Re: لاجيء سوداني يصبح دبلوماسي أمريكي!! بقلم ف (Re: ABDALLAH ABDALLAH)
Quote: Gai Nyok, one of 25,000 Sudanese orphaned by civil war—better known as the “lost boys”— has been sworn in as foreign service officer for the US Department of State.
Gai, now 29, fled his village of Abang in what is now South Sudan at the age of 5 and trekked over 1,500 kilometers (almost 1,000 miles) to a refugee camp in Ethiopia. In 2001, he was granted asylum to the United States where he was later taken in by an American family, completed high school, and won a scholarship to earn his bachelor’s degree at Virginia Commonwealth University. He went on to be a Thomas R. Pickering fellow, a government program that prepares young graduates for a career in the foreign service.
In late October, Gai was sworn in at as a US diplomat and will be traveling to Venezuela, his first assignment, next summer. |
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Re: لاجيء سوداني يصبح دبلوماسي أمريكي!! بقلم ف (Re: Basamat Alsheikh)
Quote: وهذا يثبت ايضا ان لا مستحيل تحت الشمس وان السوداني يستطيع قهر الصعاب بالارادة القوية والصبر..فالف مبروك لكاي ومزيد من النجاحات كي نراك سفير امريكا لدى السودان الموحد..
ودمت بالف خير لهذه الانباء المفرحة من اول الصباح..فكل نجاح لاي سوداني او سودانية نجاح لنا جميعا |
الشكر والتحيه لكِ , أستاذه بسمات على المشاركه . تلك هى أميركا , بلد الأمل والحريه والعداله والقانون وليس بمستغرب أن تجد مثل هذه المواقف الرائعه والنبيله فى أميركا .
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Re: لاجيء سوداني يصبح دبلوماسي أمريكي!! بقلم ف (Re: ABDALLAH ABDALLAH)
Quote: Ali Bob الف مبروك لولدنا http://www.herald-progress.com/former-lost-boy-and-phhs...[/QUOTEhttp://www.herald-progress.com/former-lost-boy-and-phhs...[/QUOTE] التحيه لك الأخ على بوب وشكراً على هذه المعلومات القيمه كما نشكر الأخ الأستاذ فيصل الدابى والذى بسبب إشارته لهذا الحدث فتحنا هذا البوست لفتح الباب لمساهمات أكبر عدد للمشاركين والمشاركات لإبداء الرأى .
Gai Nyok earned a BA in international relations and a BS in economics from VCU.
“He’s a wonderful, wonderful boy and brilliant, just brilliant,” Will said. “It took him three years to finish high school. He did his junior and senior years simultaneously. He graduated with honors [in 2005] and got a scholarship to VCU and got two degrees from there in four years: one a B.A. in international relations and a B.S. in economics.” |
Nyok held several different jobs while at VCU, and after graduating cum laude in 2010, he got a temporary job at BrownGreer PLC, a law firm in Richmond. He continued to work as a supervisor at the VCU campus security office – a job he held while in school – until August 2011 when he accepted a position as a faculty assistant in the VCU School of Pharmacy. |
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Re: لاجيء سوداني يصبح دبلوماسي أمريكي!! بقلم ف (Re: ABDALLAH ABDALLAH)
At this time, he began exploring opportunities that would help him pursue his long-term dream of working for the State Department, Nyok said. He discovered the Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program, which provides graduate students with financial support and professional training to prepare them for a career in the U.S. Department of State Foreign Service. |
Nyok applied for the fellowship, and among his competition were Fulbright Scholars, Harvard graduates, Yale graduates, and many other impressive students, Will said. |
June 20, 2013, Will found out that Nyok had been awarded the fellowship when he told her to watch U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech on World Refugee Day. Nearly 12 minutes into the speech, Kerry said, “I’m proud to say that today Gai [Nyok] is one of our Pickering Fellows here at the State Department on the path to becoming a diplomat in the foreign service.”
“And I’m going, ‘Oh my gosh!’ Then he starts giving Gai’s biography! And if you know Gai, you know he’s so modest,” Will said.
Nyok began his graduate studies in economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in August 2013, and graduated in May 2015. As part of his fellowship requirements, he interned at the State Department in Washington, D.C. in 2014, and spent the summer of 2015 as an intern at the U.S. Embassy in Geneva, Switzerland |
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Re: لاجيء سوداني يصبح دبلوماسي أمريكي!! بقلم ف (Re: ABDALLAH ABDALLAH)
Quote: Washington, D.C. in 2014, and spent the summer of 2015 as an intern at the U.S. Embassy in Geneva, Switzerland.
In late October, Nyok officially became a U.S. diplomat in Washington, D.C. and was assigned to aid the country of Venezuela. He is currently in political and economic training and will soon begin Spanish lessons to help prepare him for when he travels there in July 2016, Nyok said. |
فى المقتطف أدناه تجد قوة الدفع الأساسيه والتى قادت هذا الشاب من عالم الضياع إلى ما هو عليه الآن . يا سلام هذه هى ماما أميركا , بلد الأمل والحريه والعداله والقانون
For Nyok, becoming a diplomat was “about public service. It was about giving back.” He said he was lucky to have an American family supporting him and helping him to aspire and achieve big things. |
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Re: لاجيء سوداني يصبح دبلوماسي أمريكي!! بقلم ف (Re: ABDALLAH ABDALLAH)
Quote: وتبنته أسرة أمريكية وأكمل المرحلة الثانوية وحصل على منحة دراسية للحصول على شهادة البكالريوس من جامعة كومنولث فيرجينيا وانضم بعد ذلك إلى برنامج حكومي يعمل على اعداد الشباب الخريجين للعمل في السلك الدبلوماسي وأدى نيوك اليمين الدستورية في أواخر اكتوبر الماضي بصفته دبلوماسياً أمريكياً وسيسافر الصيف المقبل إلى فنزويلا في أول مهمة له . |
عفيت منو والله...وعفيت من هذه الأُسرة الفاضلة الكريمة... جزاها على الكريم... شكراً شيخنا عبد الله...
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Re: لاجيء سوداني يصبح دبلوماسي أمريكي!! بقلم ف (Re: Tragie Mustafa)
Quote: شكرا مولانا عبد اللهوهذا حال اهلنا الجنوبين حقيقةمجتهدينمقدريناوفياءللانصاف اطفال المعناة اكثر انضباطا و تقديرا للمجيء للغربوبعض الذين حضروا مع ذويهم اكثر دلال و فشلا...الجنوبين الحقيقين هم اغلبهم مثل هذا الشاب حفظه الله .شكرا لك مولانا. |
شكراً أم حازم أم سند على هذه المداخله الضافيه .أسعدتنى مشاركتك .الله يديك العافيه .
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