يحكى ان ..... يحكى عنا.............!! بقلم توفيق الحاج
01:59 PM Aug, 06 2015 سودانيز اون لاين توفيق الحاج-فلسطين مكتبتى فى سودانيزاونلاين
يحكى أنّ الذئب اختلف مع الحمار ذات يوم على لون العشب! قال الحمار: لون العشب أصفر لكن الذئب قال: لون العشب أخضر وإختلفا كثيراً، وتجادلا وتناكفا ولم يصلا إلى حل، وأخيراً قررّا أن يحتكما إلى ملك الغابة. بدأت المحاكمة، وكلٌّ أدلى بحُجّته، وعند إصدار الحكم تلهّف الجميع لسماع كلمة العدالة .. وإذا بالأسد يخيّب آمال الحاضرين لجلسة الحكم، فقد حكم على الذئب بالسجن لمدة شهر واحد، وببراءة الحمار! استنكر الذئب، وقال: سيّدي أليس لون العشب أخضر؟ قال الأسد: بلى قال الذئب: إذاً لماذا حكمت عليّ بالسجن وأنا لم أخطئ الرأي؟ قال الأسد: صحيح إنك لم تخطئ الرأي، لكنك أخطأتٓ عندما جادلت الحمارَ على مسألة كهذه، لذلك أمرتُ بسجنك لكي تعتبر ولا تجادل من لا يستوعب ولا يفهم وهو ليس أهل لذلك..!! انتهت الحدوثة ...وبقيت الملتوتة وكوننا ايها السيدات والسادة ..وفهمكم فوق العادة.. نكرع ونسكر..بين عشبين اصفر واخضر منذ عشرات السنوات فقد وجدت هذه الحدوثة ابلغ ماتكون.. عن حالنا المجنون ...فنحن مابين اغلبية من الحمير المستحمرة واقلية من الذئاب المستنفرة... ووهم سراب.. لطالما سيطر على خيالاتنا الكسيحة بمصالحة بين ضلف وناب...!! لقد جربنا العشب الاصفر سنوات فاصفررنا فسادا...وخيبة ا!! وجربنا العشب الاخضر فاخضررنا عفنا وغمة..!! ومايزيد الطين بلة ..ملك الرواية ..اسد قليل الدين...رمى الله من وراء ظهره ...وخان امانة الرقاب ورعى الظلم والظلام واستن لنفسه وحاشيته ومريديه قانون غاب..!! واني وللحق وباسم جموع اهلى المستحمرين كافة .. اعتذر للنسخ الاصلية من الحمير على اتهامنا لها بما فينا من قلة الادراك..وفهم مايدور بيننا وحولنا من التململ والحراك... فهي لو كانت مكاننا ..وتخوزقت مثلما تخوزقنا ..لتعلمت وفهمت وحاولت الخروج من التيه منذ زمن و بشكل افضل .. لانها ليست غبية كغبائنا...وليست تقنع مثلنا بنصف العلف كما نقنع بنصف الراتب ... ولا تقبل كوبونات شعير كل ثلاثة شهور مرة كما نقبل نحن - ملعون ابونا- كوبونات العدس والرز و التونا وهي ليس فيها مبدأ (الحياة مفاوضات ) بمنطق طيب الذكر صائب عريقات.. وليس فيها ايضا الحياة مغامرات ومناكفات باسلوب المقاوم الاكبر عنتر ابو النكبات..!! كما انها - اي الحمير الاصيلة- عند زيادة الظلم تعض وترفس وتقتل.... ولاتخنع وتخضع كما نحن نفعل ...!! صحيح ان بيننا.. احمر الساسة النابهين والمستوزرين الواصلين ...والاخيار البررة ..والنخب الصالحين ..!! وصحيح ان فينا اعند المفكرين المعارضين المغضوب عليهم الى يوم الدين ..وفينا الرؤساء والامراء و الاولياء والفقهاء والاصفياء والشعراء والاذكياء والببغاء والاغبياء...و...و.... الا اننا فينا ماليس في الحمير الحمير...من بلادة وانتظار..وشرب الميرندا والنس كافيه تحت الحصار والاكتفاء بمصمصة الشلاطيف بعد سماع موجز الاخبار...واعتقد ان الحمير الاصيلة تموت قهرا لو عاشت عوالة شهرا اوشهرين من البطالة... فما ادراكم ونحن من بعد عشر سينين من تواري الاحتلال الاسرائيلي على تلكم الحالة؟!! الحمير ياسادة ..لاتقبل مياه غزة.. ولا ست ساعات كهربا.. و لا ضريبة تكافل...!! الحمير ياسادة... لاتكتفي بالزعيق والنهيق والزنجبيل ..اذا اهين قائد سربها....كما اهين الرفيق احمد سعدات..!! الحمير ياسادة.. لاتقبل المتاجرة علنا بدم شهيد (دوما) الرضيع وبشكل وضيع من فصائل فاجرة..فقدت اعتبارها واحترامها ومصداقيتها..!! نحن ياسادة..لم نعد نجيد الا تصفيط الكلام والاهتمام بالمحافظة على مستوى مرموق من البلاهة والبلاغة والاستنكار... ثم الاستسلام الهنيء لما هو ات على وسادة الاحلام . لقد استمرأنا خوفا وذلا مانحن فيه وتعودنا على الكفاف والخبز الحاف..وقنعنا بتفسير لا يخر المية من باب طاعة اولي الامر.. املا في جنة عرضها الارض والسماوات...وهيهات ..هيهات!! وهنا حتى الحمير لاتطيع حتى النهاية فقد تعلن التمرد والعصيان اذا مازاد الجوع والقهر والخذلان تذكرت شاعرا منا..غاب عنا كتب ذات مرة وقبل ان نستحمر تماما الصمت موت أنت إن نطقت مت وأنت إن سكت مت فقلها ومت وكتب ايضا مجاهرا بخيبته في امته ماذا يكتب الشاعر في أرض الخراب آه يا عصر الكلاب.. الجواسيس الكبار سلمونا للجواسيس الصغار..!! الله ياستار.... ارحمنا برحمتك ... واعف عنا..ولا تؤاخذنا بما فعل السفهاء منا....!!
أحدث المقالات
- First African signatory to the Deed of Commitment protecting children in armed conflict 06-30-15, 11:31 PM, الحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال
- The London Symposium Organized by: British Friends of Sudan (BFOS) 06-30-15, 10:55 PM, اعلانات سودانيزاونلاين
