ميزان حسنات نواب نعمل اجتماع.. و نقرر بالاجماع! بقلم عثمان محمد حسن
" نعمل اجتماع.. و نقرر بالاجماع!" ... هاشم صديق في ( نبتة حبيبتي) قال رئيس البرلمان المشرع لما يطلبه الجهاز التنفيذي أن انجازات البرلمان صدقات جارية تكتب في صحيفة أعمالهم معتبراً ما قدم في دورة البرلمان عمل جيد ونموذجي وفق رؤى علمية...
و قوله ذاك دلالة على ( تغافل عن) أو عدم فهم لمهام البرلمان.. و ربما يصنف الشعب السوداني في غالبيته أداء البرلمان بأنه سيئات جارية باعتبار ناتج تأثيرها المضاعِف سلباً على الحياة الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية في السودان إلى ما لانهاية..
قد يكون ما قدمه البرلمان في نلك الدورة عمل جيد و تموذجي من منظور ( الحرامية).. و الذين غيروا الكثير من المفاهيم.. و تعريف كلمة ( علمية) ضمن ما داوموا على تغييره من معانٍ:- " هي لله.. لا للسلطة و لا للجاهه!".. و ما سطوا عليه من مبانٍ طوال سني حكمهم.. و ما أداه البرلمان في دوراته المتعاقبة إنحراف تام عن العلمية التي تأسست عليها البرلمانات كما نعرفها.. أَ وَ لم يراكموا معاناة الشعب السوداني بالتصفيق عند رفع الدعم عن المحروقات.. و في علمهم ألا مصلحة سوى مصلحة الحزب المتخم بالملذات.. و الشعب جوعان.. و طالبوا بزيادة رواتبهم ومخصصاتهم واستجابت الحكومة لطلباتهم بعد أن أجازوا رفع الدعم.. الذي نتجت عنه- بالضرورة- زيادة الأسعار!أَ وَ لم يمرروا كل القرارات القادمة من النادي الكاثوليكي ( المحتل) دون تدقيق و لا تمحيص؟.. ليس النادي الكاثوليكي هو الصرح الوحيد ( المحتل)؟ ياخي ديل ما خلوا موقع مميز إلا احتلوه.. و أي شيئ جميل خطفوه.. و هم مستعدون دائماً لخطبة الجميلات اختطافاً من خطابهن.. و ربما قتلوا الأزواج ل( يحتلوا) زوجاتهم.. حزب يمارس الجشع و الشبق بأفضل ما يطالب به الشيطان.. و برلمان يجيز قراراته بأفضل أساليب القوَّادين إلى الرذيلة..! و مع ذلك، تحمل الأنباء أن البرلمان اودع شيكات أجور شهري فبراير ومارس ( مقدما) في حسابات أعضائه بالبنوك، وأعلن عن فتح باب إجراءات العمرة "الاقتصادية" لعام 1436 هجرية للراغبين من النواب وموظفي المجلس الوطني. ووجه البرلمان نوابه بمراجعة حساباتهم المالية لصرف مرتبات فبراير ومارس! لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله.. كثير من العاملين في الدولة لم يصرفوا مرتبات ديسمبرحتى اللحظة..! و من الأنباء أن بعض البرلمانيين سوف يقومون بأداء العمرة و إشترط منشور الوكالة الحائزة على عطاء سفر النواب للراغبين في أداء عمرة 1436هجرية توقيع إقرار ضمان بعودة المعتمر في مدة اقصاها 13 يوماً من تأريخ دخول المملكة العربية السعودية، مع تحرير شيك ضمان للفرد بقيمة 30.000 جنيه من شخص كفء ومعروف بالسودان غير المعتمر المغادر،وفي حال تخلف المعتمر من حق الوكالة صرف الشيك كغرامة لتخلفه بعد العمرة لماذا يتخلفون؟ هل أحست الوكالة بإيعاز من أصحاب النفوذ في البلد أن بعض الأرانب قد شعرت بذبذبات توحي بقدوم زلزال لا يبقي و لا يذر؟ أم أن الفئران قد بدأت تتململ خوفاً من المركب التي على وشك الغرق فوضعت ذلك الشرط حتى لا يفكر الأعضاء في ( حجة و زوغة)؟ و قد تم منح قطع سكنية لأعضاء البرلمان قرب المطار الجديد بفارق كبير من سعر السوق.. ديل شنو ديل؟!
