Curriculum and media constitute another Sudanese crisis
Curriculum and media constitute another Sudanese crisis
In fact, any independent country in the world has a right to design its curriculum and public media to represent the ideology, political needs, and national values for its people. The central reasons for that were to enhance the people’s sovereignty, to liberate the education system from outsiders’ influence, and to strengthen the people’s patriotic activities to fit their country’s orientation. In Su! dan and since the dawn of its independence in 1956, the riverine rulers have made several transformations in designing the curriculum and media apparatus. However, those transformations caused another Sudanese crisis because they have come to represent utmost riverine Arabian culture and to eradicate the majority of Sudanese communities’ culture.
Linking the curriculum and media with riverine Arabic culture was a significant step for the rulers towards ruling the country. As a result, many techniques were used to make learning the riverine culture for every Sudanese inescapable. For instance, the curriculum and media were established mainly of riverine culture, history, traditions, and literature. The rulers exploited the curriculum and media apparatus to endear the riverine Arab’s culture to the rest of the Sudanese people. In the media, they monopolize and control the public television, radio, newspaper ownership and editors. As for the curriculum, they wrote it mainly from their riverine culture and histor! y, as well as they hijacked most of the other Sudanese history, traditions, heritage, and manhood in the country and exploited them on behalf of riverine rulers’ history and culture. Even the description of Sudanese flag colors which consist of red, black, white, and green were deprived completely from ambitious description that exemplifies the social fabric of Sudanese society. Wherein, the colors were described symbolically to reflect Pan-Arab colors and riverine ruler ambitions exclusively. The red color was described as a color that stands for the struggles and for the martyrs in the Sudan and t! he great Arab land and the black color as the symbol of the Mahdija re volution which took place from 1881 to 1898. In addition to that, the riverine ruler made the Islam religion in the media and curriculum as a bridge to deliver their culture and to make it more polite and mandatory for any Sudanese. People that choose to preclude the development of their imposed culture in the Curriculum and media deliberately are classified as outlaws or fifth column. All this chauvinistic thinking among the Sudanese ruling class is to instill their culture to the Sudanese people in order to rule them forever. Indeed, this policy led to lessen the loyalty of many Sudanese people towards their flag, their government’s orientations, and their country’s heritage as symbols of their unity. Consequently, many Sudanese, especially the African people, considered these procedures as a coercive Arabization system. Therefore, they fortify their opposition against the government policy.
Likewise, the riverine rulers designed the curriculum and media in order to eradicate the majority of Sudanese communities’ culture from the country, particularly the indigenous African communities’ cultures, because they want to make the Arabian feature and culture as unique national symbols for Sudan. Accordingly, the indigenous African culture was c! onsiderably elided from the curriculum and media and lessened its development. It was classified as uncivilized culture and referred to as Rotana or Lahajat among the Sudanese people. Furthermore, several features of discrimination and marginalization policies were practiced against the Africans in order to compel them to abandon their culture and accept the Arabian’s culture. These discriminatory and marginalizing policies included marginalizing the African people from getting prominent jobs, getting fair justice, and receiving better public services. In addition to that, they exposed the Africans to the government militia’s (Janjaweed) raids in order to force them to give their homage to the rulers or to force them to leave their land by killing them and pillaging their properties and their livestock. This policy implanted deep hatred, fear, and animosity in the minds of the African tribes’ descendents towards the government’s orientations. Also, it widened the difference! s among the Sudanese people and escalated the conflict among them, and gave the policy a racial and religious dimension. Therefore, ignoring the African communities’ cultures and eradicating their identity was considered a big mistake committed by the Sudanese rulers because it has put the Sudanese country on the edge of inevitable division.
To conclude, I would like to say that the education and media policies were designed to impose the riverine Arabian people’s cultures in Sudan. Rather than to adopt multicultural policy in the education system and media in order to contribute in saving the Sudanese unity and enhance their patriotism, the rulers adopted superiority of th! e riverine Arabians’ culture. Thus, it caused severe discrimination policy towards the majority of the Sudanese community. In addition, this policy was considered one of the main reasons that led many Sudanese to destabilize or resist the government policy in the country. This policy played a vital role in inflaming the ongoing civil war in Dar Fur and southern Sudan and it maximizes the gap among the Sudanese people as one nation. However, to resolve this issue for the Sudanese rulers must make comprehensive review and refine in the curriculum and media apparatus to represent the culture of social ! fabric of Sudanese society. Also, it must recognize the importance of African cultures (Rotana or Lahajat), grant them some role in education domains and media apparatus, and give them status to develop. By doing this, the government would enormously help eliminate the discriminatory policy in the education domains and media apparatus, boost patriotism, and save the unity of the country.