مناشده عاجله

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مكتبة نجلاء سيد أحمد(نجلاء سيد أحمد)
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02-03-2010, 12:20 PM

نجلاء سيد أحمد
<aنجلاء سيد أحمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-10-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 9869

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
مناشده عاجله

    يقيم مركز الجندر للدراسات والبحوث حفل تأبين للمناضلة المرحومة آمال كنه وذلك فى يوم 20 فبراير2010

    الزمان : الساعة 7مساء

    المكان :النادى العائلى

    وسوف يكون من ضمن البرامج عرض بالبروجكتر لكل البوستات التى فتحت فى سودانيزاون لاين .

    ونناشد كل من لديه أى من اوراقها التى قدمتها فى كل من كندا وامريكا واستراليا أو اى مكان التكرم بانزالها فى هذا البوست والرجاء للقراء من خارج عضوية سودانيز اون لاين المراسلة عبر الايميل التالى

    [email protected]

    ولكم منا الشكر العميق

02-03-2010, 12:22 PM

عفاف الصادق بابكر
<aعفاف الصادق بابكر
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-10-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 4188

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مناشده عاجله (Re: نجلاء سيد أحمد)

    الله يرحمك يا امال .. ويكرم نزلك ويرفع روحك في العليين ..

02-03-2010, 12:41 PM

نجلاء سيد أحمد
<aنجلاء سيد أحمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-10-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 9869

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مناشده عاجله (Re: عفاف الصادق بابكر)

    شكرا اختى الحبيبة

    القلب اصبح كالطرقة القديمه هردو فراق الاصدقاء

    البركة فيكم اختى فى فقدنا الموجع معتصم فقيد الشباب

02-03-2010, 02:39 PM

نجلاء سيد أحمد
<aنجلاء سيد أحمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-10-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 9869

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مناشده عاجله (Re: عفاف الصادق بابكر)

    كل البوستات التى نعت الفقيدة الحبيبة آمال

    أمــال كنــــّة ..... يـاااا أيـها القنديـــــــــل

    الاتحاد النسائي فرع تورنتو ينعي السامقه (امال كنه)

    تنعى الجالية السودانية بأونتاريو وفاة المغفور لها باذنه...ام العزاء يوم السبت

    فُجِعَ الشيوعيون بكندا بوفاة الزميلة والناشطة بمنظمات ا...ذة: أمال خيرى(كُنّه)

    يابكرى ليه ما سودت المنبر حدادا على امراه مثل امال كنه

    وانطفات شمعتنا الضوايه

    دقوا النحاس يا نساء....(الكنداكه)....( آمال كنه).... رحلت...!

    انعى لكم الحبيبة آمال كنه

    سلام على روحك صديقتي آمال.. وما أقسى أن تنعي أصدقاءك

    وداعاً آمال كنة .. وداعاً يا رفيقة

    الأستاذة آمال كنه في ذمة الله تعالى

    اخ امــالى ماتت

    ليس وقتا مناسبا للمزاح يا آمال كنه.. يافقدنا الكبير!!!

    المناضله (حواء جديد)تعزي كل الاهل و الرفاق في المناضله(آمال كنه)!

    امال كنه ... النداء والصدى ... على سبيل الموت

    اكتسي الحزن.. الخرطوم ..بسواد حالك .. توفيت ..المناضلة ...ل كنه.. صباح اليوم .

    يلا ايدكم لانشـاء منظمة امال كنة الخيرية لمكافحة سرطان الثدى

    (عدل بواسطة نجلاء سيد أحمد on 02-03-2010, 06:27 PM)


02-03-2010, 03:00 PM

نجلاء سيد أحمد
<aنجلاء سيد أحمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-10-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 9869

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مناشده عاجله (Re: نجلاء سيد أحمد)

02-03-2010, 06:43 PM

نجلاء سيد أحمد
<aنجلاء سيد أحمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-10-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 9869

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مناشده عاجله (Re: نجلاء سيد أحمد)

    Name Amal Kunna Khairy
    Contact details e-mail:[email protected], mobile: +20101494778 +20101494778 , home :+ 202 5198149,
    54 lebnan street, 6th. Floor. The Canadian Mission, Muhandseen, Giza Egypt.