- Sudan’s El Midan daily gagged by security again 01-28-15, 03:11 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan authorities working on arrest warrants against El Mahdi and Minawi 01-26-15, 04:16 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s Security Services raid and order closure of Mahmoud Mohamed Taha Cultural Centre 01-24-15, 02:50 AM, african centre for justice
- Sudan in grip of gangsters: lawyer 01-21-15, 05:22 PM, Radio Dabanga
- No justification for delay of trial of Abu Eisa, Madani: Sudan lawyer 01-21-15, 04:19 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Memo to Sudan’s Justice Minister to release the head of the opposition 01-21-15, 04:13 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s opposition party says no direction to freeze its political activity 01-20-15, 03:24 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Political parties, civil society sign Sudan Appeal in Omdurman 01-19-15, 04:42 PM, Radio Dabanga
- New charges against Sudanese Communist Party’s newspaper 01-19-15, 04:37 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudanese and Arab activists call to release of Sudanese political prisoners 01-16-15, 04:16 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan security summons El Midan's editor-in-chief 01-16-15, 02:50 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan security files complaint against Umma Party 01-13-15, 03:52 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Arab campaign for release of detainees in Sudan, El Mahdi charged 01-12-15, 03:40 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s detained opposition figure stresses that he will strengthen relationship with the rebel 01-10-15, 03:15 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s security announces end of the insurgency this year 01-09-15, 02:02 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s opposition reject plea for release of detained leaders 01-07-15, 04:25 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan's Democratic Unionist Party welcomes the constitutional amendments 01-06-15, 04:25 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s two opposition parties sing an agreement in Cairo 01-06-15, 03:21 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan's Parliament approves constitutional amendments strengthen the security's powers 01-05-15, 02:54 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Another El Midan print-run confiscated by Sudan’s security 01-05-15, 01:41 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s President says that the opposition documents written by (CIA) and (Mossad) 12-28-14, 03:36 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Large RSF militia force arrives at Kutum, North Darfur 12-27-14, 01:59 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s opposition leader detained transferred to the hospital 12-26-14, 05:43 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s Bar Association visits the opposition detainees 12-23-14, 06:44 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Security raids NGO in Sudan’s capital, detains journalist 12-22-14, 02:48 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Militia reinforced, bombing in East Jebel Marra, North Darfur 12-22-14, 02:44 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Khartoum’s threat to enter our territory is a declaration of war: South Sudan says 12-20-14, 03:30 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- JEM denies South Sudan’s support of Sudanese rebels 12-19-14, 02:08 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s opposition blames the ruling party for the national dialogue failure 12-16-14, 02:40 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Statement by the UK Legal Advisor to the UK Mission to the UN to the Security Council Briefing on S 12-16-14, 02:30 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- U.N Human Rights Office urges Sudan’s government to release the opposition detainees 12-14-14, 01:42 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan warns some countries, in particular South Sudan, of harboring the rebel groups 12-13-14, 03:08 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Ravina Shamdasani Sudan detentions 12-12-14, 11:16 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudan’s security summons the mosques imams over their call for killing al-Turabi 12-12-14, 01:50 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan: Arrest of the President of the Sudan Human Rights Monitor (SHRM) 12-08-14, 08:29 PM, african centre for justice
