Moslems Moral Failure on Darfur - Muhajroon as an example
Moslems are normally very loud in their condemnation when it comes to Israel, Serbs or America but normally conspicuous by their silence when the abusers are Moslem governments or Moslem groups. Some even go further -as the example attached below- to claim "the current problems in Darfur are fueled firstly, by the Muslims in the region having become subservient to the enemies of Islam led by the Jews who live in the region". They are now blaming the handy work of a blooded Moslem regime on the Jews!And they wonder why many in the civilised world see Moslems as terrorists and rights abusers!
A complete Analysis of the situation in Darfur, Sudan DARFUR AND THE CROCODILE TEARS Darfur Sudan
Darfur is a large province in the west of Sudan with a purely Muslim population; a mix of Arabs and Africans. One of its unique distinguishing features is that the percentage of people who are hafiz ul Qurآ¹an (those who have memorized the entire Qurآ¹an) in Darfur is the highest in the world.
The current problems in Darfur are fueled firstly, by the Muslims in the region having become subservient to the enemies of Islam led by the Jews who live in the region. These Jews have met with the militia in Darfur a number of times, supplied them with weapons and even given them training.
Second, is the Eritrean government known for its relationship with Israel
and led by a Christian Asyas Aforgi; He is backed by the Jews and the American to play the role of stirring the fitnah.
Third are the Americans. All of these are forces playing a part in igniting the fitnah in the south and west of Sudan to serve the western and Israeli interests. Furthermore, there are also other local forces working for the same western interests, the role of USA is clear like the sun in the middle of the day and hardly needs elaboration.
What is known by necessity in Islam is that the kuffar will be happy and satisfied from the suffering of the Muslims and they do not wish for them any goodness, this is evident in the saying of Allah,
آ³The disbelievers of the people of the book and the mushrikeen do not wish for any goodness to come to you from your lord.آ² [EMQ 2: 105]
If we know that the people harmed in Darfur are Muslims, we will know for sure about the lie in the tears shed by the kuffar for those إ’immigrantآ¹ and the oppressed Muslims.
Looking to our television screens, we are reminded of the situation in Somalia; of the time when the kuffar spread similar images and slogans, when the west with their إ’softآ¹ heart cried for the suffering for the Muslims and called for a necessity to enter Somalia in order to help and they called for the international community to rise and help the Muslims in Somali, all for إ’ humanitarianآ¹ reasons.
Subsequently, the ugly face of the Christians came out full of hatred for Islam and Muslims as all the forces of the kuffar began to invade Somalia and control the African horn. They came to control the passage of mandub in order to counter Sudan from the south and in order to control more resources and to interfere more and more in the Muslim lands.
Today the tears shed by the west are the same tears that they shed for the afghani women and their children before the US crusaders invaded Afghanistan leading to more than 5 million men, women and children to be misplaced and to the killing of tens of thousands of children with their excuse and claim of rushing to their aid. This was the same excuse used by the Soviet forces to enter Afghanistan and these are the same tears shed by USA before entering Iraq and before their killing of 5 million children by their embargos and besieging of Iraq. She shed the same type of tears for the Kurdish whom Saddam killed with her weapons gifted to him by USA. She killed from the Iraqis over a hundred thousand in the Iraq-Iran war that was ignited by her while she supplied weapons to both the Iraqis and the Iranis.
However, we did not see the Americans ever shed any tears for the children of Palestine who are slaughtered everyday at the hands of the Jews and Zionists by the money and weapons of America. Where are all those tears when it comes to the children of Afghanistan that she displaced and continues to do so in its villages and cities? Where are the tears when she is forcing them to become subject to the extreme hot and cold weather without any shelter, making them a soft target for the highway robbers also allied with her? Where were the tears for the woman and children of Iraq when her planes bombed them with her foolish and un-smart weapons? Moreover, where are all those tears for the neighbours of Sudan who have been killed on a monthly basis in tens of thousands in a bloody race between various African tribes for control of land and resources in the black continent? Verily in this respect, Darfur is nothing more than a typical state among the rest of Africa.
