Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: محمد على طه الملك)
https://news.sol.org.tr/greek-coast-guards-seize-explosives-cargo-ship-turkey-sudan-172295https://news.sol.org.tr/greek-coast-guards-seize-explosives-cargo-ship-turkey-sudan-172295 Greek coast guards seize explosives on cargo ship from Turkey to Sudan The vessel is suspect in violating the international arms embargo on Sudan Greek authorities say they are investigating a load of explosives that was allegedly being transported by a Maltese-flagged cargo ship from Turkey to Sudan. The Greek Coast Guard stopped on Wednesday a Maltese-flagged container ship Mekong Spirit, on its way to Sudan from Turkey’s Nemrut port, after officers found large quantities of explosives during an onboard inspection. The coast guard says customs officials were to investigate the cargo to determine whether the shipment contravened the EU and UN arms embargo on Sudan, or whether the explosives were meant for other use. No arrests were made pending determination of whether the cargo was illegal. The ship had 17 crew members on board, all Ukranians. :
الخبر برضو ورد في الأحداث الالكترونية التي يرأس تحريرها الأستاذ عادل الباز . http://alahdathnews.com/archives/13241http://alahdathnews.com/archives/13241
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: أبوبكر عباس)
سلام مولانا
السودان بتحكمو عدة حكومات متمثلة في مراكز قوى كل مجموعة بتعمل وفق أهوائها وبعد حكومة الوفاق دي أكيد بكون في زعل من بعض هذه المراكز والتي لن توفر جهدا في توريط الحكومة
وتركيا عضو في الاتحاد الأوربي وهناك شكوك في دعمها لجماعات الاسلام السياسي وسوء علاقاتها مع هولندا والمانيا وغايتو
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: Asim Ali)
الديلي ميل سلام أخ الملك Greek authorities investigate cargo ship with explosives By ASSOCIATED PRESS ATHENS, Greece (AP) - Greek authorities say they are investigating a load of explosives that was allegedly being transported by a Maltese-flagged cargo ship from Turkey to Sudan.
The coast guard said it stopped the Mekong Spirit, which had set sail from a Turkish port with a crew of 17, on Wednesday morning and led it to the eastern Aegean island of Kos.
The coast guard says customs officials were to investigate the cargo to determine whether the shipment contravened a European Union and United Nations arms embargo on Sudan, or whether the explosives were meant for other use.
No arrests were made pending determination of whether the cargo was illegal.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-4539288/Greek-authorities-investigate-cargo-ship-explosives.html#ixzz4iBio5ReK Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: Asim Ali)
يا مستنير بطل عكلتة المسائل دي على قفا من يشيل ..
Sanctions against Sudan
1. Arms embargo and ban on provision of certain services It is prohibited to directly or indirectly supply, sell or transfer arms and related materiel, including ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment or related spare parts to Sudan. It is also prohibited to provide technical and financial assistance related to military activities. Materiel that may be required by the African Union, the UN and the EU in their crisis management operations is exempted from these sanctions. Materiel specifically intended for mine clearance is also exempted provided that such deliveries have been approved in advance by the competent national authority. هاك دي السويد >>>>>>> COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 747/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Sudan and repealing Regulations (EC) No 131/2004 and (EC) No 1184/2005 Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 215 thereof, Having regard to Council Decision 2014/450/CFSP of 10 July 2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Sudan and repealing Decision 2011/423/CFSP (1), Having regard to the joint proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the European Commission, Whereas On 10 January 2004, the Council adopted Common Position 2004/31/CFSP (2) maintaining the arms embargo on Sudan imposed by Council Decision 94/165/CFSP (3). On 26 January 2004, the Council adopted Regulation (EC) No 131/2004 (4) giving effect to Common Position 2004/31/CFSP. ودا الاتحاد الأوربي. الباقين اقع قوقل.
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: ناصر حسين محمد)
INSIGHT: SUDAN SANCTIONS By Daria Avdeeva Updated 18 January 2017 PrintShare on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on LinkedInMail this article Sudan sanctions Sanctions imposed on Sudan since late 90s have been partially relaxed since the establishment of the independent South Sudan. Some sanctions remain in force.
UN The Security Council first imposed an arms embargo on all non-governmental entities and individuals, operating in Darfur on 30 July 2004 with the adoption of resolution 1556. The sanctions regime was modified and strengthened with the adoption of resolution 1591 (2005), which expanded the scope of arms embargo and imposed additional measures including a travel ban and an assets freeze on individuals designated by the Committee. The enforcement of the arms embargo was further strengthened by resolution 1945 (2010) and updated by the resolution 2035 (2012). The sanctions measures currently in effect can be summarized as follows:
Arms embargo for parties acting in the Darfur region (otherwise allowed subject to confirmation that end user is not prohibited/sanctioned) Travel ban - designated individuals are not allowed to visit or transit UN states Assets freeze - of individuals and entities controlled by designated individuals Consolidated travel and asset freeze list can be found here.
