مجمـوعه حقـوق الأنسـان السـودانيه تدافع عن محمد طه
Human Rights Group defends Mohammed Taha
The Sudanese Human Rights Group (SHRG)held yesterday in the office of Advocate Gazi Sulieman a press conference on the issue of Mohammed Taha Mohammed Ahmed, the editor in-chief of lwifaq Arabic daily, who is accused of slandering Prophet Mohamed (Belessings of God be upon him) through an article in his paper.
SHRG chairman, Gazi Sulieman said tht the group is standing in defence of Mohammed Taha's rights, because he never defiled the prophet as claimed by extremist groups. He added the scores of lawyers will defend Mohammed Taha. Sulieman also called on the government to stand by its commitments on freedom of the press
,On his part prominent liberalist, Alhaj Waraq, said tht the upheavals and protests of the past few days were not really in defence of Islam , but are flargant abuses of basic human rights. He added that the main issue here is to press freedom, Slahudin Awooda, the chairman of Freedoms Committee in the Journalists Union disavawed an earlier statement condeming Taha
بعض من تفاصيل الخبر، نشر فى Khartoum Monitor