Re: لمن يعاني من حجب المواقع (حل سريع) (Re: Maawya Hussein)
مستخدمي الموزيلا تنزيل الاداه الخاصه من هنا
بعد فك الضغط عن الملف اسقط الاداه داخل المتصفح واتبع الخطوات
Quote: Installation:
Unzip it, drag the wjbutton_en.xpi file to firefox window. Click the "Install" button in the pop-up window to install it. The UltraSurf icon will show at the right-bottom of the firefox window. Close all firefox windows and re-open firefox.
A grey-out UltraSurf icon means UltraSurf is disabled. A bright colorful icon means UltraSurf is enabled. Click it to enable/disable it. To change the settings or uninstall it, go to "tools/add-ons" of firefox.
Start UltraSurf program and enable the firefox add-on, your internet activities thru Firefox will be under UltraSurf's protection.
الاداه لا تحتاج تحديث
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