US US sanctions against Sudan were in place since 1997. On 17 January 2017 - recognising positive developments in the country - the Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced an amendment to the Sudanese Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. part 538 (SSR) authorising all transactions prohibited by the SSR and by Executive Orders 13067 and 13412, and unblocking previously blocked property in which the Government of Sudan has an interest.
As a result of these amendments:
All property and interests in property blocked pursuant to the SSR will be unblocked. All trade between the United States and Sudan that was previously prohibited by the SSR will be authorized. All transactions by US persons relating to the petroleum or petrochemical industries in Sudan that were previously prohibited by the SSR will be authorized, including oilfield services and oil and gas pipelines. US persons will no longer be prohibited from facilitating transactions between Sudan and third countries, to the extent previously prohibited by the SSR. OFAC published a Fact Sheet and updated Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to this regulatory amendment.
Please note that certain sanctions and restrictions remain in place, including, but not limited to individuals and entities blocked under E.O.13400.
List of sanctioned entities (joint for all sanctioned countries) can be found here.
See also Client Alert from Freehill Hogan and Mahar "US Rolls back sanctions against Sudan", published 17 January 2017.
EU In March 1994 the European Union imposed an arms embargo on Sudan in response to the civil in war in the southern part of the country (Council Decision 94/165/CFSP). In January and June 2004 the embargo was modified to also cover technical and financial assistance related to arms supplies.
In May 2005 the EU implemented the UN sanctions on Sudan related to the conflict in Darfur by merging them with the existing EU arms embargo on Sudan (including providing technical assistance, brokering services or other services related to military initiatives or manufacturing, maintenance and use of prohibited items). The arms embargo was also amended to allow assistance and supplies provided in support of implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Sudanese Government and the South Sudanese rebels, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement. (Common Position 2005/411/CFSP, Council Regulation (EC) No 838/2005.)
After South Sudan became independent, the EU in July 2011 amended the arms embargo to cover both Sudan and South Sudan by Council Decision 2011/423/CFSP. The supply of non-lethal military equipment and related assistance to support Security Sector Reform in South Sudan was exempted from the arms embargo.
On 7 May 2015 EU issued a new Council Regulation 2015/735 combining sanctions previously divided among several documents. It also opens for imposing further sanctions on persons obstructing political process in South Sudan or committing serious violations of human rights.
Current list of designated persons in Sudan can be found on the UK government's site. https://www.skuld.com/topics/voyage--port-risks/sanctions/insight/sudan-sanctions1/sudan-sanctions/
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: كمال عباس)
إذا ماصح الخبر فسيكون له عواقب وخيمة *هناك حظر أسلحة arms embargo مفروض من قبل الأمم المتحدة والإتحاد الأوربي وأمريكا علي حكومة الأنقاذ ! ** الخبر يتحدث عن متفجرات ! * نفي حكومة الإنقاذ لملكية الأسلحة لايحمل قيمة أو مصداقية ولايعتد به - الحكومة سبق أن نفت إي علاقة بالإرهاب وإنتهاك حقوق الإنسان -تزوير الإنتخابات -محاولة إغتيال مبارك - قمع الحريات والقهر والشمولية -قذف مدنيين وإستخدام إسلحة كيماوية الخ لذا يصبح نفيها لاقيمة لهو فكلما قبضت Caught red-handed
تنفي والشينة منكورة ! - الولايات المتحدة تراقب والمنظمات ترصد والإتحاد الأروبي والأمم المتحدة تتابع ! - تركيا - أردوغان !! إعادة تصدير لاتصدير مباشرة ! مصدر الشحنة ومستنداتها ووجهة الشحنة والطاقم ! - التفجيرات التي كان ضحاياها عزل ومدنيين في دارفور وجبال النوبة !! ..
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: أبوبكر عباس)
السودان يستورد أسلحته من كل من الصين ورويا وأكرانيا وبلاروسيا وفي مرحلة سابقة من إيران ويشارك في معارض تصنيع الأسلحة العالمية ووصلت صناعاته العسكرية جنوب أفريقيا ودول الخليج كما تدرب السودان على الألسحة الأمريكية والغربية ودخلت الأسلحة المتطورة الأمريكية السودان وتدرب عليها الجندي السوداني كما تمد أمريكا والغرب السودان بآليات متطورة لقوات الدعم السريع لتمشيط الحدود الشمالية في محاربة تهريب البشر والإسلحة
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: أبوبكر عباس)
أبوبكر عباس سلام راجع resolution 1556 (2004) وراجع RESOLUTION 1591 (2005 ،،،،،،،،،، Arms Embargo All States shall take the necessary measures to prevent the supply of arms and related materiel of all types and also of technical training and assistance in relation to actors operating in Darfur.
