______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________
هل يمكن ان نجد تعريفا للايمان ؟؟؟؟ ========================== المرجعيه الاولي: الدين:- سوف يأتي من يقول ان النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم عّرف الايمان وانه في حديثه عن ذلك الرجل شديد بياض الثياب , شديد سواد الشعر والذي لم تبدو عليه اي علامة من علامات السفر, ةالذي جلس الي النبي وساله عن الاسلام والايمان والاحسان وانه عندما ذهب قال النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم انه جبريل جاء يعلمكم دينكم. ان تؤمن بالله..........................كيف؟؟؟ ان تؤمن بملائكته...................كيف؟؟؟ وان تؤمن برسله....................كيف؟؟؟ وان تؤمن بكتبه.....................كيف؟؟ وان تؤمن بالقضاء خيره وشره................كيف؟؟ ارتبط الايمان اولا بالله ما هو الايمان؟؟؟؟ وكيف نؤمن.....؟؟؟ ==========================================

Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Ashraf el-Halabi)
Salamat Ashraf =============================================================================== I am still waiting for some news thank you very much for passing by I know the the question is some how strange, however I think we are approaching an area where universal changes in people believes and behavior is paralleled to the cosmic changes we are experiencing in our environment, ===============================================================================================================================================
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Abureesh)
سلامات أبو الريش
Quote: أى إنسان واى حيوان مؤمن، حتى الملحدين مؤمنين |
الاستيتمنت دا بالنسبة لي ما مفهوم خصوصاً لو كنت تتحدث عن الإيمان بالله اللي يستتبعه بقية الإيمانات
ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ سؤال جديد: هل الإيمان مطلق أم نسبي ؟ بمعني: هل ممكن أكون مؤمن بالله وعندي شكوك في وجوده في نفس الوقت؟ سؤال أجد من داك: الإيمان (بالله) هبة إلهية، يهبها الله لمن اصطفى، أم كدح بشري؟
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Abureesh)
شكرا يا ابو الريش
افتكر انت قاصد الثقه...trust) وهي مطلوبه بين الناس وهم مطلوبين بتوفير تلك الثقه للمنفعه العامه ============================================================================ لا ادعي معرفة بالايمان ولا ادري .. ما الاجابة علي هذا السؤال حقا...كل الذي اعلمه ان الديانات هي التي تطلب منا ان نؤمن ونصدق .....وان هذا الايمان يمكن اكتسابه وتحسين بذرته...... في هذا الزمن الذي بدأت المؤسسات الدينيه تعتني بجمع المال...من غير ان تدفع ضريبه عليه... ان التعامل مع تلك النفس او الروح اصبح علما يجلب الملايين من الذهب والفضة والانعام ... انظر اليهم...واجدني محتارا من تلك التناقضات التي يصعب تجاوزها.... ==============================================================================================
كل الود ايها الحبيب
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Ashraf el-Halabi)
???thank you Ashraf ================== مازلنا في تناولنا وبحثنا عن اجابه علميه...اجد انفسي ايضا...في حالة التساؤل.... هل يمكن ان نتفق علي ترجمة لكلمة faith انها تعني الايمان؟... that might be right as a sign post pointing to the definition which relatively correct based on google translation ========================= coming back to your question which a head of time as we are trying now to understand what is faith, is t infinite or relative ================================== I would say infinite in its quality and relative in its quantity =============================================================
{قَالَتِ الْأَعْرَابُ آمَنَّا قُل لَّمْ تُؤْمِنُوا وَلَكِن قُولُوا أَسْلَمْنَا وَلَمَّا يَدْخُلِ الْإِيمَانُ فِي قُلُوبِكُمْ وَإِن تُطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ لَا يَلِتْكُم مِّنْ أَعْمَالِكُمْ شَيْئًا إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ} (14) سورة الحجرات ============================================================= ????????? =============== According to this verse those people were considered only Muslims, and they were not qualified to say that they have faith what would the faithful person do different than the THE one WHO IS only Muslim??? =================
will be back
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Ashraf el-Halabi)
salamat ashraf ======================================================== thanks again for helping me through... faith requires an observer to its effect we are the observer our quantity will rationalize that effect the human body contains 300 trillion cells all of them work individually and in a synergistic way to full-fill our physical biological presences,however, the energy inside all those cells and the cells of every body else are qualitatively equal, , just an energy at a different vibration level of existence. this is where faith is responsible of infinite effect and presence I may need to be corrected if I am wrong
please this is just a very primitive effort
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Ashraf el-Halabi)
