Trump presidency: a setback for climate change agenda؟

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01-21-2017, 10:48 PM

abubakr salih
<aabubakr salih
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Trump presidency: a setback for climate change agenda؟

    10:48 PM January, 22 2017 سودانيز اون لاين
    abubakr salih-
    رابط مختصر
    After few hours of Trump’s inauguration, the white house page on climate change, which contains Obama’s vision on climate change, has been taken down. No much surprise on that, considering Trump’s position on the matter. He twitted years ago saying that climate change is a hoax promoted by China and he didn’t like Obama’s policy on climate change. Now Trump is the president and has all the power to change the direction and move from cutting emission to drilling for oil and other fossil fuels. The question now is: what will happen to the global effort to tackle climate change, like Paris agreement, which singed by 179 countries in April 2016؟
    Climate change is not a hoax. It is a real problem facing the world. There is unanimous consensus within the scientific community that the anthropogenic emission of green house gases is the main cause of the ongoing global warming. We in the developing countries are the least contributors to this problem, yet we are the most vulnerable to its consequences. Thus we are much interested in the global effort to combat it.

    From 1880 till now the raise in the global mean surface temperature is estimated to be about 1° C. Changes in global mean temperature are expected to propagate to other aspect of the climate system causing changes in rainfall and wind patterns, sea level and snow cover. In Paris agreement, the world leaders have committed, for the first time, to reduce their emission to keep temperature raise below 2° C by the end of this century. Meanwhile the developing countries will receive financial and technological support to pursue their development through clean energy path. All this effort is much dependent on the engagement of the big players like USA, China and the EU. Now a climate-change denier is governing USA, the future of the international effort on combating climate change is quite uncertain.

    (عدل بواسطة abubakr salih on 01-22-2017, 07:20 AM)


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