The matter is not the matter concerning Darfur as they claim; it is a matter regarding Sudan, it is a stage and a part of the global crusade against Islam and Muslims. The problem is that most of the so-called political analysts start their analysis by certain doubts sparked in their minds failing to understand the facts that have been extracted from the divine text; this makes them fall down in their false calculations far from the profound reality of this crusade against the Muslim Ummah.
Therefore, we must start from these profound facts which we believe in as an aqeedah, to understand the political issues and the reality around us. If the Muslims today understand those aqeedah facts and make it a start for all analyses and reading of every reality, that understanding will be sufficient for them; it will be enough to have proper research and study in looking for the intention and hidden crusader plot against the Ummah. It will help them to know what the enemy has planned for them, what the enemy targets and will enable them to prepare all the necessary tools and preparation for it. DIVINE FACTS I would like to lay down the most important facts that Muslims must bear in mind when dealing with the kuffar, they are as follows:
1. A Muslim who reads the word of Allah must not believe a kafir whether from the people of the book nor any others if they claim to wish for him goodness and help; nor to believe that they will be happy to see him developed; nor to believe that the enemy wishes for him any goodness such as democracy, rebuilding, development, humanitarian aid nor any others as Allah (swt) says,
آ³The disbelievers of the people of the book and the mushrikeen do not wish for you any goodness to come to you from your lord.آ² [EMQ 2: 105]
1. A Muslim must believe beyond any doubt that the kuffar, whether the Jews or Christians will never be pleased with Islam nor with the Muslims even if any munafiq (hypocrite) were to lick the feet of the Christians or if he were to make 1000 sajdah for the Jew. They will never be pleased with him until he apostatized and became a Jew or Christian and that they will look down to him and discriminate against him because of his nationality or race and colour as we see from the white men among the racists in the west and in particular in the UK and USA, Allah (swt) says,
آ³The Jews and Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion, verily, the deen of Allah is the guidance, and if you follow their religion after the divine text has been revealed to you, you will not receive any help or support from Allah.آ² [EMQ 2: 120]
1. Muslims must believe that one of the greatest causes of the war by the kuffar against the Muslims is to make the Muslims apostate and that that is for them a foundation of all wars, they will never compromise on that for Allah (swt) says,
آ³Most people of the book wish that you turn your back to your deen and become apostate after you believed, as a matter of envy from them after they come to know about the truth of your religion.آ² [EMQ 2: 109]
1. Muslims must believe that when the kuffar advise us or offer their consultation, we must believe that it is a form of harming you whether explicit or implicit, and what their chest conceals is more than the grudge and hatred than what they announce publicly and Muslims are not needy for their announcement to know what is in his chest because Allah informed us about that,
آ³O You who believe, do not take as Bitana from other than your ranks, they wish for you nothing but harm and wish for you to suffer and they enjoy your hardship, hatred has uttered from their mouths but what they conceal in their chests is greater, we make clear for you the signs after it was hidden, if you have sanity.آ² [EMQ 3: 118]
1. Muslims must believe that the disbelievers do not like the believers and if they show any sign of sympathy, we must believe that it is a form of hypocrisy because their hearts are different because Allah (swt) says,
آ³You love them and they do not love you, and you believe in all the books, when they meet you they say إ’we believeآ¹ and when they are alone they bite their fingers with rage, say: آ³die in your rage.آ² [EMQ 3:119]
Allah finalized this issue that they do not like Muslims and whoever denies that, has disbelieved in Allahآ¹s word and not to mention that whoever loves them and allies with them against Muslims is a kafir apostate, it has been reported in the collection of the fattawa of Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah v27 p264,
آ³Whosoever does not forbid people from the deen of the Jews and Christians after the prophethood of the messenger Muhammad (saw) nor declares them kafir nor hates them, he is not a Muslim by the consensus of ALL Muslims, their scholars and the general public.آ²
These are five Qurآ¹anic facts and foundations for anybody who wishes to talk or write about any current affairs, in order that his writing is based on a particular divine knowledge, not just based on human shortcoming and doubt,
Since the animosity of the kuffar, the Jews and Christians is not open to debate and whoever denies it is fabricating against Allah; hence it has been decided that the kuffar does not love the Muslims nor wish for them goodness and they wish for them all the hardship, it will become clear for the Muslims the purpose for the intense media coverage and floods of crocodile tears shed for Darfur.