======================================= ربما يتطلب البحث عن الاجابة الرجوع الي بعض العلوم التجريبية والاستعانة بنتائجها المعمليه, علما بان الشقة بين العلوم التجريبيه والديانات اصبحت تضيق ا لي درجة اصبح تجار الدين اصحاب الفهم الذي يقاوم التطور والحداثة يجاهرون بضيقهم (وزهجهم) من العلماء والفلافسفة لا لسبب الا لاكل العيش ..فسوف يأتي زمان لا يحتاج فيه الناس الي الائمة.. والشيوخ.. المساجد.. والكنائس .. ودور العبادة الي اخرة من تلك الجماعات او الافراد ا.. فالثورة العلمية في مجال الاتصالات التي جعلت المكان ينتفي من معادلات الاتصال.. والتواصل سوف تجعل العلوم تتطوربنفس السرعة نوعا وكما... وسوف يتجاوز الفرد بمجرد حضوره ووجوده في هذه الفترة محدودية العقل في تناول متطلبات الحياة من كل نواحيها الطبيعيه والعقليه والروحية في ان واحد. بعض الاشياء التي نعيش بها اليوم ونعتبرها عادية قد كانت في يوم من الايام في عداد المستحيلات والامثلة كثيرة. فالتطور المادي ليس دليلا فقط علي تطور العلوم التجريبيه وانما هو ايضا دليل دامغ علي مقدرة الدماغ البشري في التزامن والتعامل بسلاسة واتساق يتصف بالجمال. فعندما يصل التباين بين العلوم التجريبية والعلوم الافتراضية الي درجة الالتقاء والتوازن(EQUILIBRIUM) سوف يكون هنالك انسان جديد تأصلت فيه كل الرسالات السماوية وكل العلوم المادية منها والروحية الي درجة تستبين فيها الاشياء بمجرد تفعيل الخاطرة. مثال لهذا النوع من التقدم والتطور الطبيعي والارتقاء هو ما نعيشه اليوم ونعتبره امرا عاديا... او لم يعد للمكان اي قيمة في قراءة هذه العجالة.. ؟؟؟فقط اختلاف الزمن.. وهو وهم تؤكدة معادلات خطوط الطول وعلاقتها بالزمن...بدوران الارض.. وب الكون كله... ليظل الانسان هو مركز الوعي بتلك الاشياء التي لا تؤثر فيه الا من خلال وعيه بحركتها المنتظمة البدائيه المبرمجة اهذا الغرض. فمن يقراء الان هذه الكلمات يعلم ان المكان لم يعد مهما...وان فوارف الثواني .. والدقائق .. والساعات.. لم تعد لها علاقة بالمكان.. وانما بفكر.. وحضور القارئ لهذه السطور... وانه سوف يأتي زمن لا تعني فيه الثواني شيا ايضا...لان المعلومة متوفرة الي من يعرف كيفية الارتباط بعالمة لتناولها والتعامل معها. فتلك مرحلة من الحضور في ذات نقية الوجود والصفات لا تسطيع اللغة ان تفي لها وصفا لان الكلمة في حد ذاتها لم تعد مهمة للقول اذ ان حركة الخواطر لا تبدأ الا من السكون حيث الايمان مكان جديد للتواجد والحضور. =================================================== ان الوصول الي اجابات لبعض الاسئلة بالرغم من الكم الهائل من المعلومات يتطلب منا ان نعرف ما نملك من قدرات للتنبؤ والاستنباط تمكننا للوصول اليها من غير معناة. اذا ان مانراه من حولنا محدود بقدرتنا في استعمال ادوات الابصار( العيون).. ولكن تلك المحدوديه هي دليل علي اطلاق البصر في حد ذاته. اذ ان الاطلاق لا يعني اي حد مادي للرؤية ولكن بعني رؤية كل الاشياء بلا زمان او مكانو المعني واضح هو ان يرانا الكون بوعينا به. =========================================================== ما جدوي السمع ان لم يكن هناك صوت؟؟؟ ===========================================================
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Ashraf el-Halabi)
================================== هذه الجماعات ما هي الاحقل للتجارب لعلوم جديدة تتعلق بالدماغ وعلومة التي اصبحت في متناول اليد واثبتت التجارب المعملية قديما نظرية بافلوف وتخطي استخدام هذه النظريه اطار المعامل الي الواقع المعاش في نواحي الحياة بصورة واضحة في الاعلام... والتسويق... والسياسة.. ولكن لان الجماعات المتطرفة لا تمنح الفرد حرية التعلم وتفرض عليه من العلوم ما يواكب ويساعد في بقائها اي القبيلة.. او الجماعة ويذيب شخصية الفرد لمصلحة الجماعة.. فهي اشتراكية اساسها الخوف وليس العلم. فمثلا نج في مجال الطب والعلاج هذه الجماعات تذهب الي الطبيب للعلاج وهذا اعتراف بالعلمية في التداوي.. ولكن لان الالم هو العنصر الاساسي في العلوم الطبيه فهو قاسم مشترك بين الجميع. فاذا كان في الامكان علاج حالات الافراد العصبية والنفسيه باستعمال الكيماويات.. والادويه فعلاج الحالات المستعصية للجماعات يجب ان يكون علاجا علميا ايضا........وليس مسامومة في الحلول السياسية والا جتماعية....وغيرها....
ارجو التمعن في هذا المقال من منظمة حقوق الانسان في ملاحقتها وادانتها للمؤسسات العسكرية في استعمال اسلحة للتحكم في الماغ البشري من خلال بث موجات صوتيه تحمل رسائل ضمنية وهي تقنية مستعملة اليوم في برمجة الدماغ البشري للخروج من المعضلات والمشاكل الاجتماعية التي تجعل صاحبه في عداد المرضي ان لم يكن في عداد المجانين... ======================================= PSY-OPS الأسلحة المستخدمة في حرب الخليج الفارسي ======================================= هذه محاولة لترجمة مبدئيه للمقال.... ============================== تنكر الحكومات وجود الاجهزة العسكرية التي يمكنها تغيير موجات الدماغ (و سوف اعود لشرح هذا الجزء بالتفصيل لاحقا) وذلك لانه ليس هنالك قيود او قوانين لنشر هذه التقنيه. فبقد تمت تجربتها في حرب الخليج عندما استسلم عدد 2 مليون جندي بعد ان تمت تحطيم مراكز اتصال الجيش العراقي بهم.. فاضطرو الي استعمال موجات الرايو FM . ارجو قراءة المقال باللغة الانجليزية .. فخبرتي في الترجمة لا تكفي لايصال هذه المعلومات كما هي.... معذرة... =============================
by Judy Wall
from an article in Nexus magazine October/November 1998
"Governments deny the existence of military devices that can alter brain waves and emotions, and so they have no official controls over how these technologies are deployed"
For years rumours have persisted that the United States Department of Defence has been engaged in research and development of ultra-sophisticated mind-altering technology. Confirmation of this came to me recently in the form of two ITV News Bureau Ltd (London) wire service bulletins.
The March 23, 1991 newsbrief, "High-tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in the Middle East", describes a US Psychological Operations (PsyOps) tactic directed against Iraqi troops in Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm. The manoeuvre consisted of a system in which subliminal mind-altering technology was carried on standard radio- frequency broadcasts. The March 26, 1991 newsbrief states that among the standard military planning groups in the centre of US war planning operations at Riyadh was "an unbelievable and highly classified PsyOps program utilising 'silent sound' techniques". The opportunity to use this method occurred when Saddam Hussein's military command-and-control system was destroyed. The Iraqi troops were then forced to use commercial FM radio stations to carry encoded commands, which were broadcast on the 100 MHz frequency. The US PsyOps team set up its own portable FM transmitter, utilising the same frequency, in the deserted city of Al Khafji. This US transmitter overpowered the local Iraqi station. Along with patriotic and religious music, PsyOps transmitted "vague, confusing and contradictory military orders and information".
