Museveni Releases Statement on Garang's Death

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08-02-2005, 11:32 AM

Khalid Kodi
<aKhalid Kodi
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Museveni Releases Statement on Garang's Death

    Museveni Releases Statement on Garang's Death

    Republic of Uganda (Kampala)
    August 1, 2005
    Posted to the web August 1, 2005

    The following is a statement released by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni following the death of Sudanese 1st Vice President John Garang in a plane crash Saturday night.

    It has now been confirmed that our dear brother, Dr. John Garang, 1st Vice President of Sudan and President of Southern Sudan, with others, died in a helicopter crash, South East of New Cush on the Sudan- Uganda border slightly beyond Kidepo National Park. Dr. Garang's party comprising of 5 other Sudanese and a number of Ugandans were flying to a place known as New Site, one of his Headquarters in Southern Sudan. He was returning from a two days consultation with me at Rwakitura.

    He was aboard our Presidential helicopter M1-172 (VIP version) piloted by Colonel Nyakairu and Capt. Kiyimba. Major Kiggundu was the Flight Engineer. The helicopter was a recently overhauled executive helicopter that has served us well for the last 8 Years.

    In fact, recently, some of the instruments were upgraded. It was very well equipped with the ability to show the pilots the altitude using both radio altimeter that shows you how far you are from the ground as well as a Barometric altimeter that shows you how high you are from sea level; a weather radar that shows you bad clouds ahead as well as mountain ranges up to 100kms away; Advanced Moving Map System (AMMS) that shows you where you are at any particular time and the terrain features such as mountains; a powerful flood light system to avoid hitting trees and other landing site obstacles; and audio warning in case you are approaching a mountain ahead. The helicopter was also wired against lightening strikes, according to the manufacturers. It could, therefore, fly both at night and during the day according to the pilots although it is always our policy not to fly in mountain areas at night or during low visibility weather conditions.

    I have decided to create a panel of three (3) experts to look into this crash. The Minister of Transport will name the team. We have also approached a certain foreign government to rule out any form of sabotage or terrorism.

    The death of our brother and long time Comrade-in-Arms is a tragic loss to the cause of patriotic Africa. It was a great shock and a source of anger to see that Dr. Garang, who has survived so many trials and tribulations, could lose his life when peace was beginning to come back to Sudan. Dr. Garang was one of the most visionary and incisive revolutionary thinkers and nationalists Africa has ever produced. However, the struggle for the dignity and progress of patriotic Africa is unstoppable. In the same way the death of Amilcar Cabral, Samora Machel, Agostinho Neto, Patrice Lumumba, Herbert Chitepo, Eduardo Mondlane, Martin Mwesiga, Valerian Rwaheru and others did not stop the defeat of reactionary and imperialist forces in Africa, the death of Dr. Garang will not derail the struggle of the Sudanese people for justice and dignity. The Uganda government supports the interim process in the Sudan.

    I extend my condolences and those of the people of Uganda to Rebecca Garang and the children; to the SPLA; to the people of Sudan; and to President Bashir and the Interim Government of that country. I also extend similar condolences to the families of the other Sudanese and Ugandans who died in the crash. May their Souls rest in Eternal Peace.

    The Government of Uganda has declared a three-day mourning period with effect from Tuesday 2nd August, 2005 with flags flying at half-mast in the whole country.

08-02-2005, 01:05 PM

mustafa mudathir
<amustafa mudathir
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-11-2002
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Re: Museveni Releases Statement on Garang's Death (Re: Khalid Kodi)

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08-02-2005, 01:13 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
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Re: Museveni Releases Statement on Garang's Death (Re: mustafa mudathir)

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