Abaآ¹ad mushkilat darfur The Various Dimensions of the Darfur Problem In Conclusion we can summarize all the causes of those crocodile tears from the disbelievers for the Muslims in Darfur in the following points and dimensions:
The situation of Darfur is divided into many dimensions:
- AL BOآ¹UD AL DEENI The Religious dimension
- AL BOآ¹UD AL SIYAASI The Political Dimension
- AL BOآ¹UD AL IQTISAADI The Economic Dimension
- AL BOآ¹UD AL ASSKARI The Military Dimension
- AL BOآ¹UD AL ISTRATIJI The Strategic Dimension
There is no single Christian in Darfur, the motivation for the split in the south from the north is the fact that the Muslims are in the north and the Christians in the south want protection from the Muslims in the north. AL BOآ¹UD AL DEENI The Religious dimension There are no Christians in Darfur, they are all Muslims, all 6 million of them, 85% of them are hafiz ul Qurآ¹an and they are composed of Arabs and Africans. The people of Darfur never called for independence and do not believe in division, whereas the Christians in the south are the ones who call for independence. This gives the entire problem a religious dimension.
Furthermore, Darfur had one of the biggest training camps for Jihad in the time of Sheikh Usama Bin Laden and weapons are available in the hands of the people
Darfur is a place that has the biggest number of hafiz ul Qurآ¹an in world and this area was and remained a difficult area upon all the Christians and Jewish missionaries that have been rejected by the Muslims and refused them to enter their countries, Therefore for them, it is necessary for military forces to enter to guarantee and enable those missionary organizations to work to make the Muslims Christians the way it happened in many other areas under the pretext of إ’humanitarian aidآ¹, and in fact some missionary organizations have already started to enter under the banner of humanitarian aid under the protection of the Sudanese forces and it has been declared by the head of the American Evangelic organization Mr. Trent Hagrid,
آ³It is our opportunity to reach the Muslims in the name of Christ, especially when they are suffering from the ethnic cleansing in Darfur.آ²
Bearing in mind the evangelist movement that is considered to be one of the most important political bases for George Bush, for which he is needy for them in order to gain the votes of big portions of the US people, their reason for announcing the killing of the Africans is nothing but a plot to convert the Muslims by using it to turn the Africans whom the Arabs brought to them Islam, by breaking them away from anything to do with the Arabs, including their Islam and their Arabic book the Qurآ¹an.
That is the same as they had done in Afghanistan, and which they succeeded to a certain extent in the tribalistic areas that started to capture the Arabs, to rape their women and to hand them over to the US. AL BOآ¹UD AL SIYAASI The Political Dimension USA is attempting to gain some American public opinion from by achieving any political success in any part of the world after the disaster gained by the fools of the White House and playing the card of racism to earn the vote of the black Americans in particular by propagating the solution to a problem in Africa that they call the black continent, that is because the republican party is known for their racism and the only way to gain the African people in USA is by shedding some tears for the African people.
However, it is so clear that the announcement of the western powers that they want to help Darfur and elevate them from poverty is just a fabrication that anyone can comprehend if he has the least amount of information about the reality of the poverty of the very countries who claim that want to help the poor Muslim people in Africa.
Also, If the total of the inhabitants of Darfur is 6 million and the total population of Sudan is 34 million, where is Bush when 36 million of the American people are living below the breadline in his own country, 12 million of them homeless and over 1 million child do not enjoy any health service and 1 million children in USA are misplaced, living and eating from the rubbish bins.
If the totality of the people who are refugees in Darfur is estimate to be 800,000 men, women and children, who do the Americans not help the million refugees in his own country from his own people, let alone the misplaced men and women instead to cut all of the distance and shed tears for people who never asked for her help nor is pleased or happy with her help, whereas the American people are crying for their help. What is the American government doing for the 2 million young American girls working as prostitutes under compulsion of poverty?