Subliminally, a much more powerful technology was at work: a sophisticated electronic system to speak directly to the mind of the listener, to alter and entrain his brainwaves, to manipulate his brain's electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns and artificially implant negative emotional states - feelings of fear, anxiety, despair and hopelessness. This subliminal system doesn't just tell a person to feel an emotion, it makes them feel it, it implants that emotion in their minds.
I noticed that the ITV wire service was from outside the United States. Readers of Resonance may recall that in the Electromagnetic Weapons Timeline in issue no. 29, reference is made to the documentary video, Waco: The Big Lie Continues, which contained video footage of three EM weapons.
This segment of the film was from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). I wondered if there was any significance to this. At the library I pulled up back issues of my local newspaper for the same time-period of the Gulf War to see what the American wire services had said, if anything, about the use of this special PsyOps weapon. There was nothing said about it directly, but three news articles seemed related. In a news release from Associated Press during the same time- frame of the Gulf War truce, I read:
"The American pilot who shot down the second Iraqi warplane in 45 hours said Friday that continued Iraqi flights suggested that US warnings were not filtering down to Iraqi pilots... He said he hopes Saddam gets the message now. It's really too bad that these people have to die for their unwillingness to heed our warnings... What I really think is, they don't communicate down to the people,' he said.'If they have a communications problem, I suggest they fix it."
That may have been coincidence but two earlier news articles, dated March 1, 1991, apparently have a common origin with the ITV news bulletin. The first article tells us that approximately 100 members of the US 101st Airborne Division, fluent in Arabic, talked the enemy into surrendering. These soldiers rode in the Apache helicopter gunships that were involved in the longest helicopter-borne assault in history. They told the Iraqi troops that they would be slaughtered if they didn't give up.
"They got the point," one soldier is quoted as saying. This all sounds very unremarkable, except when you read the editor's note: "The following dispatch was subject to US military censorship." Now why would they want to censor such a mundane tactic, except out of embarrassment that the US Army fighting forces had fallen to the level of a cheer-leading squad?...in which case they would have nixed the thing entirely. But upon rereading the article, we may pick out certain key phrases (emphasised in italics): "He [the soldier interviewed] was one of dozens of Arabic speakers that played a key role in the allied ground attack against Iraq, and part of an attempt by the US Army to use finesse, intelligence work and tactics to complement brute strength."
If we fill in the missing blanks with such descriptions as "the megaphone was used to direct psychoacoustic frequencies that engaged the neural networks of the enemy's brain, causing him to think any thought and feel any emotion that the Americans chose to lay on him," then it starts to make sense.
And it would no longer seem so surprising that one soldier could talk 450 enemy soldiers into surrendering. The possibilities are there, and, as the next article' documents, that is exactly what happened. Iraqi troops gave up en masse.
We quote: 'They were surrendering in droves, almost too fast for us to keep up with..."; "...two Iraqi majors, both brigade commanders, who gave up their entire units..."; and "...one of them gave up to an RPV [remotely piloted vehicle]. Here's this guy with his hands up, turning in a circle to give himself up to a model aeroplane with a camera in it."
Irrational? Not if there was also a voice being beamed into his head from that little flying toy, saying, "Give up, give up!" Otherwise, how do we account for the editor's note at the beginning of the article: "The following is based on pool dispatches that were subject to military censorship." Without that note, we could smugly think that the Iraqi soldiers were cowards or crazy, but why censor that idea?
The mind-altering mechanism is based on a subliminal carrier technology: the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS sometimes called "S-quad" or "Squad". It was developed by Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in Patent #5,159,703, "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", dated, October 27, 1992. The abstract for the patent reads:
"A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio-frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum are amplitude- or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or acoustically, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."
According to literature by Silent Sounds, Inc., it is now possible, using supercomputers, to analyse human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them, then store these "emotion signal clusters" on another computer and, at will, "silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being".
Silent Sounds, Inc. states that it is interested only in positive emotions, but the military is not so limited. That this is a US Department of Defence project is obvious.
Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds, Inc., says this about S-quad in a letter dated December 13, 1996:
"All schematics, however, have been classified by the Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact detail ...we make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even former Soviet Union countries! All with the permission of the State Department, of course... The system was used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully."
The graphic illustration, "Induced Alpha to Theta Biofeedback Cluster Movement", which accompanies the literature, is labelled "#AB116-394-95 UNCLASSIFIED" and is an output from "the world's most versatile and most sensitive electroencephalograph (EEG) machine". It has a gain capability of 200,000, as compared to other EEG machine use which have gain capability of approximately 50,000. ] It is software-driven by the "fastest of computers" using a noise nulling technology similar to that used by nuclear submarines for detecting small objects underwater at extreme range.
The purpose of all this high technology is to plot and display a moving cluster of periodic brainwave signals. The illustration shows an EEG display from a single individual taken of left and right hemispheres simultaneously. The read-out from the two sides of the brain appear to be quite different, but in fact are the same (discounting normal left - right brain variations).
Cloning the Emotions
By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain's low-amplitude emotion signature clusters, synthesise them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it. "These clusters are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being!"
System Delivery and Applications
There is a lot more involved here than a simple subliminal sound system. There are numerous patented technologies which can be piggybacked individually or collectively onto a carrier frequency to elicit all kinds of effects.
There appear to be two methods of delivery with the system. One is direct microwave induction into the brain of the subject, limited to short-range operations. The other, as described above, utilises ordinary radio and television carrier frequencies.
Far from necessarily being used as a weapon against a person, the system does have limitless positive applications. However, the fact that the sounds are subliminal makes them virtually undetectable and possibly dangerous to the general public.
In more conventional use, the Silent Sounds Subliminal System might utilise voice commands, e.g., as an adjunct to security systems. Beneath the musical broadcast that you hear in stores and shopping malls may be a hidden message which exhorts against shoplifting. And while voice commands alone are powerful, when the subliminal presentation system carries cloned emotional signatures, the result is overwhelming.
Free-market uses for this technology are the common self-help tapes; positive affirmation, relaxation and meditation tapes; as well as methods to increase learning capabilities.
In a medical context, these systems can be used to great advantage to treat psychiatric and psychosomatic problems. As a system for remediating the profoundly deaf, it is unequalled. (Promises, promises. This is the most common positive use touted for this technology over the past 30 years. But the deaf are still deaf, and the military now has a weapon to use on unsuspecting people with perfectly normal hearing.)
