اعادة تشخيص أزمة الاحتقان المروري والحلول المطلوبة لخفضها
07:54 PM Nov, 05 2015 سودانيز اون لاين بروفيسور محمد الرشيد قريش- مكتبتى
سمنار إعادة تشخيص أزمة الاحتقان المروري والحلول المطلوبة لخفضها مع إطلالة وافية علي أساسيات هندسة المرور
Re-Formulating the Traffic Congestion "Problem", and Its Abatement Strategy Duration— A 5-Days Modular Seminar, With Four Offerings to Select From Location: One of Khartoum's Seminar Halls (Ample Time Notification Later) Time: Tentatively Scheduled to Start July 10, 2015 مقدم السمنار بروفسير د. د. محمد الرشيد قريش Ph.D. in Hydrology and Water Resources, with Minor in Civil Engineering (Hydraulics) University of Minnesota Ph.D. in Transportation and Industrial Systems Engineering—Columbia University (and M. I. T's Flight Transport Laboratory) M. Phil. in Industrial Economics and Development Planning—Columbia Univ. M.B.A. in Operations Research and Economics--Utah S. Univ. B.Sc. in Ag. Engineering (Power and Machinery)-California S. Univ. (and U. of K.) Intermediate Science (Mathematics)—Univ. of Khartoum A Certificate in Air Transport—M.I.T A Certificate in Science, Technology and Development --Cornel Univ. C.E., S.M.A.I.I.E., S.M.S. M.E., M.A.S.C.E., M.A.I.A.A., M.C.I.T., M.A.S.Q.C., M.T.I.MS., A.M.A.S.A.E. FELLOW M.I.T. Centre for Advanced Engineering Study, 1978 FELLOW (Sudan's) Engineering Society Former CONSULTANT to UNESCO and UN-ESCWA Former Engineering Associate Professor at American and Saudi Universities Author of the 1983 University of Khartoum's BRRI Proposal for Road and Transport Research Division
Who Should Attend
• الإدارة العامة للمرور—مرور ولاية الخرطوم • وزارة التخطيط العمراني والمرافق العامة-- إدارة الشئون الهندسية • Architects, Urban Planners and Engineers • Senior Personnel Who Have the Overall Responsibility for Roadway Traffic Planning, Design, and Operation (المؤسسة العامة للطرق ولكباري) • Transportation Planners and Directors with Policy Responsibilities (وزارة النقل) • Government Works Departments • Academics, Research Scholars and Post-graduate Students (كليات الهندسة والمعمار والأقتصاد) • الصحف اليومية • Transport and Urban Planning Consultants, • Entrepreneurs, Transport Fund Securers and Investors (البنوك ) • Anyone, interested in A Crash Program In Traffic Engineering • Mass Transit Technology Contracts Negotiators • Insurance Companies (شركات التأمين) • Government Energy Managers • Public and Private Passenger Transport Providers (إتحادالحافلات) • Heavy Vehicle Operators and Freight Carriers Mangers(إتحاد الشاحنات)
Duration--Days One and Two: (10.00 AM -3.00 PM)
Module One: Traffic Engineering Revisited: ➢ Routes, Interchanges, Pavements etc. ➢ The Glaring Shortage of Transportation Engineering Professionals ➢ Theories and Models of (Traffic) Flow: • The Hydrodynamic Model, The Kerner –Hubert Model, Gronau’s “Value of Time” Model, The Gravity Modeland A Fibonacci Series Model ➢ Complexities of the Traffic Flow Problem and How It Is Inseparably Interweaved With Land Use, Energy Waste and Air Pollution Issues: • Traffic Flow Characteristics ◊ The 4 Primary Traffic System Variables (Measures) ◊ Capacity and the Peak-Hour Factor (PHF) and ◊ The 3 Fundamental Diagrams of Road Traffic ➢ Problem Formulation: إحتقان حركة المرور • Requirement of Sound Traffic Management • Congestion Defined ( Spatial and Temporal Definitions) ➢ The 2 Types of Traffic Congestion and The Cost of Congestion • Quality Control in Roadway Traffic: The Level of Service Concept ➢ Characteristics of Urban Goods (Trucks) Movements نقل البضائع في وسط عمراني و دوره في إحتقان حركة المرور ➢ Failure Processes and Analysis • The Scientific Analysis of Failure • The Need for Distinction Between The True Problem and Its Symptoms • Seeing the Forest for the Trees— Traffic Congestion Is NOT the Problem, Rather It Is A Symptom of the Real Traffic Problem! • Pitfalls of Diagnosing the Problem in Terms of Its Symptoms:
