Re: زيارة مهاتير رئيس الوزراء ماليزا السابق؟ هل هى دين على الانقاذ (Re: بلدى يا حبوب)
بلدي يا حبوب
نساعدك شويه بخلفيه عن الراجل وتورطه في مشروع خزان باكون في ولاية ساراواك.
كان مهاتير محمد قد الغي هذا المشروع في عام 1990 بعد تصاعد احتجاجات المتأثرين وجمعيات حماية البيئه، وقال مهاتير في مؤتمر حماية التنوع الاحيائي Biodiversity في عام 1990 ( ان هذا القرار يؤكد التزام ماليزيا بالحمايه)!
إلا ان ما حدث بعد ذلك يثير الكثير ,اترك لك الحكم:
Quote: ( three years later on September 9,1993 the Malaysian cabinet reversed this decision, again approving construction of the Bakun Dam, to generate 2400 MW, at a cost of approximately $7 billion Canadian. ........... ............. In the following months, however, it became apparent that more was at stake than just electricity. On January 30,1994, Mahatir announced that the contract for constructing and operating the dam had been awareded, without tender, to Ting Pek Khiing, a Sarawak timber tycoon and developer, and his company, Ekran Berhad. This surprised many, because Ting had no previous experience building dams. What he did have, however, was the prime minister's confidence. Mahatir announcement was only the public culmination of intense private lobbying, through which Tung had convinced him that his company could deliver the project quickly. Ting had also won the support of the Sarawak Chief Minister, because his proposal would further the minister's goal of the privatisation of utilities while directing business to Sarwak companies. ........ ...... In the three years since Ting won the contract, complex networks of influence have been woven around the project, linking politicians, business leaders, and members of their families. Much of the details of these networks remain secret: as one account concludes " it story of which full details may never be known, involving as it does, meetings, lobbying, rapid changes of minds and deployments - a real intrigue, mostly behind closed doors and to which the public has had little access" |
Power Elite -Stephen Bocking
والقصه طويله ولي هسي جاره لكن بتكون عرفته جاي لشنو بعد كده....
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