As for the claim that the Arab janjaweed committed crimes against the Muslims in Darfur, we ask, where are you for the crimes committed every 3 second in USA? And for those 35,000 killed annually from gun crime in USA, whereas there is a maximum of 3,000 killed in Darfur? If Bush wishes to capture the votes of the black people, where is he for the 627,000 racist crimes committed in one year 1993? Particularly, bearing in mind that this is an old statistic and is more than likely on the increase today. AL BOآ¹UD AL IQTISAADI The Economic Dimension The establishment of the huge oil reserve in Sudan by some western companies have made the politicians in the white house and the European countries salivate, and made them eager to interfere immediately and if necessary to change the entire political infrastructure there, it is important to note here that Hamid Karzai who was implanted in Afghanistan is still an employee of the US oil company chevron, also Mr. Iyad Allawi in Iraq was working in a petroleum company, and it seems that they wish to replace the leader of Sudan with another employee of their oil companies.
Also, after the end of the cold war and the collapse of the soviet union, USA tried to make more financial deals with the European community, in particular Britain and France and let them share and divide the goodness of Sudan in order to earn their consent and silence about Iraq, in particular for France who initially rejected the entrance into Iraq, that is why we see the first army to enter Sudan is from France and the second to declare their entrance is Britain, that is the bribe of USA to side with her and not to be an obstacle for her. Bearing in mind the dark history of France with this Ummah and her role in the crusades in the past, Muslims should not forget that history or ignore it, because we know that the kufr of USA and UK and France is the same, the matter between them is disputing over their roles in the light of their own joint interest or reconciled interests or conflicted interests.
Controlling the oil of Sudan and Iraq means grabbing more control over OPEC and making OPEC a weak organization because it is the one who controls the oil price and that because of the presence of some non-muslim countries whom are not subservient like the leaders of the Muslim countries in the Arab and non-Arab world.
If the west controls the oil of Sudan, most of it will go to the Jews in Palestine via a safe way i.e. the Red Sea. That is one of the main reasons why the Jews of Israel support the Christians in south Sudan. AL BOآ¹UD AL ASSKARI The Military Dimension To cover up the failure and loss of the US government in Iraq by focusing in another area and creating a new event keeping the whole world in general and the American public in particular busy before the upcoming US elections. In fact, George Bush is a complete failure, he failed in Afghanistan and he failed in Iraq, so now he wants to score a military point against a soft target like Sudan. Also, USA wishes to divide Sudan
Furthermore, the UK forces are already on their way to Darfur and French forces are already there to collect their bribe.
Also, they wish to cover up the crimes of the Jews in Palestine and their plans of occupying more settlements and to destroy Masjid ul Aqsa by changing the focus of the International community to another part of the world
More than that, they wish to attack one of the strongholds of Al Qaآ¹ida in Sudan, where many of the followers of Sheikh Usama Bin Laden are still there. AL BOآ¹UD AL ISTRATIJI The Strategic Dimension Moreover, controlling Sudan directly means controlling the entire Red Sea and Muslims should not forget the plot of the Jews in relation to Makkah and Madinah, the city of rasulullah (saw), which they claim is property of the state of the إ’greater Israelآ¹
Forcing the Sudanese government to be fully subservient, which they consider not to be in full submission to the western power compared with the rest of the Arab world, even though Jaآ¹far numari was the ex-president of Sudan who helped the Jews of the fallasha tribes to reach Israel, now if the red sea is under the control of the kuffar, it will lead to access for both the oil and the Jews to reach Israel.
In Addition, gaining full control of Sudan means gaining full control over Egypt and to weaken Sudan and take it under the direct control of the western power is the best guarantee for the entire region, just in case there occurs any dispute in Egypt, especially the sudden illness of their puppet Hosni Mubarak which will cause a problem for USA with regards to his successor.
