MULTI-FAITH QUIZ from the living God

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06-14-2006, 07:10 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
MULTI-FAITH QUIZ from the living God

    Right Answer in 1st attempt 3 Points
    Right Answer in 2nd attempt 2 Points
    Right Answer in 3rd attempt 1 point


    1. Can you complete this saying from Swami?
    "The End of Knowledge is _______."

    A. Love.
    B. Wisdom.
    C. Perfection.
    D. Freedom.

    2. Reverence to the Ten Commandments is found in both the Jewish and Christian faiths. In which book of the Bible can you find the account of God giving the Ten Commandments to Moses?

    A. Genesis.
    B. Proverbs.
    C. Judges.
    D. Exodus.

    3. In the Ramayana, what did Hanuman first do to attract Mother Sita's attention when he found her sitting in captivity in the Ravana's Ashoka garden?

    A. Hanuman transformed himself into a squirrel and reached Sita's feet.
    B. Hanuman flew through the air and landed before her.
    C. Hanuman recounted to Sita the exploits and prowess of Lord Rama.
    D. Hanuman dropped a ring belonging to Rama at Sita's feet.

    4. What was the boon granted to Bheeshma, the great warrior from the epic Mahabharata, by his father?

    A. That Bheeshma could die whenever he pleased to.
    B. That Bheeshma could call upon a sacred eagle to carry him anywhere.
    C. That Bheeshma would be able to conquer all foes in battle.
    D. That Bheeshma could call on his father at any time for help.

    5. What is Swami's teaching on 'Destiny'?

    A. We should resign ourselves to Destiny's will.
    B. We should pray to make our desired Destiny happen.
    C. We should act to fulfill our destiny.
    D. We should consult astrologers to find out our future.

    6. Can you complete this sentence from Swami?
    "Your basic nature, believe Me, abhors this dull, dreary routine of eating, drinking and sleeping. It seeks something which it knows it has lost - _____."

    A. Money.
    B. Heaven.
    C. Shanti.
    D. Respect.

    7. In Islam what does the term 'Haj' refer to?

    A. A Sufi saint.
    B. The annual pilgrimage to Mecca.
    C. The call to prayer.
    D. Songs of devotion to Allah.

    8. The Buddha encouraged his followers to develop metta - what does this term refer to?

    A. Frugalness.
    B. Cleverness.
    C. Loving kindness.
    D. Renunciation.

    9. In which year did Swami visit Rishikesh and bestow incredible blessings on Swami Purushotamananda, who had been in a cave for thirty years?

    A. 1959.
    B. 1980.
    C. 1957.
    D. 1963.

    10. Can you complete this prayer from Zoroastra?
    "You who wish to hold fast to the path of good thought through righteousness should keep the demon of ____ suppressed."

    A. Wrath.
    B. Wastefulness.
    C. Sloth.
    D. Suspicion.
    1. Vajrayan was the sect of which religion?
    A. Buddhism
    B. Jain
    C. Hindu
    D. Jew

    2. Who in Greek mythology is a mythical monster, half-serpent and half-woman?
    A. Delphyne
    B. Alope
    C. Circe
    D. Electra

    3. In which language is the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of the Sikhs written?
    A. Urdu
    B. Hindi
    C. Sanskrit
    D. Gurumukhi

    4. What is the most important religious leader in the Church called?
    A. Missionary
    B. Bishop
    C. Priest
    D. Preacher

    5. What are the words "Good news" called in Christianity?
    A. Sermon
    B. Realisation
    C. Gospel
    D. Confession

    6. In the Muslim religion what is a pilgrimage to Mecca called?
    A. Hijra
    B. Hajj
    C. Haji
    D. none of these

    7. In Judaism, what is the collective name for the five books of Moses, that contain God's words?
    A. Torah
    B. New Testament
    C. Bible
    D. Old Testament

    8. When was 'Bhagwat Dharm' (Bhagwat religion) spread mostly?
    A. Maurya's period
    B. Gupta's period
    C. Kushanas's period
    D. Satvahan's period

    9. In Judaism what is the golden box called in which two pieces of stone were kept upon which the Ten Commandments are written?
    A. Ark of the Covenant
    B. Jewellery Box
    C. Ornament case
    D. Hazratbal

    10. Who leads the prayer in Islam which is followed by a sermon?
    A. Maulana
    B. Qazi
    C. Imam
    D. Mullah

    11. What was Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion born as?

    A. Hindu
    B. Sikh
    C. Muslim
    D. Christian

    12. In which language is the Quran, the sacred book of the Muslims written?
    A. Arabic
    B. French
    C. Persian
    D. Hebrew

    13. What name was given to the city of Yathrib by the Prophet Mohammed?
    A. Mecca
    B. Medina
    C. Jerusalem
    D. Ajmer

    (عدل بواسطة sudania2000 on 06-14-2006, 07:16 AM)


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