- Statement to the United Nations Security Council on the Situation in Darfur, pursuant to UNSCR 1593 06-30-15, 10:54 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- (12) Sudanese university students travelled to Turkey to join the terrorist Islamic State (ISIS) 06-29-15, 10:51 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s president expends the mandate of Darfur Regional Authority (DRA) for one year 06-29-15, 10:49 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s government emphasizes that any negotiations regarding Darfur would be based on (DDPD) 06-29-15, 10:48 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan to launch the Sudan Electronic Gateway project 06-29-15, 10:47 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese army accuses UNAMID of dragging its feet in demobilization the former fighters 06-29-15, 10:46 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- ICC Pre-Trial Chamber II refers to the UNSC Sudan’s non-cooperation and failure to arrest Mr Abdel 06-29-15, 02:41 AM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- ICC refers to UNSC Sudan’s failure to arrest Abdel Raheem Muhammad Hussein 06-27-15, 03:06 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan denounces the terrorist attack on a mosque in Kuwait 06-27-15, 03:04 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan describes AU resolution as a successful framework for a sustainable peace in Darfur 06-27-15, 03:03 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- UN weighs imposing sanctions on six senior commanders from South Sudan 06-27-15, 03:01 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Darfur Authority renews its calls for UNAMID to withdraw from the troubled region 06-27-15, 03:00 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan and German discuss the national dialogue, illegal immigration and human trafficking issues 06-17-15, 04:39 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- 250,000 South Sudanese children face starvation due to the conflicts: UN 06-17-15, 04:38 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South African government to explain to judges why Sudanese President left the country 06-17-15, 04:35 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan and Ethiopia sign on the projects of the economic and developmental work 06-17-15, 04:34 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South African’s government promises to probe into Al-Bashir’s leaving the country 06-16-15, 09:27 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan announces establishing of a national mechanism to deal with the U.S sanctions 06-16-15, 09:20 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- The President of the Assembly calls on States Parties to fulfill their obligations to execute the A 06-14-15, 05:24 AM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Sudan’s popular delegation travels to U.S to convince Washington to lift the sanctions 06-06-15, 03:38 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- EU concerned about violence, calls for calm and humanitarian access in East Darfur 05-14-15, 06:45 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- ICC judges hold roundtable meeting with United Nations Special Representative for Sexual Violence i 05-14-15, 06:42 AM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Calls to the presidency to allow free admission to Sudanese returning from Yemen in schools and uni 05-12-15, 10:05 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan's newly passed bill could restrict work as the country faces humanitarian crisis: NGOs 05-12-15, 10:04 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s National Dialogue Committee, known as 7+7, has urged the chairman of the AU High-Level Impl 05-12-15, 10:03 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese-French Economic Forum will focus on attracting investments to Sudan 05-12-15, 10:02 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- UN and EU to implement a natural resources management project in Sudan’s Darfur 05-12-15, 10:01 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Fresh tribal conflict in Sudan’s East Darfur resulting in numerous deaths 05-11-15, 06:02 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- MSF and ICRC pull out their staff from South Sudan’s Unity State due to the heavy fighting 05-10-15, 04:59 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- U.S. Condemns Violence in Sudan 05-09-15, 06:54 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- U.S expresses its gravely concerned about the continuing fighting in Sudan’s parts 05-09-15, 03:53 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan invites the head of AU