    Proposed Position:
    Education: Masters Degree on (Gender & Development) at IDS, University of Sussex, UK, 1997/98.
    B.S.C. Degree (Economics) University of Cairo.

    TRAINING Gender and Right-based Approach in gender and Development Monitoring AGDEN,
    Gender and Right-based Approach CIDA, Cairo 2004
    Right Based Approach, CIDA 2003
    Project Management Care International, Sana’a, Yemen March 2003
    Conflict Resolution, University of St. Paul, Ottawa Nov.2000.
    Violence against Women organised by Oxfam GB at University of SOAS, UK, April ’98.
    Advocacy and Lobbying organised by Oxfam GB at Khartoum, July ‘97.
    Project Management, (TOT) organised by V. Paddaky, P&P Group India Feb.’96
    Monitoring & Evaluation, ODG, University of East Anglia March’95.
    Diploma of International Applied Management IFL, Sweden. July-Sept. ’88
    Negotiations Skills Development, Academy of Administrative Studies, Khartoum,
    March ’88.

    Languages: Spoken Read Written
    Arabic: Excellent Excellent Excellent

    English: Excellent Excellent Excellent

    French: Learning

    Length of Service with Current Firm Three Years
    Present Position The Canadian Capacity Development/ Gender Specialist of the Participatory Development Program, a bilateral Agreement between the government of Canada & the government of Egypt. A CIDA-funded program.
    Pertinent Experience:

    Mr. Khairy has proven expertise in international development & Aid management as it relates to all aspects of managing & financial resources, capacity building & development programming. She has worked for 20 years as a development practitioner, with Canadian, British, Australian, Irish and Dutch international development and humanitarian agencies. Her program & management experiences were in countries such as Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, UK and Canada. Ms. Kunna has excellent leadership & interpersonal skills. Her areas of professional experience covers: Result Based Management including Budgeting & financial management, needs assessment, project identification, formulation, proposal writing & fundraising, fund allocation, project planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation, policy development and strategic planning; Gender Equality and human rights issues, child protection, participated and team building and leadership, community based approach, participatory methods, and gender analysis and environment measures for project good practice; research and evaluation skills,accountability; transparency; performance management; & networking. She has managed multi-disciplinary project teams & administrative staff. His familiarity with government & demonstrated ability to manage civil works will ensure his success in this position. She has high representation skills, tact & diplomacy.
    Plan & conduct inception mission & develop Program Implementation Plan
    2003-present Participated in the Inception Mission. work in the area of capacity development and gender equality ;
    Collaborated with Canada-based Program Director to develop & write the Program Implementation Plan;
    Validate the capacity development Gender Equality Strategy with CIDA, Canadian Embassy, the consortium of the Canadian Implementing Agencies, the Government of Egypt & the civil society organizations in Egypt

    1998-1999 Lead the Gender centre for Research and Studies during its establishment phase.

    1994-1997 Lead the team which established data collection needs & co-designed the Inception Mission for Jebel See program in Darfur, community based development program focus on food security.
    Collaborated with Oxfam Sudan Country Representative and Darfur Regional manager in developing and writing the implementation plan of Jebel See/Darfur regional program;
    Collaborated with Oxfam Sudan Country Representative and the Darfur Regional Manager in developing and writing the implementation plan of Jebel See/Darfur food security regional program;
    Collaborated with Oxfam Sudan Country Representative, the livestock Advisor and the Upper Nile Program Regional manager in developing and writing the implementation plan of Upper Nile Restocking Program;

    Overseeing all aspects of Program Implementation
    1999-2000 Working with ITDG as Program Development Advisor/Deputy Director, prepared the annual business plans, developed & implemented fund operating procedures & systems with advice & support from the Country Program Director;
    Provided leadership to the regional program , projects review, approval & monitoring using systems & tools developed/contextualized to the Sudanese different regions including Darfur and Kassala;
    Established relations with governmental and non governmental agencies
    Coordinated organizational meeting and cross learning activities

