نص مداخلة القائد عبد العزيز ادم الحلو في رسالة الي الكونغرس الأمريكي 26 أبريل

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05-05-2017, 03:09 AM

عبدالغني بريش فيوف
<aعبدالغني بريش فيوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 2004

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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نص مداخلة القائد عبد العزيز ادم الحلو في رسالة الي الكونغرس الأمريكي 26 أبريل

    03:09 AM May, 05 2017

    سودانيز اون لاين
    عبدالغني بريش فيوف-Polk County/IA
    رابط مختصر

    نص مداخلة القائد عبد العزيز ادم الحلو في رسالة الي الكونغرس الأمريكي
    US House of Representatives
    Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Global Human Rights
    بتاريخ ٢٦ أبريل ٢٠١٧م.
    ..... . . ...... . . ........................
    Testimony of General Abdalaziz Adam Alhilu
    SPLA/N General commander/Chief of staff of SPLA/N and Deputy Chairman of the SPLM-N
    Submitted to US House of Representatives
    Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Global Human Rights
    April 26, 2017
    My name is Gen. Abdalaziz Adam Alhilu, General Commander of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army –North (SPLA/N in the Nuba Mountains). I thank you for the opportunity to present my views for consideration of the Subcommittee on African Affairs on the reinstatement of sanctions against the regime of Sudan President Omar al-Bashir. The hearing subject raises fundamental questions. What should be done to deter Khartoum from their murderous plan since sanctions do not work, what might really work؟ Also what we can do to make the new Administration in Washington, DC administration understand our problem؟
    The Nuba, Funj and Darfur were the first targets of the National Islamic Front (NIF) state sponsored terrorism against its own citizens for the last 30 years. That same behavior forced South Sudan to opt for independence. The NIF is using Sharia Islamic laws to rally the Arabs in the North and legitimize the ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Africans and Christians in Sudan.
    Note that Islamic Jihad was declared against the Nuba people regardless of religion or belief in 1992, and it is still in effect as of today. The Arabs in the North are using the Jihad declaration by Muslim Clerics and the NIF to absolve themselves from any guilt conscience, when they raid, kill (3,000,000), burn villages (400,000), and rape, enslave loot and displace the African citizens and communities. In the name of Jihad, the Arabs organized themselves as PDF, Mujahedeen, Rapid Support Force (RSF) etc.to support the NIF Islamic Army or so called Sudan Armed Force (SAF) in that holy war (Jihad).
    That is the internal effect of the Sharia Laws. Externally it is even far reaching and dangerous to International peace and stability.
    Since 1989 the NIF regime in Sudan turned into a strong hold for the Sunni International Islamic Movement (Muslim Brotherhood) worldwide. Sudan engaged in creating indoctrination and training ground for all Sunni based terrorist organizations (Al-Qaeda, ISIS, al-Nusra Front, and Boko Haram). Most people overlook Sudan, thinking Turkey is more dangerous. However, the Islamists in Turkey may be soon in full control of the state machinery to use it in the interest of the International Islamic Movement given the recent national referendum vote.
    Others think Iran is more dangerous. While Iran may be leading Shiite sect, they are a minority in the Islamic world compared to Sunni Sects.
    The International Islamic Movement represents the spearhead of the Pan Arabism Movement, pitted against the West in what has been called the Clash of Civilizations. Given the superiority of the West in terms of weaponry, the Islamists use strong nationalist zeal and hate to spearhead non- conventional warfare tactics and weapons to tilt the balance. 9/11 was an example. Something unexpected in the West , that Islamist would resort to using civil aviation planes to execute the most dangerous terrorist operation in history targeting the iconic World Trade Center in New York , the Pentagon in northern Virginia and the White House in Washington, DC.
    Let us remind ourselves that, the first attempt on the World Trade Centre in 1993 was organized and conducted by the Muslim Brotherhood. The bombings of the Nairobi and Dar es Salaam US Embassies in 1998 was perpetrated by bin Laden’s Al Qaeda, an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood.
    In short, Sharia Laws and the terrorist nature of the Sudan regime are behind many of the internal and external problems we see today from the Sudan.
    What should be done؟
    In order to end the genocide in Sudan, the USA should put more pressure on the Khartoum National Congress Party (NCP) regime of indicted war criminal President Omar al-Bashir to repeal and abrogate the Sharia Laws, in order to pave the way for peaceful and democratic transformation in the Sudan. This can be done through internationally supervised peace talks. If there is genuine secular and conventional democracy, the Islamists will not survive. They will transform over time, provided that they are deprived of the Sharia divine right to rule and terrorize using the resources of Sudan.
    Removal of Sharia Laws, will stop Sudanese Islamists from enjoying state cover to practice terrorism and supporting Jihadists and terrorists globally from the Muslim ummah. It will stop human trafficking, money laundering and migration from Africa to the West. Khartoum is masterminding the destabilization in the Sub- Sahara Sahel Region and beyond in Chad, Central African Republic, Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Egypt and Libya.
    Do not let the Bashir NCP regime in Khartoum fool anyone, with its deception plan. They say they can cooperate with the US and its allies in the war against terrorism. If they are not party to that, how could they get information about the terrorists؟ It is open political gaming with the Western intelligence agencies in order to have the sanctions against the NCP regime lifted. After lifting the sanctions they will resume and continue their old ways of support for Jihad and ethnic cleansing of indigenous African people in the Sudan and the Sahel.
    They do not share common values of human rights, freedoms, rule of law with the USA, in order for them to provide all the information requested on the terrorist movements.They only trust their mentors and supporters of the International Islamic Movement.
    Islamists can change on their own and deliver democratic transformation in Sudan and other countries. That is mere propaganda. The very nature of the organization and the Islamic teachings will prevent them from refraining from Jihad terrorism.
    For the interest of peace and stability in Sudan, the Sahel region and internationally, the Bashir NIF / NCP regime should be have to be dismantled either peacefully or by force.
    Thank you for the opportunity to presenting my views as Commander of the SPLA-North in the Nuba Mountains.

05-05-2017, 03:12 AM

عبدالغني بريش فيوف
<aعبدالغني بريش فيوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 2004

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: نص مداخلة القائد عبد العزيز ادم الحلو في ر (Re: عبدالغني بريش فيوف)

    المداخلة من مكان إقامة القائد/عبدالعزيز الحلو في المناطق المحررة (جبال النوبة)

05-05-2017, 03:23 AM

عبدالغني بريش فيوف
<aعبدالغني بريش فيوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 2004

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: نص مداخلة القائد عبد العزيز ادم الحلو في ر (Re: عبدالغني بريش فيوف)

    In order to end the genocide in Sudan, the USA should put more pressure on the Khartoum National Congress Party (NCP) regime of indicted war criminal President Omar al-Bashir to repeal and abrogate the Sharia Laws, in order to pave the way for peaceful and democratic transformation in the Sudan. This can be done through internationally supervised peace talks. If there is genuine secular and conventional democracy, the Islamists will not survive.

05-05-2017, 03:24 AM

عبدالغني بريش فيوف
<aعبدالغني بريش فيوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 2004

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: نص مداخلة القائد عبد العزيز ادم الحلو في ر (Re: عبدالغني بريش فيوف)

    Removal of Sharia Laws, will stop Sudanese Islamists from enjoying state cover to practice terrorism and supporting Jihadists and terrorists globally from the Muslim ummah. It will stop human trafficking, money laundering and migration from Africa to the West. Khartoum is masterminding the destabilization in the Sub- Sahara Sahel Region and beyond in Chad, Central African Republic, Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Egypt and Libya.

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