Official Denials
In fact, the US Government has denied or refused to comment on mind- altering weapons for years. Only last year, US News and World Report ran an article titled "Wonder Weapons" - basically a review of the new so-called 'non-lethal' or 'less-than-lethal' weapons.' Not one word about S-quad, although the technology had been used six years earlier!
Excerpts from the article read: "Says Charles Bernard, a former Navy weapons-research director: "I have yet to see one of these ray-gun things that actually works..."; and ....
"DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) has come to us every few years to see if there are ways to incapacitate the central nervous system remotely, Dr F. Terry Hambrecht, head of the Neural Prostheses Program at NIH, told US News, 'but nothing has ever come of it, he said.' That is too science-fiction and far-fetched."
It may sound "science fiction and far-fetched" but it is not. However, that is just what the powers-that-be want you to believe, so as to leave them alone in their relentless pursuit of...what? The idea behind non-lethal weapons is to incapacitate the enemy without actually killing them, or, in the case of riot control or hostage situations, to disable the participants without permanent injury, preferably without their knowing it. The electromagnetic mind-altering technologies would all fall into this class of weapons, but since they are all officially non-existent, who is to decide when and where they will be used?
And why should selected companies in the entertainment industry reportedly be allowed access to this technology when the very fact of its existence is denied to the general public? As recently as last month [February], this stonewall approach of total denial or silence on the subject still held fast, even toward committees of the US Congress!
The Joint Economics Committee, chaired by Jim Saxton (R- NJ), convened on February 25, 1998 for the "Hearing on Radio Frequency Weapons and Proliferation: Potential Impact on the Economy". Invited testimony included statements by several authorities from the military:
Dr Alan Kehs, of the US Army Laboratories, discussed the overall RF threat.
Mr James O'Bryon, Deputy Director of Operational Testing and Director of live fire testing for the Office of Secretary of Defence at the Pentagon, discussed the role of Live Fire Testing and how it plays a role in testing military equipment with RF weapons.
Mr David Schriner, Principal Engineer of Directed Energy Studies with Electronic Warfare Associates and recently retired as an engineer with a naval weapons testing facility, talked about the difficulty in building an RF weapon and about the terrorist threat.
Dr Ira Merritt, Chief of Concepts Identification and Applications Analysis Division, Advanced Technology Directorate, Missile Defence and Space Technology Centre, Huntsville, Alabama, discussed the proliferation of RF weapons primarily from the former Soviet Union. Although these statements gave information of technical interest, they are perhaps more important for the information they did not give: information on the existence of radio- frequency weapons that directly affect the human brain and nervous system.
KGB Psychotronics
This technology did not spring up overnight. It has a long history of development and denials of development - by the US Government and probably half of the other governments of the world as well.
We know that the former Soviet Union was actively engaged in this type of research. In a previous article we reported that during the 1970s the Soviet KGB developed a Psychotronic Influence System (PIS) that was used to turn soldiers into programmable 'human weapons'. The system employed a combination of high- frequency radiowaves and hypnosis. The PIS project was begun in response to a similar training scheme launched in the US by President Carter, according to Yuri Malin, former security adviser to USSR President Gorbachev.
In my Electromagnetic Weapons Timeline I covered a period of 60 years of interest and development in EM weapons - information gathered from the many articles and news clippings sent in by readers of Resonance. In my article on synthetic telepathy I traced the development of the 'voice in your head' technology dating back to 1961, all my references coming from the open scientific literature.
Jan Wiesemann has written an apt description of the situation which now exists in the United States, about the 'forces that be' and how the situation came about: "During the Cold War the United States not only engaged in a relatively open nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union, but also engaged in a secret race developing unconventional weapons. As the intelligence agencies (which prior to the Second World War had merely played a supporting role within the government) continued to increase their power, so did the funds spent on developing techniques designed to outsmart each other.
"And as the US intelligence community began to grow, a secret culture sprang about which enabled the intelligence players to implement the various developed techniques to cleverly circumvent the democratic processes and institutions...
"Like many other democracies, the US Government is made up of two basic parts the elected constituency, i.e., the various governors, judges, congressmen and the President; and the unelected bureaucracies, as represented by the numerous federal agencies.
"In a well-balanced and correctly functioning democracy, the elected part of the government is in charge of its unelected bureaucratic part, giving the people a real voice in the agenda set by their government.
"While a significant part of the US Government no doubt follows this democratic principle, a considerable portion of the US Government operates in complete secrecy and follows its own unaccountable agenda which, unacknowledged, very often is quite different from the public agenda."
" Jan goes on to quote one of the United States' most popular war heroes: Dwight D. Eisenhower, who served as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces during World War II and was later elected 34th President of the United States. In his farewell address to the nation in 1961, President Eisenhower said:
"We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defence establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
'This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence - economic, political, even spiritual - is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognise the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
"In the councils or government, we must guard against acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, in the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or our democratic processes."
The United Nations was established in 1945 with the aim of "saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war". In 1975 the General Assembly considered a draft first proposed by the Soviet Union: "Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Destruction and New Systems of Such Weapons".
In 1979 the Soviet Union added a list of some types of potential weapons of mass destruction:
1) Radiological weapons (using radioactive materials) which could produce harmful effects similar to those of a nuclear explosion;
2) Particle beam weapons, based on charged or neutral particles, to affect biological targets;
3) Infrasonic acoustic radiation weapons;
4) Electromagnetic weapons operating at certain radio-frequency radiation's which could have injurious effects on human organs.
In response, the US and other Western nations stalled. They gave a long, convoluted reason, but the result was the same. In an article entitled "Non-Lethal Weapons May Violate Treaties"," the author notes that the Certain Conventional Weapons Convention covers many of the non-conventional weapons - "those that utilize infrasound or electromagnetic energy (including lasers, microwave or radio- frequency radiation, or visible light pulsed at brainwave frequency) for their effects".
Harlan Girard, Managing Director of the International Committee Against Offensive Microwave Weapons, told me he believes the strategy behind the government's recent push for less-than- lethal weapons is a subterfuge. The ones that are now getting all the publicity are put up for scrutiny to get the public's approval The electromagnetic mind-altering technologies are not mentioned, but would be brought in later under the umbrella of less-than-lethal weapons.
