Huge burning and #####ng in Dar Fur states villages
Huge burning and #####ng in Dar Fur states villages In continuing genocidal, marginalizing, and humiliating raids against Dar Fur civilians by the national assembly government, and in attempt either to kill or force the innocent Dar Furian civilians from their land, the national assembly government troops and its alliance Jenjaweed militias carried out enormous detainments, #####ng, and burning on March 8, 2004 in northern Eldean province villages in south Dafur state. As a result all Almatowrat villages, which consist of thousands of dwellings, were completely burned to the ground after their 20 thousand inhabitants managed to flee the certain slaughter into vulnerable sanctuaries of Almahageria and Khazan Jadeed villages in central Dar Fur states. Most importantly, in such sanctuaries those innocent refugees are suffering from severe shortages of water, food, and medicines. Therefore, we appeal to the human right organizations and the international community to deliver instant assistance to those innocent civilians, saving them from imminent death, and compel the national assembly government to stop its ongoing genocidal raids and release the detainees.
Elhadi A. Elomda
[email protected]
Date March 12, 2004