Sudanese-Thoughts:Function & Out-put Theory
Modern Thoughts Function and out-put States that “ Any object in the universe has direct function, so we can evaluate it’s efficiency according to it’s out-put”. In other words we can apply mathematically the Equation of the third law of thermodynamics i.e “The law of the efficiency of the engin.” The efficiency of system = work done the system “in-put”/Work resultant of the system “out-put” **************** Government (any government) is just like the human body. Both of them are composed of ministries/ systems, department/organs that do similar functions, each within it’s own scope. Take human body as an example, we find that it is composed of cells “as a least unite”, tissue, organs and systems. All of them work in smooth harmony, unless the body is infected by certain disease, then all body’s systems pact to this and also affected. Prophet Mohammed, peace and prayer be upon him has said “Muslim’s community resembles human body, if one of it’s organs is complained, all the other organs will then be affected too”. Thus we find that the government cabinet does the same functions that of the nervous system, while the different ministries and departments carry out the remaining functions of other systems of body. The government here is meant the democratic ones not primitive authoritarian regimes of oligrachies which are controlled by one person, in most cases a dictator, as we know that “if a person is mentally insufficient, there is no use of the ideal out-put of other systems”. Finally open your mind’s eye and look with it!!. Try to denude people and objects from their false and glorious functions to see their direct and actual functions. i.e. the car is a transport object, never mind either it is a Mercidice car or Hiluxe. Watch tells time never mind either it is Omega or Casio also friendship based on Loyality and faith, without which it is not ideal, marriage based on love and respectance, without which it is a false trade and so.. on “functions, input, out put is the art that give a correct out look towards general schems of the universe.