دارفور: لقاء بمبني ريغان بواشنطون مع الأستاذة صفاء العاقب آدم و الأستاذ سليمان بلدو
دارفور: لقاء بمبني ريغان بواشنطون مع الأستاذة صفاء العاقب آدم و الأستاذ سليمان بلدو.
From: Howard Wolpe, Director, Africa Program and Leadership Project and Hattie Babbitt, Director, The Initiative for Inclusive Security
Topic: Sudan Briefing: Next Steps in Darfur With: Safaa Elagib Adam, Head of the Gender Experts Support Team to the Abuja Negotiations; Secretary General of the Community Development Association
And: Suliman Baldo, Director of Africa Program, International Crisis Group
Moderator: Hattie Babbit, Director, Initiative for Inclusive Security Date: Friday, May 5, 2006, 10:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. in the 5th Floor Conference Room
Where: Ronald Reagan Building: One Woodrow Wilson Plaza, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
The Africa Program and Leadership Project of the Wilson Center and The Initiative for Inclusive Security are pleased invite you to a special briefing on recent developments in Darfur. Safaa Elagib Adam of Darfur will share her insights into the Darfur peace negotiations, including why women's participation is critical to all efforts to resolve the conflict. Suliman Baldo of the International Crisis Group will provide analysis of the current situation and offer concrete recommendations for how the international community should act to end the crisis and move the peace process forward.
Safaa Elagib Adam is secretary general of the Community Development Association, an NGO working to build peace in Darfur. She is also head of the gender expert technical team advising the negotiating parties at the Darfur peace negotiations in Abuja, Nigeria. She has attended numerous regional and international fora on Darfur and Sudan, including the Oslo Donor's Conference in 2005. Adam is a member of Inclusive Security's Women Waging Peace network, a founding member of the Darfurian Forum for Dialogue and Peaceful Coexistence, and an active member of the Civil Society Initiative for Peace Forum, the Darfur Conflict Advocacy Group, and the Sudanese Women Empowerment for Peace and Development Network. In 2005, she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Suliman Baldo is the Africa Program Director at the International Crisis Group, a position he moved to after two years of work as an independent expert, providing advice on conflict situations in Central and Eastern Africa. From 1995 to 2002, he was with Human Rights Watch as Senior Researcher for the DRC and the Horn of Africa. In his native Sudan, Baldo is widely known as a human rights and democracy activist. His career there included lecturing at the University of Khartoum and directing community-based development and management of humanitarian/emergency assistance as a volunteer and eventual full-time employee with local humanitarian groups. From 1988 to 1992 he served as field representative for Oxfam America, managing its development and disaster relief programs for the Horn of Africa region, and from 1992 to 1995 he was an independent development consultant.
Please RSVP by e-mail to Julia Bennett at [email protected]