These weapons were recently transferred from the Department of Defence over to the Department of Justice. Why? Because there are several international treaties that specifically limit or exclude weapons of this nature from being used in international warfare.
In other words, weapons that are barred from use against our country's worst enemies (notwithstanding the fact that the US did use this weapon against Iraqi troops!) can now be used against our own citizens by the local police departments against such groups as peaceful protesters of US nuclear policies.
The secrecy involved in the development of the electromagnetic mind-altering technology reflects the tremendous power that is inherent in it. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology can control the minds of men - all men.
There is evidence that the US Government has plans to extend the range of this technology to envelop all peoples, all countries. This can be accomplished, is being accomplished, by utilising the nearly completed HAARP project for overseas areas and the GWEN network now in place in the US. The US Government denies all this.
Dr Michael Persinger is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada. You have met him before in the pages of Resonance were we reported on his findings that strong electromagnetic fields can affect a person's brain.
"Temporal lobe stimulation," he said, "can evoke the feeling of a presence, disorientation, and perceptual irregularities. It can activate images stored in the subject's memory, including nightmares and monsters that are normally suppressed."
Dr Persinger wrote an article a few years ago, titled "On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms." The abstract reads:
"Contemporary neuroscience suggests the existence of fundamental algorithms by which all sensory transduction is translated into an intrinsic, brain-specific code. Direct stimulation of these codes within the human temporal or limbic cortices by applied electromagnetic patterns may require energy levels which are within the range of both geomagnetic activity and contemporary communication networks. A process which is coupled to the narrow band of brain temperature could allow all normal human brains to be affected by a subharmonic whose frequency range at about 10 Hz would only vary by 0.1 Hz. "
He concludes the article with this: "Within the last two decades a potential has emerged which was improbable, but which is now marginally feasible. This potential is the technical capability to influence directly the major portion of the approximately six billion brains of the human species, without mediation through classical sensory modalities, by generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed.
"The historical emergence of such possibilities, which have ranged from gunpowder to atomic fission, have resulted in major changes in the social evolution that occurred inordinately quickly after the implementation. Reduction of the risk of the inappropriate application of these technologies requires the continued and open discussion of their realistic feasibility and implications within the scientific and public domain." It doesn't get any plainer than that. And we do not have open discussion because the US Government has totally denied the existence of this Technology.
Acknowledgements I would like to give special thanks to: Jan Wiesemann for sending the Silent Sounds statement and patents which were the keystone of this article; Mike Coyle, whose computer search turned up many more related patents; Harlan Girard, who has provided numerous official government documents; and to the many who have provided news clippings and articles, moral and financial support to Resonance, without which we'd have ceased publication long ago.
About the Author: Judy Wall is Editor and Publisher of Resonance, the Newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group.
Technology to Boggle your Mind
This is a listing of various technologies available which can be combined for use in direct or subliminal mind-control systems. Please note that these are mainly private inventions intended for positive uses, but could be applied for negative purposes as well. We have no idea what the government may have in classified research. [This listing has been considerably edited due to space considerations. Ed.] Silent Subliminal Presentation System, US Patent #5,159,703, Oliver Lowery, October 27, 1992. A silent communications system in which non- aural carriers in the very low or very high audio-frequency range, or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally for inducement into the brain.
Hearing System, US Patent #4,877,027, Wayne Brunkan, October 31, 1989. A method for directly inducing sound into the head of a person, using microwaves in the range of 100 MHz to 10,000 MHz, modulated with a waveform of frequency- modulated bursts.
Psycho-Acoustic Projector, US Patent #3,568,347, Andrew Flanders, February 23, 1971. A system for producing aural psychological disturbances and partial deafness in the enemy during combat situations.
Noise Generator and Transmitter, US Patent #4,034,741, Guy Adams and Jess Carden, Jr, July 12, 1977. An analgesic noise-generator.
Method and System for Altering Consciousness, US Patent #5,123,899, James Gall, June 23, 1992. A system for altering the states of human consciousness involving the use of simultaneous application of multiple stimuli, preferably sounds, having differing frequencies.
Subliminal Message Generator, US Patent #5,270,800, Robert Sweet, December 14, 1993. A combined subliminal and supraliminal message generator for use with a television receiver; permits complete control of subliminal messages and their presentation. Also applicable to cable television and computers.
Superimposing Method and Apparatus Useful for Subliminal Messages, US Patent #5,134,484, Joseph Wilson, July 28, 1992. Method of Changing a Person's Behaviour,
US Patent O4,717,343, Alan Densky, January 5, 1988. A method of conditioning a person's unconscious mind in order to effect desired change in the person's behaviour, and which does not require the services of a trained therapist.
Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method, US Patent #4,395,600, Rene Lundy and David Tyler, July 26, 1983. An amplitude-controlled subliminal message may be mixed with background music. Auditory Subliminal Programming System, US Patent #4,777,529, Richard Schultz and Raymond Dolejs, October 11, 1988.
Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduction in Brain Wave, US Patent #4,834,70l, Kazumi Masaki, May 30, 1989.
Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communication System, US Patent #5,539,705, M. A. Akerman, Curtis Ayers, Howard Haynes, July 23, 1996. A wireless communication system, undetectable by radio-frequency methods, for converting audio signals, including human voice, to electronic signals in the ultrasonic frequency range, transmitting the ultrasonic signal by way of acoustic pressure waves across a carrier medium, including gases, liquids and solids, and reconverting the ultrasonic acoustic pressure waves back to the original audio signal. This invention was made with government support under Contract DE-ACO5-840R2l400, awarded by the US Department of Energy to Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
Non-Audible Speech Generation Method and Apparatus, US Patent #4,821,326, Norman MacLeod, April 11, 1989.
Apparatus for Electrophysiological Stimulation, US Patent #4,227,516, Bruce Meland and Bernard Gindes, October 14, 1980.
Method and Recording for Producing Sounds and Messages to Achieve Alpha and Theta Brainwave States and Positive Emotional States in Humans, US Patent #5,352,181, Mark Davis, October 4, l994.