Duration—Day Three: (10.00 AM -3.00 PM)
Module Two: The Etiology of the True Traffic Problem: • The 4 Potential Problem Areas that Would Have Caused the Traffic Problem: • The True Traffic Problem Elements That The "Solution" Should Influence • The Importance of Accurate Problem Definition: إفراغ مركز الخرطوم التجاري نموذجا • Towards A Politically Acceptable Traffic Circulation Plan • المعالجات المقترحة من قبل الولاية لحل ” مشكلة “ الاختناق المروري • Criteria for Evaluating Traffic Improvement Plans • Where Planning May Have Gone Wrong؟ • Road Geometric Design, Junction Capacity and Types, Pedestrian Facility Design, Signal Timing Plan and Parking Facility Design • Quality Control in Road Building: Where Design May Have Gone Wrong؟ • Road System Operation Management: Traffic, Street System, Curb Parking, Traffic Signal System Control and Traffic Regulations الرقابة الضبطية • The Three Main Road Systems (Pavement) Failures Influencing Congestion • A Failure “Train” for Asphaltic Concrete Pavements • Higher Gross Weight Goods Vehicles (GVW) and the Road Damage Factors • Roadway Congestion Due to Seasonal Runoff o The Problem of Controlling Water Passage Resulting From the Seasonal Floods and Storm Runoff Thru Drainage and Other Means o The Cost of Lack of Adequate Surface Drainage To Roadways • Human Factors in Road User Behavior Impacting Congestion: • Where Road System Operation Management May Have Gone Wrong؟
Duration—Day Four: (10.00 AM -3.00 PM)
Module Three: Recommendations الحلول المقترحة لخفض الاحتقان المروري • Alleviation Strategies for The Traffic Flow Problem • The Two Major Traditional Approaches to Reducing Congestion The Supply-Side and The Demand-Side Management (SSM) Approaches • The Emergent Transportation System Management (TSM) Approach The Effect of Urban Road Type and Road Use on Traffic Volume The 4 Types of Road/Freeway Traffic Management System Traffic Channelization, Road User Charges, Marginal (Social) Cost (MC) Pricing and Toll Zones Dissuasive Impacts • The More Politically Feasible Measures to Reduce Demand Reducing Urban Travel Demand Thru Land Use Planningالأستخدام الأمثل للأرض Land Use Relations With Crucial Impacts on Traffic Towards Conjunctive Traffic and Land Use Planning Land Allocative Efficiency and The Criteria for Efficient Modal Split Similarity of Traffic and Land Use Objectives • Capturing the X-Efficiencies: Reducing The Impacts of Urban Goods (Trucks) Movements On Congestion, Energy Waste and Pollution • The Two Basic Strategies of Saving Vehicular Energy : The Impact of Citizen's Education On Safety and Road Congestion Alleviation
Duration--Day Five: (10.00 AM -3.00 PM) Module Four: Examining Alternative Solutions: Urban Mass Transit and Waterway Transportation: سرعة النمو العمراني وأنظمة ألنقل الجماعي لمواكبة هذا التوسع
Urban Mass Transit Classifications Shifting from Single Occupancy Vehicles, SOVs, to High Occupancy Vehicles, HOVs, Such As Buses Transit’s Two Right-of-Way ( R/W ) Definitions Urban Mass Transit: Some Criteria for Comparative Choice و الدور المفترض لكل نمط من أنماط النقل (نقل مشترك؟ سيارات خاصة؟، نقل نهري؟ الخ....) Mass Transit Planning and Feasibility Studies for Transit Alternatives م أسئلة ينبغي طرحها عند التفكير في إدخال الترا The Choice of Mass Transit System: المترو الخفيف والبدائل التكنولوجية للنقل الجماعي Comparing Modal Space and Energy Efficiency Transit Classification Based on Capacity and Performance Area Required for Travel By Different Modes Purchase Price vs. Vehicle Weight for Buses and Rail Cars The Inland Waterway Option: Using Steam or Diesel-Powered Ferryboats To Relief Urban Traffic Congestion: Some of the Intrinsic Problematic Issues With the Use of River Transport Navigational Conflicts With Other Water Resources Purposes The Needed Remedial Action to Make Inland Waterway A Feasible Optio
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