They are drawing their plan to divide Sudan to small states and small provinces as part of the crusaders missionaries in order to re-draw the map of the إ’ big middle-eastآ¹ as they call it, which in fact is the Muslim world, it is meant to divide the Muslim countries more and more and make it weaker and to increase its border and racial and nationalistic problems. THE SOLUTION FOR THE PROBLEMS OF DARFUR We are not concerned about the American invasion of Sudan, our concern is for the humiliated silence of the Sudanese government and her subservience to all their pressure and commands, it is not the first example of her subservience, she was subservient when ordered to exile Abu Abdullah Sheikh Usama Bin Laden, and she was subservient when she was ordered to stop the mujahideen when they fought against the Christian separatists in the south of Sudan, and when she obeyed the order of USA to negotiate with the enemy of Allah John Garner, now she is obedient to the order against Darfur. Didnآ¹t the Sudanese leaders read the verse of the Qurآ¹an?
آ³If you obey the disbelievers, they will turn you away from your deen and you will become a failure.آ² [EMQ 3: 149]
Verily the Sudanese government failed from the first day that she obeyed the kuffar and permitted them to interfere with her affairs, if she had refused the first time they wished to interfere and if she rose the flag of jihad, all the western countries would have calculated a thousand times before they tried to interfere, but Allah made Sudan face the worse consequences of her sin, verily dignity cannot be achieved by subservience to the kuffar, and it is not part of the political policy to bow to the kuffar, rather the political policy and all the politics in Islam is by obeying Allah exclusively and seeking the dignity for Him and His commands and not for anyone else, because all dignity belongs to him exclusively, for He (swt) says,
آ³Do they seek from the kuffar dignity? Verily, all dignity is with Allah.آ² [EMQ 3: 139]
The Sudanese government must reject the interference of the crusaders in her internal affairs, whether it comes from USA or Europe or the UN. The issue of Darfur is an Islamic issue among Muslims, who must look for an Islamic solution for it. It is astonishing that the Sudanese government never learnt from the lesson of the problem in south Sudan, verily subservience to the command of the kuffar brings no good in fact it is absolute evil. Allah (swt) says,
آ³If you obey the disbelievers, they will turn you away from your deen and you will become a failure.آ² [EMQ 3: 149]
The Sudanese armies must enter Darfur and get rid of all agents of the crusaders and prosecute all those agents be they Jews or Christians, and announcing that they have gotten rid of all people who instigated that strife in the region, and to keep forces from the Sudanese army to guarantee security and to distribute the weapons for the people of Darfur and the jihadi movements in order to be prepared for any foreign intervention and moreover, not to permit any international observers to enter into the province of Darfur as they are nothing but spies, they have the American and European agenda. As for the barren policies and their running behind the Arab, African and European summ its, I think that the Sudanese government are more aware about these countries and their capabilities, in other words they know about the intention of those countries not to mention their failure to make a stand against the crusaders will manifested in America, France, Britain and the Jews in Palestine.
Furthermore, all the media slogans and campaign, is a means to put pressure on Sudan, in order to make her concede some of the matters such as facilitating and protecting the missionaries in Darfur and to concede some of its share of the oil to the American a European companies. It is beneficial to the American government in its upcoming elections. We the Muslims must be fully prepared for every eventuality.
It is a duty upon Muslims in Darfur and all parts of Sudan to start to collect all forms of weapons and to prepare training to be ready for any emergency. They should start now in campaigning and recruiting on an aqeedah level and instilling some facts such as, Al Walaa wal baraa and Jihad, in order to be prepared before the enemy attacks because it is not allowed for us just to await the attack of the enemy, we must prepare for the attack.
In addition, the Muslims in the surrounding areas to Sudan, they must be prepared to support their Muslim brothers in case Allah opens the borders of Sudan to be a passage to paradise because paradise is under the shades of swords.
I ask Allah to raise the flag of jihad in the earth today, to support Islam and Muslims everywhere in order for Allahآ¹s deen to prevail and for the Muslims to fulfill their duties. Al-Muhajiroun...The Followers of Ahl us-Sunnati wal-Jamaaآ¹ah
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منقول: Zelhassan
