د.أحمد عبدالله خلف الله اخر مرة قابلته فى مستشفى الأطفال بأمدرمان قبل سنوات مضت وكان حينها مديرا طبيا بالمستشفى. عبد تقى نقى حافظ لكتاب الله صوته وهو يتلو القران أثناء الصلاة يدخل القشعريرة فى بدنك. عرف بهمه واهتمامه بمشاكل العاملين بالمستشفى ووقوفه معهم بدءا من الخفير وحتى الطبيب.. شهادة عربية(حضر للسودان للدراسة الجامعية) ورغم ذلك قيل بأنه كان كثير السفر للجنوب أيام الجهاد أيام دراسته بجامعة الجزيرة. ولا أشك أبدا فى عدم حوجته لدراهم الوزارة المعدودة الا اننا نراه يكابد وينافح لاجل الحقوق والمطالب العادلة لزملاءه. لم أندهش وأنا أراه لان لجنة اضراب الاطباء فهو لا يرضى الضيم والظلم للاخرين. تم اعتقاله من منزله قبل يومين ولا تدرى اسرته اى شىء عنه.
ليت الاخرين يتعلمون منه (أمثاله تسعى اليهم السلطة فليفظونها لفظا)
(عدل بواسطة ombadda on 06-10-2010, 05:48 PM) (عدل بواسطة ombadda on 06-10-2010, 05:52 PM)
06-10-2010, 05:31 PM
Adil Osman Adil Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 10208
... ... ... الساخطون الصامتون الصامدون الحالمون لكم التحايا والتقادير العظيمة الصوت رُعب الحرف يبدو كالخناجر الحق أبلج ... (هي كلمة إن قلتها تمت وإن لم تقلها تمت إذن قلها فمت) ... ... ... وسيأتي يوم يستبين فيه القوم النصح عند ضُحى الفجيعة
06-10-2010, 08:52 PM
الفاتح سليمان الفاتح سليمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-14-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1735
وبهم حريجون جدد في اللجنة لهم نشاطهم لا يسمح الوضع بذكر ادوارهم البطولية مثلهم مثل دكتور محمود خير الله ود اسامة واشرف
حزين لانني فارقتهم قبل ايام من تصاعد الاحداث
اعرفهم فردا فردا
هو يمثلون النقاء والعزيمة والاصرار
لا اخص واحد منهم لكن كلهم
الواحد محرق هنا وهو بعيد منهم لكن هم رجال ونساء ما بنكسروا
والله هولاء الشجعان كما قالها
دكتور اسامة ارو في قصيدته الشهيرة التي القاها وكتبها احد الاطباء 1971 في رفع الاضراب
اننا شجعان وهم كذلك
والله هولاء الرجال ياكلون الزلط كما يقولون وما حدث من ضرب كان من الممكن ان يردوا عليه وان حمل البوليس الهراوات والاسلحة ولا تخيفهم كل اسلحة الدنيا
هم شجاعتهم في قلوبهم يواجهون الموت كل يو م
هم عرفوا كنه العيشة الكريمة ولا يقبلون الزلة
وما تصاعد الاحداث الا ردا علي محاولة ازلال الاطباء
هم ابناء الشعب الكريم
توحدوا وصادموا ولو لا قسما اقسموه ان يحفظوا النفس البشرية لكان ردهم علي الخائبين من الشرطة والامن وهم يضربون النساء قاسيا وهنا نجد لماذا ان دكتور اسامة تلقي الضرب عن النساء
قالها د احمد عبد الله
اننا لم نحمل الكلاشنكوف ولا المنتوف
ولكن نحمل مطالب بوسيلة سلمية
اخلاقنا ان نحمي حياة الانسان وكرامته
اخلاقنا تجعلنا نحمي حياة اطفال من ضربنا وعذبنا
اخلاقنا تجعلنا نحمي اسر من يحاربنا
ان نزيل عنهم المهم
لا ان نجعلهم يتالمون
لكن هناك للاسف من الاطباء من هم علي شاكلة الوكيل ورقته امثال تلك الطبيبة سيئة السمعة التي تنادي الامن لان يضربرفيقتها
والمدعو حسن عبد العزيز الذي ياخذ امثال دكتور الهادي كرهائن
اي دينا يدين به مثل المنافقين لا يختشي وهو يري الطبيبات يتالمن من ضرب الشرطة
هذه معركة شرف خلدوها باسماءهم وحرفهم ستظل من نور الي ابد الابدين هولاء هم شعلة الحرية لشعب عشق الحرية ويستحقها
نظرة الي اطباء المستقبل وهم يهتفون بحرية السودان فلنسمعها معا
دويا يخيف ال########ين والمتخاذلين الذين يحاولون هنا وفي اماكن اخري ادعاء الانسانية وهم ابعد منها وهم يرون زملاءهم يعذبون في السجون وهرولوا لوظائف لا تدوم
Deep appreciation for your endless effort to support the doctors in their struggle for rights with this ruthless regime
Please allow me to quote few words I wrote elsewhere about my colleague Ahmed El Abwabi
Quote: أحمد الأبوابي سكن معاي في غرفة و احدة شهور..
والله والله والله ثلاثا ً.. يندر أن تجتمع في بشر اليوم مثل خصاله..
