Re: توقيعاتكم من أجل اطلاق سراح السيد مبارك الفاضل والمعتقلين (Re: abubakr)
الاخوة الافاضل التوقيع مطلوب على رابط البيتشن اعلى البوست
Release Mubarak ElMahdi 74 Signatures Created by Anonymous on Aug 21, 2007 Category: Civil Rights Region: Sudan Target: The Government of Sudan Description/History: Mubarak Abdullahi ElFadel Elmahdi, Chairman of Umma Reform and Renewal Party was arrested from his house in Khartoum 14th on July 2007 by the National intelligence and Security Service. Also arrested was secretary general AbdelGaliel ElBasha and 15 retired military men.
Mr ElMahdi,a staunch advocate of democracy, was falsely accused of sabotage as a prelude to a coup d'etet. He is being held in solitary confinement and unsanitary conditions with poor food and without due regard to his failing health.He is feeling severely ill and is requesting medical treatment by his personal doctor but is being denied.A medical doctor he was trying to see before his detention testifies his deteriorating health condition.
Similarly Amnesty International has issued a circular to its members requesting them to come to the support of Mr Mubarak ElMahdi and his colleagues
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Re: توقيعاتكم من أجل اطلاق سراح السيد مبارك الفاضل والمعتقلين (Re: kamalabas)
اطلقوا سراح كل من وقف فى وجه الظلم اطلقوا سراح من قال لا. فكوا اسر بلادى وارحلوا فقد ارهقتمونا حتى غدا بوحنا هديرا الا تسمعون؟ نحن هاهنا نردد ارحلوا بعيدا فقد احدودب ظهر الوطن من اطنان ظلمكم. الى متى يا شعبى الابى ستقف ساكنا؟ اما حان وقت اقتلاع الظلم؟ انى اصرخ فهلا هزت صرخاتنا ارجاء الوطن وزعزعت ملك من لا يملك الملك؟ نجلاء الماحى ابصم بكل مسام جسدى
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