    1988-1999 As the coordinator of the Gender Centre for Research and Studies (GCRS) during its inception period in Sudan, I lead the process of the establishment, developed management systems, and tools;
    Oversight of finances and human resource coincided with fundraising and recruitments
    monitored projects focused on water supply systems in the camps of displaced people in Elda’een/Darfur and in Khartoum
    Share project experience & results internally & externally in sectoral workshops & meetings

    gram Management & Direction
    As the Program Advisor at Care International in Yemen:
    Supervision of the implementation of all technical support of capacity building program to Yemen civil society organization, supervision of relevant staff members, and national and international consultant,

    Quality program assurance,

    Preparing Terms of references and contracting, preparing agreements including consultancies, rents, etc

    Budget management

    1999-2000 As the Deputy Director of ITDG/program development Advisor, she was responsible for the overall management of the program including:
    The management & coordination of all Program inputs, activities, outputs & outcomes; including, tendering & procurements, financial management, human resource, grant allocations.
    The submission of progress, narrative & financial reports to the country program Director, to the donors, the government, Sudanese ministry of Insurance & Social Affairs, using agreed-upon formats;
    Ensuring quality Programming standards & outputs;
    The preparation of business and annual Work plans, Semi-Annual & Annual Reports, & other reports as required by ITDG and the donors;
    Developing internal Program monitoring & reporting system & related tools;
    Providing leadership to ITDG staff in operationalizing gender policies;
    Providing senior management oversight to ensure effective & efficient management of ITDG resources; including project budget, implementation schedule, staff assigned to the project. Including national and international consultants

    1998-1999 As the Chair of the board of trustees and the coordinator of the Gender Centre for Research and Studies: She was responsible of the over all management operations, procurements, recruitments, finance and budgeting, communication and coordination with donors
    1994-1997 As a member of a senior management team at Oxfam UK, Sudan I beard the following responsibilities:
    Participated in strategic planning to ensure that tasks required are carried out in an efficient & timely manner, including the provision of regular narrative & financial reports;
    Responsible for the Sudan Development General Fund which constitutes a reserve fund to cover emergency response activities during the war times, and development new initiatives.
    She was involved in the variable program activities, planning, coordination, budgeting, performance reviews, recruitments, contracts & agreement, bids and procurements & reporting, representation and communication including fund raising from multiple donors.
    Liaised with the field staff so as to respond to requests & give guidance; interpret contract provisions, work with other program staff to ensure that all implementation matters, including financial reports are timely & accurate;
    Provided on-site program monitoring as required in five regions of operations including Darfur, Bahr Eljabal, Red Sea Hills, Upper Nile and Khartoum displaced Camps, and ensured that accurate & complete program systems, records & files are set up, maintained & updated.


    Act as a focal point for PDP Capacity development issues and gender which require representing the program in all CIDA meeting related to the programs strategies in this area;
    I convened a number of Sessions in the Vienna preparatory workshop, and edited the Sudanese women declaration...
    I convened a number of session at the Vienna women’s workshop,

    2002-2003 Frequently represented Care international meeting with different government concerned departments, the embassy of the Netherlands who was our program donor, public events workshop and gathering, and other meetings Middle East meetings in North Africa
    I conveaned and facilitated a no. of meetings

    2000-2002 As the Chair of the Sudanese Canadian Association for Development and Peace, She was invited by the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affair to present a briefing on Sudan in its Peace Consultation Meeting with Canadian NGOs.
    Chaired and facilitated a number of meetings and represented SCWAB at OCISO

    1999-2000 As a deputy director I represented ITDG in meetings with the UN, the government, peer agencies, partners and international in regional meetings Zimbabwe and Annual meetings in UK.

    1998-1999 As the chair of the gender centre for research and training, I represented the centre in meeting donors, National and International vents
    She was invited by the University of Gent to participate in workshop focused on the Belgium policies on reproductive health in the third world.
    I presented a Working Paper on Violence against women in Belgium
    Chairing and facilitating meeting workshop organized by other agencies

    1994-1997 I deputized the country representative when he is away.
    I represented Oxfam in meeting the special USA envoy to Sudan 1994.
    She was one of Oxfam delegate in Beijing conference ’95.
    Chaired and facilitated a number of meeting

    Capacity Development
    Working at PDP as Capacity Development and Gender Specialist I:
    Provided expert advice and oversight of capacity assessment processes, capacity development planning processes & delivery of capacity development activities with a gender and human rights perspectives ;

