ماذا قال كوفى عنان عن دارفور وماذا قالت السفاره السودانية بواشنطون
كوفى عنان
U.N. Secretary-General Warns of Possible Genocide in Sudan By Anthony Dworkin
Marking the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan unveiled a five-point action plan to prevent or stop future genocides. At the same time, the Secretary-General suggested that the world faced the danger of another genocide developing in the Darfur conflict in western Sudan.
Annan made his comments in a speech to the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva on April 7. He said that the most important legacy he hoped to leave as Secretary-General was a United Nations “better equipped to prevent genocide, and able to act decisively to stop it when prevention fails.” The risk of genocide remained “frighteningly real,” he added.
Annan's action plan against genocide involves: steps to reduce the likelihood of armed conflict; protection of civilians when armed conflict does occur; ending impunity for those who commit genocide or other crimes against humanity; clear and early warning about the risk of genocide, partly through a new post of Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide; and swift and decisive action when genocide appears imminent or is already taking place.
In this context, Annan said he viewed “with deep foreboding” events in the Sudanese province of Darfur, where fighting between local African insurgents and Arab militias backed by the Sudanese government in Khartoum has been raging for the last year. He quoted the reports of UN officials warning that the government-backed militias were responsible for widespread acts of violence against civilians that could be described as ethnic cleansing.
Annan said that “the international community cannot stand idle,” and called for humanitarian aid officials and human rights monitors to be given access to the region without delay. If that was denied, he said there must be “swift and appropriate action,” though he added that this could take many forms of which military intervention was the most extreme step.
The Committee on Conscience of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has also announced a “genocide warning” regarding the situation in Darfur. السفاره السودانية بواشنطون
To: National Desk
Contact: Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan, 202-338-8565
WASHINGTON, June 7/U.S. Newswire/ -- The following is a statement from the Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan:
For the past two decades, the American media has been guilty of criticizing, bashing, and reporting the situation in Sudan with an unbelievably biased perspective against the Government of Sudan. Sudan has been ravaged by civil war for many of these years, but on June 5, 2004 the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army signed the framework for a peace deal that will be applied in less than two months. The end of the "worst" and "the most tragic" ongoing civil war is finally in sight. This has been a source of joy and a cause for celebration in Sudan and among the Sudanese people throughout the world, but has been met with a deafening silence from the American media; a media which prefers to focus on human tragedy rather than human triumph.
None of the major U.S. newspapers printed a word of encouragement about the critical achievement wrought by the Government of Sudan and the SPLM/A. Instead, the New York Times, and the Washington Post are waging a smear campaign against the Government of Sudan over the conflict in Darfur. The coverage of the situation in Darfur has failed, so far, to condemn the perpetrators: the rebels, who initially attacked innocent civilians and urban centers, motivated by the erroneous assumption that peace between the north and south would come at the expense of other regions.
The American media has become a champion for these armed elements in Darfur by justifying armed struggle against innocents as a fight against marginalization. This blatant disregard for truth should not be tolerated by the international community and developed world. Allowing the American media to perpetrate these fallacies against countries like Sudan contributes to the chaos and ethnic strife that is prevalent in Darfur and other parts of Africa.
While the media has concentrated its efforts on reporting the "tragedy" in Darfur, the Government of Sudan has been busy guaranteeing unfettered access to humanitarian aid in Darfur, and approving the African Union mechanism for monitoring the ceasefire. Although it took two weeks to get the consent of rebel groups, the Government is the party that has been blamed for the delay when the media finally took notice. Other incidents that have escaped the attention of the media include one that took place two days ago, where the rebels took 16 aid workers hostage, and disrupted humanitarian aid initiatives in the process. Three weeks ago, the rebels burned to the ground five villages near Nyala City, and displaced 12,000 civilians in a single night, this also drew no attention.
What has drawn media attention, illustrated by today's editorial in the Washington Post, is the anticipated death of 300,000 people in Darfur. Not surprisingly, the article fails to mention that these deaths will occur because the response of the international community to food and medicine shortages never exceeded 20 percent of the actual needs. Additionally, the editorial does not address the fact that the Government of Sudan has loudly proclaimed it's willingness to join forces with the U.S. government and the international community, in instituting a feasible plan that will save lives and enable the people in Darfur to return to their villages. It is regrettable that the media has chosen to target the government of a poor nation like Sudan, and to overlook the true perpetrators who thrive on creating conflicts and placing blame on others.
Re: ماذا قال كوفى عنان عن دارفور وماذا قالت السفاره السودانية بواشنطون (Re: Kostawi)
Not surprisingly, The Sudan Embassy in Washington is continuing to refute the involvement of the Sudan Government on what is going on in Darfur. The widespread of violence acts were the responsibility of the government, which were described by the UN Secretary as "ethnic cleansing". The trues of the matter, these guys in the Embassy are still using the 50th and 60th eras as their base philosophy to spread their lies. It is disgraceful and embarrassing. For the God's sake, this is the INFORMATION AGE and stop using the same telegraphic medium to try to convince the ones who can see what is going on in Darfur while having their hot supper in their homes. We know and the whole world knows that the government of Sudan and the government-backed militias were responsible of this. 300,000 persons will starve to death and the Embassy is blaming the whole word of not helping. How much money the Sudan Government spends on a war/day ? What a coincidence, one hand is signing the agreement and the other is holding a gun ! Against, who? Your own people!????
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