Method and Apparatus for Translating the EEG into Music to Induce and Control Various Psychological and Physiological States and to Control a Musical Instrument, US Patent #4,883,067, Knispel et. al., November 28, 1989.
Method of and Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of Consciousness, US Patent #5.356,368, Robert Monroe, October 18, 1994. Improved methods and apparatus for entraining human brain patterns, employing frequency-following-response (FFR) techniques and facilitating attainment of desired states of consciousness.
Method of Inducing Mental. Emotional and Physical States of Consciousness, including Specific Mental Activity, in Human Beings, US Patent #5,213,562, Robert Monroe, May 25, 1993.
Device for the Induction of Specific Brain Wave Patterns, US Patent #4,335,710, John Williamson, June 22, 1982. Brainwave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject are gradually induced without deleterious chemical or neurologic side effects. Method and Apparatus for Repetitively Producing a Noise-like Audible Signal, US Patent #4,191,175, William Nagle, March 4, 1980.
Apparatus for the Treatment of Neuropsychic and Somatic Diseases with Heat, Light, Sound and VHF Electromagnetic Radiation, US Patent #3,773,049, L. Y. Rabichev, V. F. Vasiliev, A. S. Putilin, T. G. Ilina, P. V. Raku and L. P. Kemitsky, November 20, 1973. Don't let the nice title fool you. This is the patent for LIDA, the infamous Soviet brainwashing machine.
Non-Invasive Method and Apparatus for Modulating Brain Signals through an External Magnetic or Electric Field to Reduce Pain, US Patent #4,889,526, Elizabeth Rauscher and William Van Bise, December 26, 1989.
Nervous System Excitation Device, US Patent #3,393,279, Gillis Patrick Flanagan, July 16, 1968. A method of transmitting audio information via a radio frequency signal modulated with the audio info through electrodes placed on the subject's skin, causing the sensation of hearing the audio information in the brain.
Method and System for Simplifying Speech Waveforms, US Patent #3,647,970, G. Patrick Flanagan, March 7, 1972. A complex speech waveform is simplified so that it can be transmitted directly through earth or water as a waveform and understood directly or after amplification.
Means for Aiding Hearing, US Patent #2,995,633, Henry Puharich and Joseph Lawrence, August 8, 1961. Means for converting audible signals to electrical signals and conveying them to viable nerves of the facial system.
Means for Aiding Hearing by Electrical Stimulation of the Facial Nerve System, US Patent #3,170,993, Henry Puharich, February 23, 1965.
Hearing Device, US Patent #4,858,612, , Philip Stocklin, August 22, 1989. A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the regions of the auditory cortex.
================================== بعد قراءة هذا المقال ما رايك في الربيع العربي.... اليس هذا هو علم صناعة الثورات....كيف يؤمن الشعب المصري فقط في مدة اقل من 20 يوم بان حسني مبارك لابد ان يذهب.... وقد ظل نفس الشعب يرزخ تحت حكم الطاغية 43 سنة... .....ليبيا... اليمن.... تونس....كل تلك شعوب متاجنسة... تتوفر فيها العناصر الاساسيه لنجاح التجربة المعمليه...منها الموقع الاستراتيجي للقطر ... وموارد تلك الارض... وعدد السكان...الخ...
================================================ نواصل.....
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: salah ismail)
Quote: سؤال جديد: هل الإيمان مطلق أم نسبي ؟ بمعني: هل ممكن أكون مؤمن بالله وعندي شكوك في وجوده في نفس الوقت؟ سؤال أجد من داك: الإيمان (بالله) هبة إلهية، يهبها الله لمن اصطفى، أم كدح بشري؟ |
نعم الإيمان مطلق(يأتي اليوم الذي يوازي إيمانك فيه إيمان الرسل ولكن يعتبر في عتبة الكفر إذا ما قارنته بالسير نحو الله)!! نعم ممكن تكون مؤمن بالله وعندك شكوك في وجوده!! قبل الإجابه دعني أقول لك أن المؤمن والملحد هم في مرتبه واحده! المؤمن آمن من خلال القطيع الذي وجد نفسه بداخله والملحد كذلك ألحد بنفس الحصل لأخونا المؤمن! أما الشاك فهو الإنسان الممكن نعول عليه(إذا آمن فهو يؤمن بصدق وإذا الحد فهو يلحد بصدق)... نعم لازم تكزن عندك شكوك ولو خرجت من دائرة الشكوك فتصير إلـــهاَ... الإله وحده لايحمل أي شكوك علي كينونته الكائنه! الإيمان هو هبه ربانيه كما أنه كدح بشري أنا أميل علي أنه هبة ربانيه(إذا عرفت أن المخلوق هو بمثابة مكينه مبرمجه) لايفعل إلا ما أمر بأن يفعله!! نعم إيمان الرسل يعتبر كفر صراح إذا ما قارناه بعتبة السير نحو لله .. بل وجود الرسول ووجود الله سيكون كفر(لأن لاإله إلا الله وأي شيئ يحس بأنه شيئ موجود خارج الله - الذات الداركه - يعتبر كفر صراح)...
الكعبه ، الفاتيكان ، بيت المقدس، تاج محل، شجرة بودا وخالقها يعتبر بمثابة وعيك لاغير!
هذه المسائل لاتتطلب مداخلات الرسميين ولا مداخلات الذين يدرسون الدين في المساجد والجامعات (الأزهريه وأم القري، وإلخ).
قف مكانك فإنك علي خلق عظيم.
لايمكن أن يفوتك شيئ ولايمكن ان تفوت شيئ
لك البشري!! .
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Mohamed Adam)
Quote: أن المؤمن والملحد هم في مرتبه واحده! المؤمن آمن من خلال القطيع الذي وجد نفسه بداخله والملحد كذلك ألحد بنفس الحصل لأخونا المؤمن! أما الشاك فهو الإنسان الممكن نعول عليه(إذا آمن فهو يؤمن بصدق وإذا الحد فهو يلحد بصدق) |
شكراً كتير على الرد محمد آدم بس في ناس ما آمنوا مع القطيع (زي كتير من الأمريكان المسلمين) وفي ناس ألحدوا عكس القطيع وأقربهم زملاء في البورد هنا عموماً كلامك مطمئن وعايز إعادة قراءة وبحث على هداه تسلم يا ملك
ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ شفت جزء كبير من الفيديو يا صلاح الظاهر احنا قاعدين في الدنيا دي وما عارفين الحاصل فيها شنو
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Ashraf el-Halabi)
الأستاذ صلاح اسماعيل ..