    2002-2003 Working as a program advisor with Care International, I:
    Provided senior management oversight of monitoring & evaluation of capacity development activities, including quarterly review of monitoring reports & periodic visits to supported a national organizations branches over 10 governorates;
    Quality control assurance regarding capacity development inputs

    1991-2005 In the her different capacities working for Oxfam, ITDG, Care International, Alternatives, GCRS she worked closely with several Egyptian, Yemeni, Sudanese, African and Middle Eastern, Polish, Slovakian, Hungarian, Zimbabwean, South African, and Kenyan NGOs
    Contributed to building the capacity of local actors through the following projects:
    Co-implemented Relief & Rehabilitation Project for Children of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Khartoum, with SCF/UK & local community-based schools.
    Developed, with partners, several methodologies to support Gender equality issues, including training materials, training guides
    Integration of working children into schools,
    Support to vocational training, capacity support to community & parent councils to assist education & school self-management.
    Specific projects focused on child development, girl’s education, & income-generating activities.

    Research & Networking
    Developed research goals & objectives & Established research methodologies;
    Provided training & orientation to the Research & Monitoring Officer as required;
    Provided senior management oversight to all research activities;
    Developed networking strategies, goals & objectives;
    Initiated women’s networking forum in Sudan approaches
    Analyzed current networking initiatives in Yemen & identified appropriate Program approaches to strengthening the development of CSO/NGO networks;
    Established relationships between the Oxfam & existing networks in Sudan;
    assisted partner CSOs develop networking strategies;
    Provided senior management oversight of network development activities.
    Produce papers titled:
    The Sudanese Diversity and the Potentials of Peace Building in Sudan: Challenges and Opportunities, NilDanoub Vienna;
    Resource Development: the Potentials of Income Generation Activities for the Yemen Women Union Care International Sana’a
    State Violence Against Women in Sudan, Gent university Belgium
    The Gender Politics in a Fundamentalist State: The Policies and Practice of Housing in Sudan IDS Sussex
    Female Genital Mutilation in The Red Sea Hills: The Different Actors Solutions, ACORD London;
    The Gender Aspects of the Dire Dawa Development Program in Ethiopia, IDS Sussex and ACORD London;

    1994-1997 In a preparation for the Beijing Women’s Conference, I lead a networking Project Jointly funded by Oxfam and the Dutch aid. For the purpose of the project I prepared a profile for a number of NGOs & developed data base system shared among the participating organizations based on their criteria of registration, common areas of interest & priorities, local organizations decided to join their efforts in a lobbying and advocacy effort to change the government policy of banning civil society participation
    Organized lobbying and advocacy training followed by a workshop on women’s shared issues, during which the Sudanese Participating NGOS, developed their declaration and common statement

    Training and Facilitation,
    I developed and facilitated a number of training on the following issues:
    Gender and Development
    Right Based Approach
    Result Based Management
    Public Finance, innovative way for the public finances
    Monitoring and Evaluation

    Developed effective working relationships with Program partners & stakeholder in different countries
    With her exceptional leadership & diplomatic skills, she worked closely with Governmental departments, donor agencies & other stakeholders in different developing countries & developed meaningful working relationships through dialogue, & consultation.

    Establishing, equipping, staffing & managing GCRS
    1998-1999 Recruitment & hiring of Program officers & support staff;
    Supervise development of financial & administrative systems;
    Supervise all GCRS staff and associates;
    Ensured performance assessments are provided to all staff;
    Coordinated supervised the work of all consultants assigned and contractors;
    Provided senior management oversight in documenting procedures;
    Provided senior management oversight of procurement activities.

    1994-1997 Recruited & hired program staff for Oxfam GB office in Khartoum & the field offices,
    Ensured performance assessments are provided to all staff; coordinated with the Direction of the Country Representative
    Supervised the work of a number of consultants assigned to the Sudan Program;
    Supervise development of financial & administrative systems for Upper Nile, Jebel See, Darfur, Red Sea and Upper Nile Programs ;
    Provide senior management oversight in documenting procedures;
    Provided senior management oversight of procurement activities.
    Established the Kassala ACORD operational office funded by EU.

    Emergency Response & Rehabilitation
    1999-2000 AS ITDG representative she worked in Collaboration with the WFP in establishing joined food distribution committees,
    I facilitated the process of putting in place distribution and monitoring system.


