أطباء حقوق الإنسان علي قناة NPR حول زيارتهم/ن لمعسكرات لاجئي دارفور بتشاد

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06-16-2004, 01:55 AM

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
أطباء حقوق الإنسان علي قناة NPR حول زيارتهم/ن لمعسكرات لاجئي دارفور بتشاد

    PHR on NPR - Physicians for Human Rights on the radio addressing the crisis in Sudan

    Hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have been displaced. Perhaps a million are at risk of death. Critical foreign aid is being blocked.

    These are the conditions suffered by people from Darfur, in Western Sudan, forced to flee their homes by government forces and government-sanctioned militias.

    Last Wednesday, a team of Physicians for Human Rights researchers, led by Jennifer Leaning, MD and John Heffernan returned from Sudanese refugee camps in Chad. Their first hand observations are chilling, and so will be the ramifications of not acting now.

    Tonight, On Point, an hour-long, nationally syndicated NPR call in program will feature Dr. Leaning describing the conditions in this remote region in crisis and urging the US, the UN and foreign governments to take action.

    Please check your local listings for On Point, or visit www.wbur.org and tune in on line (show starts at 7pm, EST).

    If you miss the live broadcast, the show will also be archived at www.onpointradio.org

    For more information on the PHR investigation, visit www.phrusa.org/research/sudan/news_06112004.html

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