أستطيع أن أقتبس آية من الإنجيل وهى فى كلمات بسيطة تعرف ما هو الإيمان: وهى من رسالة بولس الرسول الى العبرانيين والأصحاح الحادى عشر ..
" وأما الإيمان فهو الثقة بما يُرجى والإيقان بأمور لا تُرى .. "
وأننى أعتقد بأن هذه الكلمات البسيطة تبسط تعريف ما هو الإيمان ..
والرب يبارك حياتكم ..
أخوكم العجوز ارنست
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Sudany Agouz)
Quote: شكراً كتير على الرد محمد آدم بس في ناس ما آمنوا مع القطيع (زي كتير من الأمريكان المسلمين) وفي ناس ألحدوا عكس القطيع وأقربهم زملاء في البورد هنا عموماً كلامك مطمئن وعايز إعادة قراءة وبحث على هداه تسلم يا ملك |
أخي المحترم جداَ أشرف حلبي لك - مني - اطيب التحايا دعني أعمل شوية ضبط لمصطلاحتي التي أوصل لك وللقارئ من خلالها مفهومي . عندي الملحد هو الكافر عندي المؤمن هو عكس الإثنين ونقصد بالشاك هو الإنسان البيستطيع يخرج من مالوف العاده بدون مايحك شعره من شعر رأسه!! الشاك ممكن يتحول لمؤمن أو لكافر وممكن يطل طول عمره شاكاَ
الإمريكي أو الأسترالي ... إلخ الصار مؤمن(تدين) في الحقيقه تدين بواسطة(جهة ما) ممكن تكون شخص،إمام،قديس،مسجد،كنيسه أو مجرد صداقه عملت فعلتها الإيمانيه بهذا الأمريكي وهنا هذا المؤمن آمن من داخل شلة القطيع.
الآخر الألحد - الكفر - من المؤكد كفر لأنه قرأ كتاب، شاهد فلم،درست نظريه، عاش وسط متدينين وتعرف علي باطنهم فوجده يخالف مظهرهم فكفر بمايتدينون به، أو إنفتح علي ثقافات كثيره ...إلخ المهم في النهايه إلحاده وكفره نابع من شلة القطيع..
إذا فعلاَ هنالك أشخاص ألحدوا بهذا المنبر فهم شكاك وليسوا بملحدين! هم ولدوا وتربوا بمجتمع قطيعي متدين ولكن نظروا إليه بنظرة الشاك لذا الحدوا بيقين(من تجاربهم).
ماركس بيقول الأديان إفيون الشعوب وأنا بنقول القطيع إفيون الشعوب (هذا الأمر سنفصِل فيه لاحقاَ). (كلمة أنا هنا بنقصدها تماماَ) كما هي ليست الإيقو.
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Mohamed Adam)
سلامات محمد آدم فكرة الثواب والعقاب في الدين (الجنة ونعيمها والنار وجحيمها) والاسهاب في تصوير شكل الحياة داخل الإتنين دا بيخلق مؤمن ولا طامع وخايف؟ يعني الشخص الإتبع الأوامر والنوهي الدينية دي بحذافيرها خوفاً من النار، دا ممكن يكون مؤمن ولا عندو توصيف تاني
شكلي لفيت لفيت ورجعت لسؤال صلاح الفوق داك "ماهو الإيمان؟"
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: salah ismail)
الحبيب محمد ادم
سعيد بقدومك يا اخي..وشكرا ليك فلقد التقيت بالاخ اشرف هنا علي ارصفة الحيرة والتساؤل انا شخصيا.. تعلمت الكثير المفيد من النقاش... ولا اخفي علي احد حيرتي اما هذه الامور التي يتم تناولها....بفرضية تجعل من المتسائل نكرة تحتم اقصاؤة.. وبسرعه نعم اتفق معك.. في ان الرحلة رحلة فردية..واننا ان لم نستعمل الخرطة القديمة في هذه الرحلة فنحن في اتجاه معاكس...وما زالت الخرط تطبع وتوزع من مصدؤ واحد هو الدين... الذي اصبح مؤسسة اقتصاديه.. ماليه .. سياسيه..لا تتواني في اصدار الاحكام التي تضمن استمرارية تلك المصالح... حتي ولو علي حساب الديانات نفسها....
حسب فهمي... ان الايمان هو صلة الخالق بالمخلوق..او العكس اي صلة الكامل بالمكمل اي صلة الواجد بالموجود ======================= ربما...
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: salah ismail)
سلامات محمد آدم كلامك دا بشبه فكرة الترقي الروحي عند المتصوفة المهم خلصت منه إنو مسألة الشك دي ذاتها درجة من درجات الإيمان، بمنهج محدد ممكن الواحد يتجاوزها لدرجات أرقى. كنت أتمنى أسمع رأي السلفية في الموضوع
سلامات صلاح يمكن تكون مندهش من حماسي في البوست ببساطة إنتا سبقتني بساعات في فتح نفس البوست تصدق لي فترة بفكر أفتح بوست بنفس عنوانك دا واللحظة القررت أفتح البوست لقيتك قمت باللازم
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: Ashraf el-Halabi)
الإيمان بإله او الهه متعددة او الإيمان بدين من غير إله كلها لسد حوجة الإنسان لتأكيد إستمراريته في الحياة ومادام عجز في الماضي وحتي الآن عن الإستمرار البيولجي فهو محتاج لتأكيد إستمراريته روحيا" بعد الموت. الإيمان هو سلاحنا نحن البشر الفانين الضعفاء الذي نشهره في وجه الموت الرهيب والذي لا مهرب منه. كل مشاريعنا الفاشلة في هذه الدنيا،كل غبائننا وحدتنا وغربتنا،عزائنا فيها أن هناك ربا" رحيما" سيأخذ بيدنا ويعوضنا عنها في حياة أخري.