    Supervised Relief & Rehabilitation Project for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Khartoum included local community-based schools, water Supply, health and Sanitation and income generation Activities.
    Coordinated Emergency response efforts in Bahr Eljabal, Darfur and Red Sea hills,
    Represented Oxfam in the Consortium of Agencies on Relief Transport in Juba which included, Norwegian Church Agency, WFP, Oxfam: Oxfam provided the transportation fleet, participated in the need assessment, ######### counts,

    Gender Equality
    In the Capacity of the Canadian Capacity Development/Gender Specialist I Gender Strategy, Gender sensitive policies & tools;
    Oversight of implementation of the Gender strategy, support and technical advice a to PDP senior management, consultants and teams
    Established Funding Criteria for Gender Equality Development as a core facility for addressing gender ion its own right, and for the participatory and child protection facilities as cross cutting issues.

    1994-present Developed a Training materials and facilitated training on Gender conceptual framework, gender analytical frameworks, and integration of Gender in Development Planning for PDP, Oxfam GB, ITDG, Care International GCRS,
    Coordinated women specific projects focused on Empowerment in conservative settings
    Produced Gender Oriented Research
    Presented lecture on gender between theory and Practice for the UNICEF, Alternatives,
    The preparatory and the post Beijing activities for the civil society organization in Sudan
    Coordinated the and moderated a preparatory workshop prior to the Vienna Women Conference in Cairo

    using the participatory Co- conducted a major evaluation of the country program of Oxfam GB that covered the regions of: Darfur in the west, Bahr Eljabal in the South, Red Sea Hills in the East, and Greater Khartoum in the Centre, duration 12 weeks
    1993-1993 Co Evaluated Save the Children Country Program that covers, North and South Darfur and Greater Khartoum, duration 9 weeks

    1992-1992 Co evaluated the Dutch Embassy Projects in Sudan

    Lobbying and Advocacy
    2003- now
    Organizing synergy groups, building alliance, networking around gender equality issues in Egypt
    Facilitating Dialogue between civil society organizations and government around issue regarding civil society Bylaws.

    2001-2004 As a member of the steering committee of the Canadian Conflict prevention working group, I participated in Lobbying the Canadian Government on different policy issues.

    2000-2003 As the Director of Advocacy at the Canadian African Business Women Alliance, I lead the Lead the advocacy work with African and Canadian Governments to address policy issues in favour of African and Canadian Women in small business.
    1998-199 As the coordinator of GCRS I facilitated the establishment of the women’s forum, through which researches on women’s shared issues are studied and communicated to different stakeholder. Issues related to policy change were carried further steps in lobbying efforts.
    1994-1997 Initiated, formulated, and co facilitated a project of networking, Advocacy and Lobbying the Sudanese Government to grant to the Sudanese Women access to participate in the Beijing Conference. This project is a collaborative initiative between Oxfam Dutch Aid and UNDP
    HIV Aids project,
    Female Genital Mutilation and Traditional Harmful Practices

    Conflict Sensitivity

    In June 2004 my facilitation Experience was called upon by CIDA to conduct a training workshop for the central European International NGOS, on conflict sensitivity introducing the concept of conflict analysis in planning, implementation monitoring, evaluation, and institutional Capacity Development. I prepared materials and facilitated training workshops in each of Poland and Hungary for INGOs working in conflict torn zones world wide. This was under the umbrella of the CIDA Overseas Development for Agencies in Central Europe (ODACE)
    1999-2000 I worked in Darfur and Eastern Sudan in Areas of war and conflict; I formulated Peace Building Project and Water Sanitation Funded by the British Fund for Civil Society Initiatives. I traveled in regular bases to the different operations areas safe and sound.

    1994-1997 I worked, extensively traveled in Southern Sudan during the war times coordinating relief and development operations.
    Regular communication to advice the cross boarders operation from Kenya. None of our programs and staff were negatively affected


    The Participatory Development Program/CIDA Egypt, 2003-

    Institutional Capacity Development and Gender specialist at the Participatory Development Program (PDP) CIDA.
    Care International at Yemen: Program Advisor, Partners Capacity Building, 2002-2003.