Commission to attend the swearing in of Al- Bashir 05-06-15, 04:32 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- It is time to lift the unilateral sanctions on Sudan: AU 05-02-15, 04:51 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan slams (UNAMID) for neglecting to take responsibility for the attack in Darfur 05-01-15, 03:33 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Statement attributable to the Spokesman of the Secretary-General on Darfur 04-28-15, 07:00 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudan summons the Canadian Charge d’affaires to protest over Sudanese elections’ integrity 04-28-15, 04:12 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- UN voices deep concern about the recent attacks on (UNAMID) in Sudan’s Darfur 04-28-15, 04:09 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Horn of Africa: New effort to reunite families caught up in South Sudan violence 04-27-15, 03:52 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Completing of projects financed by Kuwaiti grant in Sudan’s eastern states 04-25-15, 05:05 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan pauses fishermen’s trial 04-24-15, 05:22 PM, Daily News Egypt
- Sudan’s president fails to get clearance to fly in airspace to travel to Indonesia 04-22-15, 05:31 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The meeting of UNAMID exit strategy from Sudan’s Darfur resumes 04-21-15, 04:57 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s authorities release two opposition figures 04-10-15, 03:24 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- ICC President meets United Nations Secretary-General in New York 04-08-15, 07:11 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Anti-election campaign scares population of South Kordofan 04-08-15, 04:48 PM, Radio Dabanga
- COMESA calls for lifting U.S sanctions on Sudan 03-31-15, 05:50 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan govt. not serious about National Dialogue: rebel leader 03-29-15, 05:24 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Schlumberger fined $232.7mn for breaking Iran, Sudan sanctions 03-26-15, 04:17 PM, AFP Agence France Presse
- Yemen: ICRC concerned at civilian casualties amid escalating violence 03-26-15, 04:10 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan sign agreement on Renaissance Dam 03-25-15, 01:58 AM, Radio Dabanga
- Joint Statement on the National Dialogue in Sudan by U.S. State Department 03-25-15, 01:55 AM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Security agents thwart anti-election forum in Port Sudan 03-25-15, 01:51 AM, Radio Dabanga
- Bloody tribal clashes in Sudan’s Darfur left many dead and injured 03-21-15, 07:04 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan: ICRC appeals for funds to scale up humanitarian action 03-18-15, 08:13 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Five dead, three injured in Darfur shootings 03-17-15, 08:36 PM, Radio Dabanga
- China describes its relationship with Sudan as a model must be followed 03-17-15, 08:33 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese popular and official delegations conduct dialogue with U.S. lobbies on sanctions 03-17-15, 08:24 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Al-Bashir discusses with Mufti of Croatia position of Muslim minorities 03-16-15, 06:08 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Call for Sudan to stop recruiting minors in South Kordofan 03-16-15, 06:05 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Foreign aid goods for sale at Sudanese markets: displaced 03-13-15, 05:18 PM, Radio Dabanga
- ICC knows it doesn't scare Sudan at all: Information Minister says 03-13-15, 05:15 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s ruling party welcomes Berlin Declaration 03-11-15, 07:16 PM, Radio Dabanga
- ICC moves intended to disrupt the elections: Sudan’s parliament 03-11-15, 07:14 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Norway and UNIDO launch a € 4,8 million project for the sustainable management of marine fisheries 03-11-15, 06:05 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- S. Sudan Braces for Sanctions as Economy Limps 03-11-15, 06:04 PM, Voice of America