الإيمان يصلنا نحن الدنيويين المحدودين بعتبة المقدس اللامحدود
___________________________________ عندما تفكر في مقولة السودانين "آخرتا كوم تراب" لا تملك إلا أن يقشعر جلدك ، وأن يخفق قلبك "يا ربي"
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: aydaroos)
مرحباً صلاح الايمان هو ذلك الاعتقاد التجريدي الذي يمنعك ويحميك من القيام بالشر ويقودك الي قيم الخير. وهو فضيلة إنسانية تمثل المحتوي الشامل لجميع قيم الخير لذلك اصلها الدين وقد ارتبط وروده في البيان المبين بالفئات التي اهتدت بأمر الله والامتثال بقوانينه التي تقود الي الخير وتجلب الخير للناس من يهود ونصاري ومسلمين..
الله هو اول المؤمنون ومن أسمائه الحسنا ( المؤمن) قال الله جل جلاله في الحديث القدسي: (يا عبادي اني حرمت الظلم علي نفسي وجعلته بينكم حراما فلا تظالموا)
(I have made opperssion unlawful for myself and have made it unlawful among you so dont oppress one anothers )
وهي دعوة لإقامة العدل والحق لان الله مؤمن ان فيهما خير للناس.
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: aydaroos)
الاخ العزيز العيدروس شكرا علي المرور... يبدو اننا نعاني من معضلة ناتجة عن تعريفنا للموت...انه الضد للحياة.. فاذا كنا نؤمن ان هنالك حياة ثانيه...فما بالك بالثالثه والرابعة والخامسة الخ...الخ...فهل نحن حقا...نعيش حياتنا الاولي...الان.. اخرة كوم تراب...مقولة استلابيه...فكوم التراب الذي نراه امامنا..هو علامة او لافتة علي طريق تحول الي فكرة في الدماغ الجمعي للبشريه.. --هنا قبر المرحوم..فلان ابن فلان..اوابن فلانه..---اي ان الوجود المادي لذلك الجسم قد اكتمل تحوله الي عالم اخر..فعودة التراب الي اصله..تحتم عودة الروح الي اصلها..وهنا..فقط ان علينا ان نسلم لجدليه لا يمكن ان تخضع لمقاييس الكم ..والكيف والزمان والمكان...التي ها ارتباط الوجود المادي المحسوس...اذ ان الوجود في مقام اخر يتطلب الاوجود ايضا هنالك بنفس معايير ومقاييسالوعي..والحضور..تلك اروقة تتوق نفس العارفين الي اخضاعها للتجربة...هل يمكن ان تتطور مقدرتنا الحسيه والماديه الي تلك العوالم المأهولة بالتساؤل...وتستطيع ان تدرك تلك المعارج ...وما الذي يمكن ان يتطور فينا...سوي الوعي...احيانا ينتابني اعتقاد بان الايمان هو تسليم لواقع الامعقول... اعود الي تعريف قد يبدو غريبا للوهلة الاولي ولكنه قد يلقي بعض القبول ..فالموت والحياة ليسا ضدان...فالحياة لايمكن ان يكون لها ضد ولكن عندما تأخذ الارض ما اعطت من طين في زمان ومكان ما لا بد لها تعطي نفس المقدار في مكان وزمان اخر في نفس اللحظة وهي الان..فالولادة ..في اعلي مستويات حدوثها الي ادني درجات حدوثها كانقسام الخلايا في اي كائن حي تثبت ببساطة وحدة الفعل ...من رتق وانفتاق...تعتقل العقل في احدي اطراف المعادلة..وذلك لان العقل لايعمل الا في اطار الازدواجية المتمثلة في شقي الدماغ..وكيفيه علاقة هذا الدماغ بالعوالم التي من حولة...في كل المستويات...فضد الحضور هو الغياب...وضد الموت اذن هو الولادة...اذ لايمكن للروح ان توجد نفسها في وعينا الا ان ترفل في شكل جديد...مولود جديد...فرع جديد او شجرة جديدة..او..كل ما يمكن لوعينا ان يدركه من خلال معادلة الحضور والغياب...فهل الايمان يمكن ان يكون هو ذلك الوقود لتلك الرحلة..
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Re: ______________ما هو الايمان؟؟؟!!!!!________________ (Re: salah ismail)
اختي صفاء فقيري كبف نعتقد...!!!ولماذا...؟ فتلك الاعتقادات هي السبب الاساسي في وجود الديانات او الاديان...والتي نجد انها اليوم من اغني المؤسسات العالميه...التي تتصارع في ما بينها حول هذه الاعتقادات...فاذا كانت هذه الاعتقادات هي الايمان...فلم الاختلاف...اذن..؟؟ يا عبادي اني حرمت الظلم علي نفسي... اذن فلله نفس...ولنا انفس ايضا...!!!! فهل نفسنا هي من نفس الله....؟؟؟ تلك الحقيقة يجب ان تزيد من قيمة وجودنا علي كل المستويات... هل يمكن ان يتوقف البحث عن تلك النفس هنا...وتحليل هذه العينة للوصول الي المزيد من التواجد الالهي فينا....؟؟؟ وهل العبوديه...صفة ايجابية ام صفة سلبيه...؟؟؟ ام ان هنالك اشكالية تعريفات...نتجت عن ممارسة تلك الاعتقادات...؟؟ هل ماء البحر الذي اخذ منه ووضع في اناء اصغر في الحجم من البحر ئؤثر علي نوعية الماء ومكوناته...؟؟؟ فقط بسبب الحجم ؟؟؟ --وجعلته محرم بينكم-----الجعل هو تحريك الموجود من مكان الي مكان....ولكن الخلق دائما يتم من الداخل ويمتد الي الخارج...فجسم الانسان البيولوجي في خلق دائم ومستمر...ووجود نفس الجسم في اشكال مختلفة للبشر والمخلوقات...لايؤثر علي نوع النفس ... ================================ في اعتقادي...لا تعني في ايماني...؟؟ لان الاعتقادات متعددة ولكن الايمان واحد...فالايمان مخلوق...دائم الخلق ...المعرفة به..تستوجب الحضور في مستوي لا يمكن للعقل ان يخضعه لازدواجيته التي فقط تثبت وجود العقل...!!!! قالت الاعراب آمنا....قل لم تؤمنوا...ولكن قولوا اسلمنا...ولما يدخل الايمان في قلوبكم... فالذي يدخل ويخرج لا بد ان يكون له وجود محسوس...!!!
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