إغتصاب رجال الأمن فى السودان للناشطة التشكيلية صفيه والتى تعبر بصدق عن ضيق الشعب السودانى داخلياً وخارجياً من هذا النظام الإرهابى الذى يطارد ضحاياه بين قارات العالم المختلفة فى محاولة لحصارهم وتكميم أفواههم ، ولكن وفى كل مرة تفشل أجهزتهم القمعية فى الوصول الى أهدافها للوعى الكبير الذى يتميز به الثوار فى الداخل والخارج وهذا الفيديو يعبر جيداً عن مثل هذه المواجهات.
Re: طرد عنصر نظام الأمن فى واشنطن من ندوة إغتصاب صفيه (يوجد فيديو) (Re: Balla Musa)
Quote: كنا عشمانين فى عيون الكاميرا عندما تلتقى بعيون المطرود وماتولده من رد فعل!! |
طبعا يا أستاذ حا نتعلم من التجربة دي حا أربط الكاميرة في عنقرتي من يوم الليلة....المرة دي جبنالكم الموية المرة الجاية حا نجبلكم معاها النور....بس هو كيف يتجرأ تاني يجينا في فعالياتنا.
بالمناسبة يا بلة...الصورتين الفوق ديل ما عاجبنك?...lol
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Re: طرد عنصر نظام الأمن فى واشنطن من ندوة إغتصاب صفيه (يوجد فيديو) (Re: اسماء الجنيد)
لكل من جعل هذا اليوم ممكنا ولكل عضوات منظمة الاسرة السودانية الشامخات الائى قدن المبادرة فى واشنطن
لكن التحية سلمى رشا وهنادى ورقية وفرحة ومنى لكن التحايا فقد كنتن شمعات تضئن من اجل صفية التجلة لمجهودكن والتحية لكل الحضور الذى شارك فى هذة المبادرة
هذة الندوة المحضورة والتاريخية لمنظمة الاسرة السودانية (تصافو) تضيف انجازا للمرأة السودانية ووهجا جديدا وتضفى اضافة ثرة فى ساحات العمل العام من اجل الاسرة المهاجرة ومن اجل مجتمع افضل
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Re: طرد عنصر نظام الأمن فى واشنطن من ندوة إغتصاب صفيه (يوجد فيديو) (Re: Adam Omer)
Quote: كوستا سلامات انت يا خوي زولكم ده طردتوه بعدما ندوتكم انتهت ولا شنو ؟؟؟ جرجرتوا كراسيكم ونظمتو حالكم والحضور بودع في بعض!!! ما شفتوه من البداية ولا شنو ؟؟؟ |
أستاذة أسماء تحيات كلك نظر....تصدقي الزول دا جا داخل في آخر الندوة و كمان هو عارف الندوات عادة بتنتهي عند ال 10 مساء في هذا المكان... طبعا جاي يشمشم....عشان كدا الناس بتقول عنهم زوار الفجر.
best regards
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Re: طرد عنصر نظام الأمن فى واشنطن من ندوة إغتصاب صفيه (يوجد فيديو) (Re: Kostawi)
Sudanese activists in the US stand strong: Local activists gain strength despite intimidation by known Al-bashir spy
Where: Columbia Pike, Virginia, United States On the evening of Saturday, March 5, I watched over seventy Sudanese activists living in Virginia strengthen their resolve to end the profound suffering in their homeland. They stood together and shouted in one voice, “Spy of Al-bashir: GET OUT! You are Sudan’s security agent: GET OUT! Shame on you and your government: GET OUT!” The man at whom they lobbed their verbal missiles was believed to be Sudanese President Omar Al-bashir’s spy, sent to the US to gather intelligence on overseas opposition to Al-bashir's power. Perhaps I should have been discouraged by his presence. Instead, I was inspired by the resolve of this crowd to show courage against the oppression they felt. This man – panicked in the face of such intense hostility – was run out of the Government Department Center auditorium with dozens of attendees shouting after him, “Killer! Rapist! Genocide perpetrator! Go away! We don’t want you here!” When they were satisfied the event had been cleared of nefarious influences, the audience continued their passionate discussion of how to end Al-bashir’s systematic campaign of rape, killing, harassment and intimidation being perpetrated on the long-suffering women of Sudan. Before the discovery of the spy in their midst, attendees had been discussing the recent and tragic case of Ms. Safia Ishag, gang-raped by Sudanese security agents in Khartoum, Sudan’s capitol. Unfortunately, Ms. Ishag’s story is not uncommon, since Al-bashir’s efforts to repress all opposition with extreme measures have taken a gruesome turn in recent years. It now seems this cruel dictator’s reach extends to American soil. It was discovered soon after the March 5 event that this spy, thought to be called Mohammad Suleiman, had been serving as a Sudanese Army intelligence officer before being promoted to serve in Sudan’s embassy in Washington, DC. In exchange for his loyalty to the government of Sudan, Al-bashir had apparently ordered him to track Darfuri and other Sudanese activists in America. Since arriving here, it is reported that Suleiman has regularly shown up at Darfur-related events in DC and elsewhere, including rallies, U.S. congressional hearings and other public meetings. In fact, it was reported – and apparently recorded on video – that ‘Suleiman the Spy’ had threatened and insulted Sudanese immigrants at a 2010 gathering, saying “I will buy any one of you if I want for my government in Sudan. I will pay any price and I don't care.” His comments suggested he felt free to use Al-bashir-style extreme tactics even while he enjoys the freedoms of living in the U.S as an invited guest. His history of intimidating and threatening activists on American soil should not be the only reason Suleiman’s mere presence on U.S. territory should be protested. He is also suspected of participating in the heinous attacks at Kalma Camp in 2008, where dozens of Darfuri refugees were killed. Can the Sudanese and Darfuri refugees and immigrants living in the United States not expect safety from tyranny even here? On behalf of those working to end the genocidal regime of Al-bashir’s Sudan, I urge the Obama administration, FBI, CIA and Homeland Security to prevent the free movement of representatives of the Al-bashir regime around this great country when those visitors threaten to prevent us from exercising our constitutional rights. These corrupt individuals endanger the lives of all Americans with their threats, and create a mindset of intense fear for innocent citizens and residents committed only to ending the deteriorating situation facing the oppressed Sudanese people. On behalf of the victims of Darfuri genocide in Sudan and elsewhere around the world, I urge all American citizens to make heard their protest of this clear insult to our hospitality. I urge Americans to stay aware of the increasing devastation Darfuris face in Sudan and abroad, and to join the brave US-based activists in the fight for Darfuri justice and freedom. Thank you, as always, for your support. Mohamed A.Yahya Founder/ Executive Director Damanga Coalition for Freedom and Democracy (www.damanga.org) Office Tel/Fax: +1 (703) 310-4424, Direct Tel: +1 (434) 409-9638 [email protected]
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