الأبوابي حسن المعشر و يحتفي بك دون معرفة أو تكلف.. قمة في الأدب ..يدهشك بثقافته الواسعة و وفق ذلك أديب و فنان يدهشك ببساطة حديثه وهو الخطيب المفوه في المنابر .. يتقبل الرأي الآخر.. و لايلين و لا يحيد عن مبادئه تظهر على ملامح وجهه آثار نقاء سريرته ودماثة أخلاقه و كريم خصاله..
Quote: UA: 127/10 Index: AFR 54/020/2010 Sudan Date: 10 June 2010 URGENT ACTION DOCTORS DETAINED, RISK TORTURE Six doctors have been arrested for their activities as members of a committee calling for better pay and working conditions for doctors in Sudan: they are prisoners of conscience. They are at risk of torture or other ill-treatment. Doctors Alhadi Bahkit and Walla Aldin are members of the Doctors' Strike Committee organising strike action to demand improvement of their salaries and working conditions. They were arrested on 1 June by officers of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS). The men were held for three hours, during which, according to sources in Sudan, they were severely beaten. Dr Alhadi Bahkit was rearrested shortly afterwards, and has been detained without charge ever since. His family were able to visit him on 7 June. He apparently seems in poor health. The president of the doctors' committee, Dr Ahmed Alabwabi, was also arrested on 1 June, and has been detained without charge since then. On 2 February the NISS attacked doctors and medial students from the University of Khartoum protesting against the detention of the members of the Doctors' Strike Committee, badly injuring several of them. Four more doctors have since been arrested. Ashraf Hammad was reportedly arrested on 2 June, Mahmoud Khairallah on 6 June, Abdelaziz Ali Jamee on 7 June, and Ahmed Abdallah Khalafallah in the evening on 8 June. They have all been detained without charge since then. NISS agents have apparently been looking for members of the Doctors' Strike Committee, as well as journalists reporting on their cases, forcing them to go into hiding. Sudan's 2010 National Security Act provides NISS agents with extensive powers of arrest and detention. Detainees can be held for up to four-and-a-half months without judicial review and NISS agents have immunity from prosecution for any human rights violations carried out as part of their work. PLEASE WRITE IMMEDIATELY in English, Arabic or your own language: Calling on the authorities to release Dr Alhadi Bahkit, Dr Ahmed Alabwabi, Dr Ashraf Hammad, Dr Mahmoud Khairallah, Dr Abdelaziz Ali Jamee, and Dr Ahmed Abdallah Khalafallah immediately and unconditionally; Calling on them to provide all six doctors with any medical attention they may require; Calling on them to reform the 2010 National Security Act to remove the excessive powers of the NISS, in particular powers of arrest and detention without judicial oversight for four-and-a-half months. PLEASE SEND APPEALS BEFORE 22 JULY 2010 TO: President HE President Omar Al Bashir Office of the President People’s Palace PO Box 281 Khartoum Sudan Fax: +249 183 774 339 Salutation: Your Excellency NISS director Mohamed Atta Al-Moula Abbas Director of the NISS NISS Headquarters Khartoum, Sudan Salutation: Dear Director Abbas And copies to: Dr Abdelmuneim Osman Mohamed Taha Advisory Council on Human Rights PO Box 302 Khartoum Sudan Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date. Date: 10 June 2010 URGENT ACTION DOCTORS DETAINED, RISK TORTURE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A committee of doctors was first formed in 2003, to improve the working conditions of doctors