- ICC Trial Chamber I joins the cases concerning Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé 03-11-15, 05:58 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Six new judges sworn in today at the seat of the International Criminal Court 03-11-15, 04:09 AM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Pre-Trial Chamber II informs the United Nations Security Council about Sudan’s non-cooperation in t 03-09-15, 04:54 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- The Secretary-General Remarks at the opening session of the Commission on the Status of Women 03-09-15, 04:50 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Lubanga case: ICC Appeals Chamber amends the Trial Chamber’s order for reparations to victims 03-04-15, 05:10 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- UNAMID announces that it will cut 770 civilian jobs 03-02-15, 08:36 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Ngudjolo Chui case: ICC Appeals Chamber confirms the acquittal decision 02-27-15, 08:30 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Sudanese leader says being hounded by ICC, West 02-27-15, 08:29 PM, AFP Agence France Presse
- Fatou Bensouda, at a press conference in Uganda: justice will ultimately be dispensed for LRA crime 02-27-15, 08:25 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Liberation of Kuhliyat garrison 5 km west Kadugli city 02-25-15, 09:33 PM, الحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال
- Bashir: Iranian centers closed to protect Sudan 02-25-15, 09:32 PM, Al Arabiya News
- Statement of the ICC Prosecutor at a press conference in the Central African Republic 02-25-15, 09:29 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Sudanese Refugee Sue Moviemakers 02-24-15, 10:18 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Kuwait's Zain seeks to repatriate $280 mln from Sudan 02-24-15, 10:13 PM, Reuters
- China announces that it will continue to support South Sudan peace process 02-24-15, 05:04 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Three die in militia attacks in South and North Darfur 02-24-15, 05:03 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan and Kuwait negotiate help Zain repatriate $280 million worth of Sudanese pounds 02-24-15, 05:02 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Darfur displaced invite US Deputy Secretary of State to visit their camps 02-24-15, 05:00 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Egypt never stopped communicating with Nile basin countries: Egyptian Ambassador to Sudan 02-24-15, 04:18 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Talks between Khartoum and Washington on human rights and democracy 02-23-15, 05:22 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Darfur authority stresses that improvement of U.S-Sudanese relations will bring peace 02-21-15, 04:22 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- UNAMID prepares for a safe exit from Sudan’s Darfur 02-20-15, 03:18 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese hospital medics strike over non-payment 02-20-15, 03:16 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s Vice President warns the young of extremism and terrorism 02-20-15, 03:08 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan Rebel Spokesman Defects 02-19-15, 00:43 AM, Voice of America
- U.S. Treasury Allows Personal Communication Exports to Sudan 02-19-15, 00:41 AM, wall street online journal
- South Sudan Warns Media Not to Publish Rebel Interviews 02-17-15, 05:29 PM, Voice of America
- Sudanese top official in Washington today 02-08-15, 06:39 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Karti visit to Washington has nothing to do with Merriam Ibrahim issue: Sudan says 02-07-15, 04:51 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese popular initiative to mend relations between Khartoum and Washington 01-25-15, 04:59 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Serious dialogue to normalize relations with Washington: Sudan says 01-12-15, 04:38 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s president directs his foreign ministry to open a new door for the dialogue with Washington 11-03-14, 04:05 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- New US charge D affaires to arrive in Sudan soon 05-06-14, 03:46 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The new US envoy for Sudan and South Sudan arrives in Khartoum on Frid 09-11-13, 07:26 PM, SudaneseOnline News
