يوم 2 مايو فى لندن: "Die -in for Darfur"
سيكون هناك تجمع "Die-in” فى لندن امام مقر رئيس الوزراء البريطانى 10 Downing Street يوم الاثنين 2 مايو 2005، فى الساعة الثانية عشرة ظهرا. و ذلك لضمان ان تكون دارفور جزءا من الاجندة السياسية خلال فترة الانتخابات البريطانية. لمزيد من المعلومات يمكن
الاتصال بمنظمة
ًWaging Peace
فى هذا الرقم: 0845 345 5413
اقرب محطة لقطار الانفاق: Westminister or Charing Cross
Last year a group of Americans who were concerned about Darfur staged a “Die-In” on the steps on Congress in Washington.
Each participant wore the name of one of Darfur’s victims (now estimated at 300,000 dead and 2 million displaced).
It was a sombre and dignified occasion, and it drew the attention of both media and politicians to the lack of action to help Darfur. Since then America has declared that genocide is happening in Darfur.
A similar event is being staged outside Downing Street on May 2nd (Bank Holiday Monday) at noon. The organisers believe this is the last chance to get Darfur on the political agenda while politicians are listening, during the election campaign.
We are supporting the Die In for Darfur on Monday, and we urge you to do the same: To register your name for the Die In, and to be given the name of one of Darfur’s victims, Please call 0845 345 5413
Please assemble outside Downing Street by noon. (nearest tubes Westminster and Charing Cross). Police will most likely move everyone on within a minute of the Die In (lying down on the ground) beginning, so it will not take much for your time.
Thank you very much Becky Tinsley, Director, Waging Peace
Re: يوم 2 مايو فى لندن: "Die -in for Darfur" (Re: Tragie Mustafa)
Dear Tragie, Many thanks for your kind words. I do not think I am doing enough and there are many others who are trying to do something to stop the atrocities.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the board, as I have not been online that much lately; but I have had a chance to read some of your posts and I really appreciate your contributions, so a million weclomes.
The demonstration was very well attended by white British, Africans, Sudanese from different parts of Sudan, soe o whom came from outside London. We really hope that this ould make a difference.
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Re: يوم 2 مايو فى لندن: "Die -in for Darfur" (Re: nada ali)
Report from Waging Peace about the demonstration
On Monday three hundred people lay down in the road at the gates of Downing Street to protest about the genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan. It was a sombre and dignified occasion in memory of those who have died in Darfur in the last 18 months.
Each participant wore the name of one of Darfur’s victims (now estimated at 300,000 dead and 2 million displaced). Many of those taking part were refugees from Darfur, and have lost family members or have been tortured by government of Sudan's forces.
The Die-in drew significant attention from the media. Channel 4 News, BBC London News, BBC Online as well as The Scotsman covered the story. For those who weren't able to make it, we have put together a slideshow of photos from the day.
So what happens now? More action, more events, more pressure on the new government. We hope our Die-In will be the first of many such events, drawing the attention of the media, the British Government and the Sudanese Embassy to the ongoing genocide in Darfur. So long as 500 people die each day in Darfur, we must keep up the pressure.
Thanks to all our friends who attended.
Becky Tinsley, Director, Waging Peace
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Re: يوم 2 مايو فى لندن: "Die -in for Darfur" (Re: nada ali)
Dear Abubakr El Amin, greetings and welcome again to the Board
Quote: ثم ماذا بعد الانتخابات؟؟؟؟؟؟ |
as is written by waging peace:
more action more events and more pressure on the new government.
best regards
Dear Kostawi, salamat Thank you for the link about the Die-in in front of the Congress. The event that took place in London was a replication of the one that took place in the US last year. best regards to you and to kostawia nada
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Re: يوم 2 مايو فى لندن: "Die -in for Darfur" (Re: nada ali)
Thaks Dr Nada
Protect Darfur Rally
Can you support the Protect Darfur Rally – taking place outside 10 Downing Street, 12.30pm, Sunday 15 May?
At the very start of its third term, it’s vital to put Government on notice that aid is not enough. We can’t leave Darfur’s survivors to protest alone. The Government needs to know that when genocide happens, we all care about it – and we’ll hold it to its promises to protect
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