الفنان عمر بانقا و ماهر تاج السر فى حفل ساهر بمناسبة العيد فى شمال كاليفورنيا السبت 28اكتوبر
تقيم الجالية السودأنية بشمال كاليفورنيا حفل ساهر بمناسبة حلول عيد الفطر المبارك بمدينة اوكلاند ولاية كاليفورنيا فى يوم السبت 28-10 حيث يحي الحفل الاستاذ عمر بانقا والاستاذ الموسيقار ماهر تاج السر ، كما سيقدم الشبل محمد عجاج بعض اغانى الراب. وهذه بمثابة دعوة لكل السودانيين واسرهم واصدقائهم. هنالك فئات دخول لدعم عمل الجالية عبارة عن رسم 25 دولار للفرد و50 دولار للاسرة.
سيف الدين محمد جبريل السكرتير العام للجالية cell 4157241283
Dear community members
Eid MUBARAK to all of you and best wishes
You and your families are invited to Sudanese Community Public Party,on Saturday,Ocober, 28th 2006 to celebrate Eid ALFITR ALMUBARAK. The event will feature Omer Banaga and Mahir Tag Elsir and Mohamed Agag he will sing a mixed Rab arabic and English. Below is the event information:
Date: Saturday,October, 28 th 2006
Time: 7: PM to 12 PM
Place: Lake Merritt Sailboat House Inside Lakeside Park (Lake Merritt)
Address: 568 Bellevue Avenue, Oakland, California 94610
Coming from Berkeley
Take Highway 580 East towards Hayward Exit on Grand Avenue Merge onto MacArthur Boulevard and turn right onto Grand Avenue. Turn left onto Bellevue Avenue Enter the Lakeside Park entrance, Children's Fairyland is to the right side Continue driving into the park and look for the blue building. The Sailboat House is the building on the right side.
Coming from Hayward
Take Highway 580 West towards Oakland Exit on Grand Avenue Merge onto MacArthur Boulevard and turn right onto Grand Avenue. Turn left onto Bellevue Avenue Enter the Lakeside Park entrance, Children's Fairyland is to the right side Continue driving into the park and look for the blue building The Sailboat House is the building on the right side
Coming from San Jose and Monterey
Take Highway 880 North to the Oak Street exit Turn right onto Oak Street which turns into Lakeside Drive Continue on Lakeside Drive Stay to the right of Harrison Street Turn right on Grand Avenue. Turn right into Bellevue Avenue, with Children's Fairyland to the right. The Sailboat House is to the right
Coming from San Francisco/Richmond
Take Highway I-80 East ramp towards Oakland Merge onto I-80 East exit towards CA-24/Downtown Oakland/Hayward- Stockton. Merge onto I-580 east. Take the Grand Avenue/Lakeshore exit Merge onto MacArthur Boulevard and immediately turn right onto Grand Avenue Turn left onto Bellevue Avenue at the Park entrance Continue driving into the park The Sailboat House is to the right
It will be Ticket fee: $25 for singl and $50 for family
Saifeldin Gibreel Secretary General cell 4157241283
(عدل بواسطة Saifeldin Gibreel on 10-13-2006, 07:49 PM)