All States shall ensure that any sale or supply of arms and related materiel to the Sudan not prohibited by resolutions 1591 (2005) and 1556 (2004) are made conditional upon the necessary end user documentation so that States may ascertain that any such sale or supply is conducted consistent with the measures ............. https://www.un.org/sc/suborg/en/sanctions/1591https://www.un.org/sc/suborg/en/sanctions/1591 راجع قرارات أمريكا والإتحاد الأروبي في هذا الصدد!!
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: كمال عباس)
هناك حظر إسلحة مفروضة علي أطراف النزاع في دارفور بما فيها الحكومة! خبر ضبط المتفجرات في اليونان يقول أن هناك فحص وتحقيق حول الشحنة ونوع السلاح هل تنندرج تحت بند الحظر الأممي والأروربي أم لا ؟
Arms Embargo All States shall take the necessary measures to prevent the supply of arms and related materiel of all types and also of technical training and assistance in relation to actors operating in Darfur.
All States shall ensure that any sale or supply of arms and related materiel to the Sudan not prohibited by resolutions 1591 (2005) and 1556 (2004) are made conditional upon the necessary end user documentation so that States may ascertain that any such sale or supply is conducted consistent with the measures imposed by those resolutions. Set out in paragraph 9 of resolution 1556 (2004) and paragraph 7 of resolution 1591 (2005 ), as updated in paragraph 9 of resolution 1945 (2010) and paragraph 4 of resolution 2035 (2012) ............ ماهي الأسلحة التي يشملها الحظر الأممي وماهي المواد المستثناء وهل هذه الشحنة محظورة هذا مايسفر عنه التحقيق !
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: محمد على طه الملك)
مولانا محمد طه الملك. وضيوفه سلام. وجعلنا الله واياكم من العتقاء في الشهر. المبارك
قصة السلاح. دي. اظنها عادية. دولة تحارب لها. 27 سنة. يعني. السلاح ده صنعوا
براهم. .. المهم. في قصة ضرب. الحركات المسلحة الاخيرة قالوا في تعاون مع المخابرات
الامريكية .. رأيك. شنو. ..
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: Frankly)
هناك قرار resolution لامجرد توصية بل وأكثز من قرار وهذه بديهية يعرفها كل متابع للأمم المتحدة والشأن السياسي ! وأسلحة محظورة بموجب prohibited by resolutions 1591 (2005) and 1556 (2004 هناك قرار بحظر أسلحة علي أطراف النزاع في دارقور إنتهي
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: كمال عباس)
EU arms embargo on Sudan Since 1994 the European Union has embargoed arms supplies to Sudan. In July 2011 the embargo was amended so that it would cover arms supplies to Sudan and the newly independent state of South Sudan.
In March 1994 the European Union imposed an arms embargo on Sudan in response to the civil in war in the southern part of the country (Council Decision 94/165/CFSP).
In January and June 2004 the embargo was modified to also cover technical and financial assistance related to arms supplies and to exempt any supplies to UN, EU and African Union institutions in Sudan and related to demining operations. (Common Position 2004/31/CFSP, Council Regulation (EC) No 131/2004, Common Position 2004/510/CFSP.)
In May 2005 the EU implemented the UN sanctions on Sudan related to the conflict in Darfur (UNSCR 1591/2005) by merging them with the existing EU arms embargo on Sudan. The arms embargo was also amended to allow assistance and supplies provided in support of implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Sudanese Government and the South Sudanese rebels, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement. (Common Position 2005/411/CFSP, Council Regulation (EC) No 838/2005.)
On 9 July 2011 South Sudan became independent. In reaction, the EU in July 2011 amended the arms embargo to cover both Sudan and South Sudan by Council Decision 2011/423/CFSP. The supply of non-lethal military equipment and related assistance to support Security Sector Reform in South Sudan was exempted from the arms embargo.
