نداء إلى خريجى قسم الهندسة المدنية- كلية الهندسة و المعمار جامعة الخرطوم
الاخوة خريجى قسم الهندسة المدنية كلية الهندسة والمعمار- جامعة الخرطوم
يحتاج قسم الهندسة المدنية بشدة الى جهاز بكروجكتر وجهاز كمبيوتر (لاب توب) وبعض الاسكوزريز الخاصة بهذه الوسائط التعليمية.
وقد أجتمع بعض الزملاء هنا فى ابوظبى وقرروا جمع تبرعات لهذا الغرض.
الرجاء من الإخوة خريجى هذا القسم و الموجودين فى اركان الدنيا الاربع المساهمة فى سد هذه الاحتياجات العاجلة للقسم.
الاتصال: هشام المجمر e-mail: [email protected]
Re: نداء إلى خريجى قسم الهندسة المدنية- كلية الهندسة و المعمار جامعة الخرطوم (Re: هشام المجمر)
Quote: Dear Hisham
I saw your appeal on Sudaneseonline and I think there is a lot that could be done for the whole faculty and not just one department.
Is it possible to check with them about the specifications and what do they want to use them for? There are laptops that cost about $700-$1000 and they are adequate for delivering lectures (PowerPoint, etc) but are useless if they want to demonstrate engineering software given the demanding nature of the programmes. They need to be clear about what they want to do with the equipment (especially the laptop).
To give you an example (and this is relevant to both Civil and Mechanical engineers) I use a machine with a Pentium processor running at 3.0 GHz and 2GB RAM to be able to teach students the use of CFD using realistic examples in real time. This becomes more problematic when I start discussing the simultaneous running of CFD and Stress Analysis programmes that talk to each other using an intermediary.
There are many ways we may be able to help if we can guarantee that the equipment will go to the faculty and not dispersed by the NIF to their dodgy sheds that they call universities. As a start many of us here in the West can donate our old laptops when we upgrade. Our old machines will be adequate for most tasks with the exception of CAD and CAE. What is more important is to equip the main lecture theatres with proper AV equipment.
Is it possible to identify a reasonable number of graduates who are in the West or the Gulf who could contribute $100 each per year? The money collected could be used to support the faculty in terms of AV needs as well as IT directly related to teaching.
Also we need to think about ways to help the Library.
Zaki |
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