- Sudan’s opposition demands immediate release of its leader and all political prisoners 12-08-14, 01:42 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese president travels to Ethiopia 12-08-14, 01:41 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s Security arrests two opposition figures 12-07-14, 03:21 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan ruling party calls al-Mahdi to return to the country and join the national dialogue 11-24-14, 03:35 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s Security seizes the largest criminal network that forges official documents 11-09-14, 01:43 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- 4 charged with crimes against the state for printing and distribution of Communist Party Statement 11-05-14, 03:16 AM, african centre for justice
- (6,000) foreigners residing in the country illegally: Sudan’s interior ministry 11-04-14, 01:31 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Relations between Khartoum and Tripoli is moving in the right direction: Sudan’s Foreign Minister s 10-28-14, 03:44 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s security services releases a Chinese worker abducted in West Kordofan 10-24-14, 03:14 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan dissident confirms authenticity of leaked security document 10-14-14, 02:37 PM, Radio Dabanga
- South Kordofan activists detained for demanding water, electricity 10-13-14, 02:09 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan allows two NGOs in East Jebel Marra, Darfur 10-11-14, 02:12 PM, Radio Dabanga
- El Intibaha story about students fabricated: Darfur lawyers 10-10-14, 04:12 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Another Umma Party member barred from leaving Sudan 10-10-14, 04:10 PM, Radio Dabanga
- South Sudan: Flawed Security Bill Headed for Vote 10-03-14, 04:50 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Print run of Sudan’s El Ahram El Yowm confiscated 09-30-14, 01:24 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan's opposition unimpressed by Al Bashir speech 09-29-14, 12:45 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan Democracy First Group condemns wave of arbitrary arrests in Sudan 09-24-14, 04:48 PM, Sudan Democracy First Group
- Sudan must stop attacks on civilians in Blue Nile state and guarantee safety of detainees 09-23-14, 10:37 PM, african centre for justice
- Report of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Sudan, Mashood A. Baderin 09-23-14, 07:18 PM, تقارير سودانيزاونلاين
- Sudan security confiscates copies of two newspapers 09-15-14, 06:21 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Christians harassed in Sudan: Council of Churches 09-11-14, 04:59 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan Workers Union supports Darfur teachers’ strike 09-11-14, 02:37 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Senior Sudan opposition figure freed 09-09-14, 04:32 PM, The Daily Star
- Sudanese Congress Party pressured to apologise for criticism of militia 09-09-14, 02:43 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Dr Maryam El Sadig El Mahdi released by Sudanese security 09-09-14, 02:40 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Press Release Arab Coalition for Sudan and the Arab Network for Media Crisis Inaugurate the (90) da 09-02-14, 02:57 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudan Ministry denies Ebola case in West Darfur 08-30-14, 03:07 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan militia recruit more than 3,000 minors in South Kordofan 08-27-14, 04:30 PM, Radio Dabanga
- West Kordofan El Fula court refuses case of El Sheikh 08-26-14, 03:13 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Umma Party protesters hand memo to Sudan security 08-25-14, 01:41 AM, Radio Dabanga
- Police violence and mass arrests in Omdurman following reported gang-rape of Nuba woman by police o 07-08-14, 11:52 PM, african centre for justice
- Sudanese Congress Party: list of detainees and closure thier Office in Alnuhud by NISS 06-28-14, 09:36 AM, سيف اليزل سعد عمر
- Sudan Tortures Youth Detainees 06-27-14, 09:17 PM, GIRIFNA
- Sudan: End Arbitrary Detention of Activists Investigate Allegations of Torture, Abuse 06-26-14, 05:33 AM, african centre for justice
- Darfur 2014: Time to Reframe the Narrative 06-17-14, 05:55 PM, Sudan Democracy First Group
- Sudan’s Human Rights Crisis: Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee 06-13-14, 07:52 PM, african centre for justice
- After one month of his release, NISS re-arrests Sudanese activist Mohamed Salah Mohamed 05-14-14, 02:20 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Umma Party leader charged by Sudan security, SPLM-N warns for new militia recruits 05-14-14, 01:37 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudanese authorities must release pregnant Christian woman and review conviction for apostasy and a 05-12-14, 09:30 PM, african centre for justice