    Freelance Consultant 2000-2002:

    Alternatives Montreal Canada: Consultant as Conflict sensitivity Advisor June Conducted Researches for Alternatives, Montreal, Sudanese Women and the Prospects of Peace

    Worked on a Housing Survey at Ottawa Southeast Centre for Healthier Community
    Worked as Researcher and trainer at the Gender Centre for Research and Studies, Sudan

    Intermediate Technology Development Group (UK) (ITDG): Deputy Director/Programme Development Advisor 19991-2000:

    The Coordinator of the Gender Centre for Research and Studies (GCRS) ‘98-1999:

    The GCRS programs are composed of: research, networking, lobbying and advocacy,

    Victims of Torture UK Project Officer: project formulation, Capacity Building & fundraising

    Oxfam (GB): Country Program Development Co-ordinator/ Gender Advisor, for The Sudan Country Program, 1994- 1997:

    Freelancer Consultant: 1992- ’93:

    Co-evaluated SCF/UK Program in north and south Darfur.
    Jointly with a counterpart evaluated small projects of the Dutch Aid at Khartoum.
    Worked on a Research of how to enhance Women's Position in an Islamist Country, For the Embassy of Netherlands, which was used to formulate the Dutch Government policy for supporting women through small embassy projects in Sudan Yemen and Egypt.
    Conducted a baseline study & formulated community forest project in Butana for Irish Aid.

    Amel Friends of Children Deprived from Family Care: 1991-92, Project and resource Development Officer:

    The Inter-African committee on Harmful Traditional Practices, Khartoum Office, Project Officer 1990-1991

    Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning 1985-1990: As Policy Analyst/Economist.

    Professional Associations:

    Accredited trainer of RBM for the UNIFEM
    The Secretary of the African Gender and Development, Evaluation Network (AGDEN) 2005-
    Member of the African Evaluators Association (AfrEA)
    Member of the Steering Committee of the Canadian Conflict Prevention Working Group at the Canadian Peace-building Co-ordinating Committee, May 2001-2004
    Director of Advocacy and board member of Canadian and African Business Women Alliance (CAABWA) Oct. 2000-2002: Lead the advocacy work with the Canadian and African Governments to address policy issues in favour of African and Canadian Women in small business.

    Community Service and memberships:

    Co-chair of the Parents Council of the Canadian International School in Egypt, 2004-
    The elected member of the Parents Council (PC)of Hampstead Elementary School , and the Regional Delegate of the PC to the Governing Board of Education in Montreal Quebec Canada, S 2002-2003.
    Ottawa Southeast Centre for Healthy Community, Sept. 2001: as volunteer worked on a client survey.
    Member of the Steering Committee of the Canadian Conflict Prevention Working Group at the Canadian Peace-building Co-ordinating Committee, May 2001-2004
    Director of Advocacy and board member of Canadian and African Business Women Alliance (CAABWA) Oct. 2000-2002: Lead the advocacy work with the Canadian and African Governments to address policy issues in favour of African and Canadian Women in small business.

    Worked in and/or visited:

    Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, China, Bangladesh, Yemen, South Africa and Rwanda.

    Canada, France, UK, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, USA, Poland, Slovakia, and Austria.

    Relevant Papers, references: Will be provided on request[/QUOTE

02-03-2010, 11:27 PM

خالد العبيد
<aخالد العبيد
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21983

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مناشده عاجله (Re: نجلاء سيد أحمد)

    سلام ا نجلاء
    وتحياتي لك وللاسرة

    Quote: واستراليا

    لو اديتونا اي معلومة متى كانت امال في استراليا واين قدمت دراساتها
    سيكون سهلا الحصول عليها

02-04-2010, 05:45 AM

نجلاء سيد أحمد
<aنجلاء سيد أحمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-10-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 9869

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مناشده عاجله (Re: خالد العبيد)

    شكرا صديقى العزيز خالد

    لاادرى متى او اين بل انها قدمت عمل فى استراليا اذا سألت اى شخص مهتم بقضايا الجندر قد يفيد

    وشكرى العميق لاستجابتك للمناشدة

02-07-2010, 02:12 PM

نجلاء سيد أحمد
<aنجلاء سيد أحمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-10-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 9869

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مناشده عاجله (Re: نجلاء سيد أحمد)

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