Last updated on 23 November 2012 Embargo type: EU embargoes Entry into force: 15 March 1994 Establishing document: 94/165/CFSP Documents related to this arms embargo EU Council Decision 94/165/CFSP (1994) (1994) EU Council Regulation (EC) No 131/2004 (2004) (2004) EU Common Position 2004/510/CFSP (2004) (2004) EU Common Position 2004/31/CFSP (2004) (2004) EU Common Position 2005/411/CFSP (2005) (2005) EU Council Regulation (EC) No 838/2005 (2005) (2005) UN Security Council Resolution 1591 (2005) (2005) EU Council Decision 2011/423/CFSP (2011) (2011) https://www.sipri.org/databases/embargoes/eu_arms_embargoes/sudanhttps://www.sipri.org/databases/embargoes/eu_arms_embargoes/sudan
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: كمال عباس)
EU arms embargo on Sudan Since 1994 the European Union has embargoed arms supplies to Sudan. In July 2011 the embargo was amended so that it would cover arms supplies to Sudan and the newly independent state of South Sudan.
In March 1994 the European Union imposed an arms embargo on Sudan in response to the civil in war in the southern part of the country (Council Decision 94/165/CFSP).
In January and June 2004 the embargo was modified to also cover technical and financial assistance related to arms supplies and to exempt any supplies to UN, EU and African Union institutions in Sudan and related to demining operations. (Common Position 2004/31/CFSP, Council Regulation (EC) No 131/2004, Common Position 2004/510/CFSP.)
In May 2005 the EU implemented the UN sanctions on Sudan related to the conflict in Darfur (UNSCR 1591/2005) by merging them with the existing EU arms embargo on Sudan. The arms embargo was also amended to allow assistance and supplies provided in support of implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Sudanese Government and the South Sudanese rebels, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement. (Common Position 2005/411/CFSP, Council Regulation (EC) No 838/2005.)
On 9 July 2011 South Sudan became independent. In reaction, the EU in July 2011 amended the arms embargo to cover both Sudan and South Sudan by Council Decision 2011/423/CFSP. The supply of non-lethal military equipment and related assistance to support Security Sector Reform in South Sudan was exempted from the arms embargo.
Last updated on 23 November 2012 Embargo type: EU embargoes Entry into force: 15 March 1994 Establishing document: 94/165/CFSP Documents related to this arms embargo EU Council Decision 94/165/CFSP (1994) (1994) EU Council Regulation (EC) No 131/2004 (2004) (2004) EU Common Position 2004/510/CFSP (2004) (2004) EU Common Position 2004/31/CFSP (2004) (2004) EU Common Position 2005/411/CFSP (2005) (2005) EU Council Regulation (EC) No 838/2005 (2005) (2005) UN Security Council Resolution 1591 (2005) (2005) EU Council Decision 2011/423/CFSP (2011) (2011) https://www.sipri.org/databases/embargoes/eu_arms_embargoes/sudanhttps://www.sipri.org/databases/embargoes/eu_arms_embargoes/sudan
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Re: غايتو الخبر دا لو صاح تبقى وكسة على الحكوم (Re: كمال عباس)
شكرا كمال على المتابعة والتقاط المراد من البوست على وجهه وبحقه .. وتقريظك للراكوبة الصحفية بما تستحق..
قرار اوباما الأخير الذي خطه وهو يضع قلمه الرئاسي حرك الساكن في السودان .. الساكن من حيث توالي الأحداث .. والساكن ( أب دبورة وبورى ).. أربعة وإن ( هاودنا ) خمسة أحداث تلاحقت تمسك برقاب بعضها ..
* القرار الأمريكي الذي بدا إيجابيا فجّر أول ما فجرّ .. بالونة الحوار التي طفقت تنفخ فيها الدولة لسنوات خلون .. فكان كل ما بدا من منثورها عودة الشعبي لمنصة الحكم .. لتعود الانقاذ بلباسها الذي بدأت به ( والساب قديمو ...).
* أوقد في رئيسنا الأمل حتى كاد ينسى أن المصافحة مجرد المصافحة ( الهوينا دي ).. لها في عرفهم قوانين مرتبطة بحقوق الإنسان..
* تصاعد العنف اللفظي بين المصريين والسودانيين بسبب مثلث حلايب .. و(حاجات أخرى حامياني) لم يكن أخطرها فضيحة الخلية الإرهابية .. التي فجرت نفسها في( الخرطوم تلاتة) وهي تعد العدة لتفجير الآخرين .. . ثم بلغ مداه باتهام صريح بزعزعة أمننا الداخلي
* تفجّر الأوضاع في دارفور بدءا بمقاتل قبلية .. ثم قتال بين الحكومة وحركة تحرير السودان ( مناوي + نمر ) ..
* فهل سوف يشغل خبر المتفجرات على ظهر هذه الباخرة (الهوادة ) ليكتمل الكيل ؟.
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