- Sudan’s Political Parties Affairs Council bans Republican Party amidst calls for national dialogue 05-09-14, 05:07 AM, african centre for justice
- Sudanese journalists speak-out on World Press Freedom Day 05-05-14, 07:59 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Brothers former Sudan Presidential Adviser charged with murder 05-05-14, 02:30 PM, Radio Dabanga
- North Darfur families call for release abducted relatives 04-29-14, 03:21 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Non-food relief to be distributed among North Darfur's displaced 04-24-14, 04:44 PM, Radio Dabanga
- No justice for Sudan protest killings: Human Rights Watch 04-22-14, 04:25 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan: No Justice for Protest Killings Release Detainees and Punish Abusive Forces 04-21-14, 05:57 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudanese protest detention of activists in Khartoum 04-11-14, 04:55 PM, Radio Dabanga
- ‘Sudan regime has to prove its credibility’: JEM chairman 04-10-14, 08:28 PM, Radio Dabanga
- UK condemns Sudan: 'Sexual violence in Darfur almost doubled' 04-10-14, 08:14 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Darfur Bar Association monitoring release of political prisoners 04-10-14, 08:08 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Opposition sceptical as Sudan security announces release of political detainees 04-10-14, 07:57 PM, Radio Dabanga
- 'Sudan security agents block political forum': opposition party 04-09-14, 03:58 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan security confiscates print runs of three newspapers 04-03-14, 04:35 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin for the period 01 to 15 March 2014 04-02-14, 07:20 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin for February 2014 03-26-14, 02:39 PM, Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre
- Activists and human rights defenders arrested in wake of University of Khartoum demonstrations 03-24-14, 11:53 PM, african centre for justice
- Family of Activist Mohamed Salah Calls for his Release 03-21-14, 05:37 PM, GIRIFNA
- Statement by the family of the Sudanese activist Mohamed Salah Mohamed 03-21-14, 03:25 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Free Detained Human Rights Lawyers and Youth Activists 03-21-14, 05:38 AM, GIRIFNA
- Sudan Human Rights Monitor, August - November 2013 03-20-14, 05:36 AM, african centre for justice
- Darfur: Three Intense Weeks of Deadly Violence and Destruction 03-17-14, 04:23 PM, Sudan Democracy First Group
- 1 person dead and 7 critically injured after Sudanese forces open fire on Uni.of Khartoum students 03-13-14, 03:20 AM, african centre for justice
- Darfuri Student Killed at Khartoum University 03-12-14, 03:02 PM, GIRIFNA
- Sudan judiciary protects press freedom; authorities censor 03-07-14, 02:09 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan ends ban on newspaper but seizes others 03-06-14, 05:11 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Update: Censorship surge in Sudan by security services continues and extends to pro-government news 03-06-14, 00:25 AM, African Centre for Justice and Peace Stu
- Publication of Constitutional Proetction of Human Rights in Sudan 02-10-14, 05:37 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Issues No. 6 and 7 of the Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin covering the periods 01 to 1 02-10-14, 05:33 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Her Majesty and walking on edge of the abyss Report: Hussein Saad 01-16-14, 05:05 PM, Hussein Saad
- Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin Issue No 4 01 – 15 Decem 12-17-13, 06:24 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Fears for the safety of Sudanese youth movement leader denied medical 12-10-13, 03:29 PM, sudaneseonline
- 3rd Issue of the Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin for the 12-02-13, 02:32 PM, sudaneseonline
- Sudan and South Sudan’s Joint Security Committee holds its meeting in 09-17-13, 02:56 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Letter from African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies 09-13-13, 11:49 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Human Rights Situation in Sudan: Amnesty International’s joint written 09-11-13, 09:17 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Renewal and strengthening of the special procedure mandate on the situ 09-11-13, 09:16 PM, SudaneseOnline News
 