in Sudan. Following a three-day strike in 2003, the government accepted a 12-point agreement with the committee, which included a salary increase. After delays in the implementation of the salary increase and the rest of the agreement, another strike, organised by the new Doctors' Strike Committee, was held on 1-3 February 2010. After further delay, the committee arranged a 17-day strike which began in March and continued into April, which the police responded to with frequent harassment of the doctors. The doctors ended the strike when the Ministry of Health agreed to implement the 2003 agreement and increase salaries. The Ministry of Health withdrew the agreement on 15 May and reduced the salary increase. The doctors' committee called a meeting on 2 June to decide how to proceed. Three doctors had been arrested the previous day. Police prevented many doctors from entering the building where the meeting was due to take place. The doctors moved the meeting to a nearby building, but the NISS told them to leave, and beat many of them as they were leaving. Medical students from the University of Khartoum led a peaceful march in support of the doctors' committee. Many of the students were also beaten by NISS officers. One of the changes that were dictated by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the government of Sudan and armed opposition groups from southern Sudan, was the reform of the 1999 National Security Forces Act which provided NISS agents with extensive powers of arrest and detention, leading to human rights violations such as arbitrary arrest and detention, torture and other forms of ill-treatment. The 2010 National Security Act was adopted to reform the 1999 National Security Forces Act, yet retained the same powers of arrest and detention for NISS agents. UA: 127/10 Index: AFR 54/020/2010 Issue Date: 10 June 2010
06-11-2010, 02:03 AM
عمرو كمال ابراهيم عمرو كمال ابراهيم
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-09-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 1226
DOCTORS DETAINED, RISK TORTURE Six doctors have been arrested for their activities as members of a committee calling for better pay and working conditions for doctors in Sudan: they are prisoners of conscience. They are at risk of torture or other ill-treatment.
DOCTORS DETAINED, RISK TORTURE Six doctors have been arrested for their activities as members of a committee calling for better pay and working conditions for doctors in Sudan: they are prisoners of conscience. They are at risk of torture or other ill-treatment.
DOCTORS DETAINED, RISK TORTURE Six doctors have been arrested for their activities as members of a committee calling for better pay and working conditions for doctors in Sudan: they are prisoners of conscience. They are at risk of torture or other ill-treatment.
DOCTORS DETAINED, RISK TORTURE Six doctors have been arrested for their activities as members of a committee calling for better pay and working conditions for doctors in Sudan: they are prisoners of conscience. They are at risk of torture or other ill-treatment.
06-11-2010, 06:48 AM
Tragie Mustafa Tragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 49964
الرسائل والمقالات و الآراء المنشورة في المنتدى بأسماء أصحابها أو بأسماء مستعارة لا تمثل بالضرورة الرأي الرسمي لصاحب الموقع أو سودانيز اون لاين بل تمثل وجهة نظر كاتبها
لا يمكنك نقل أو اقتباس اى مواد أعلامية من هذا الموقع الا بعد الحصول على اذن من الادارة