Re: ياسر عرمان ومالك عقار ليس لديهم مقاتلين ف� (Re: سليم عبد الرحمن دكين)
you're right Salim, Yasir Arman and Malik Agar have misused their power to conspire against our cause and against their own movement but do not be mistaken . We know our really enemies , the genocidal, racist, islamist Arabist who are religious ideologues. The New Sudan Vision is what we will use to gain our freedom, and inalienable human rights or our full independent if need be. so you back off from New Sudan Vision . It's our Vision, we know its value and we are up holding it with all our power and with our intention. It's time for you to wake up slave and liberate yourself from mental slavery. The time for enemies within to collaborate with the genocidal racist Arabists is over. wake up slave and fight for your got given rights. Sudan jadeed wayeaaa! New Sudan wayeaa! You and Yasir Arman are inthe same group
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Re: ياسر عرمان ومالك عقار ليس لديهم مقاتلين ف� (Re: سليم عبد الرحمن دكين)
indeed! They are your friends as they have been conspiring from within the movement, deep inside SPLA ( Sudanese People liberation Army ) to carry out their insidious conspiracy against the marginalized people of Sudan. A truly machiavellian tactics. SPLA will recover from this treacherous betray. New Sudan Wayeaaa!
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Re: ياسر عرمان ومالك عقار ليس لديهم مقاتلين ف� (Re: Abdelfatah)
لو كنت تخلط بين نور تاور وعفاف تاور.. فعليك تصحيح هذا الخطأ الفادح.. أما أذا كنت تتهمنى ( نور تاور ) بأننى صديقة للانقاذ.. فمن الواضح أنك أعمى بصر وبصيرة.. و تتمتع بالقدرة الخارقة فى لوى عنق الحقائق.. أو أنك لا تعرف قضية جبال النوبة من أصلو...
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