No for FGM: Solidarity Message from FORWARD to the Civil Society Organisations in Khartoum
A group of civil society organisations in Khartoum are marching tomorrow from Khartoum Hospital to the Ministry of Justice to demand a law to ban all types of FGM in Sudan. FORWARD would like to send a word of support and solidarity on the event. FORWARD sees the death of little Ennam Abdelwahab as unfortunate, unnecessary and as a criminal act. Those who committed this crime should be brought to justice. The Government of Sudan MUST live up to its obligations under the international human rights law. This little girl should be the last Sudanese girl to suffer / die from this ancient practice. Let her death not be in vain!! Comrades in Sudan FORWARD salutes you and stand shoulder to shoulder with you to demand a law against FGM ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!...No more suffering and killing of girls and women in the name of tradition, culture, religion and or honour........ We all - FORWARD staff- shout here..NO FOR FGM and it is a high time to issue a law to ban all forms of FGM Keep up the good work Ms Enshrah Ahmed FORWARD 765-767 Harrow Road London NW10 5NY Phone No.: +44 208 960 4000 Fax No.: +44 208 960 4014 Time is up for VAW