ملف الدكتور الكرسنى ـ بدون لون

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مكتبة د.ابراهيم الكرسنى(Dr.Ibrahim Kursany&ابراهيم الكرسنى)
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09-11-2004, 06:28 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
ملف الدكتور الكرسنى ـ بدون لون


    Dr Al Kursaniy decided to criticize Shiek Qaradawi and his political or religious opinions by writing the posting titled "The Black Dossier of Shiekh Qaradawi". I must admit that I have no knowledge of Qaradawi, being a good or bad man nor he is the topic of this posting.

    What really amazed me about that posting is the association of color with an evil doer as the gentleman have written. In particular, the black color as being a very good depiction of any evil doer. Along the same line Bint Alhfad following Kursaniy's posting attributed the color of greeness as being the color of good versus bad.

    Could the dossier of Qaradawi be purple or yellow or whatever! Could the title have been the Qaradawis Dossier of Hypocracy and Injustice, could the title have been Qaradawis Shameful Politics or anything to that effect. The answer is yes of course, but the writer in particular choose to label Qaradawis dossier with the black color
    to send a strong blow to Qaradawi and label what he perceives as his hypocracy as being way too bad that deserved the black color coding. And indeed he did. But also in doing so he degraded the black color and of course anything that is black. For associating black with evil not only dehumanizes black people but anything that black, from a black car, to a black hejab etc ... In other words, and according to the doctors color scheme we can safely assume that people who are less bad will likely have a not so-black dossier perhaps grey or faint greish dossier etc ... People whom we want to label as being less good will have greenish to yellowish dossiers. The color bar is of course solely up to the writer and his own color versus good-evil classification.

    It is imperative to note that this childish nonsense association is not out of the culture/language or of the norm in Sudan and else wheres.
    For we have grown to get accustomed to expressions such as 'save money for
    the black day' or 'your day is gonna be black if you do this', or the black magic (which is extremely powerful as they say in comparison to any other type of hurtful magics) just to name a few. As if the day anyone goes bankrupt must be dead dark black regardless whether the sun is shining or not. Along the same tone the association of white color with goodness is not uncommon, and evetually the notion of superiority of white versus black and all the vomit jargon that comes with it. Are we still wondering where our racism and prejudices are being fueled from!!

    The association of color and language/culture is a large topic and one can write alot on it. It will certainly be beyond the limits of this moderate posting. However, what the Doctor engaged on in his posting deserved to be attended to. It is unlikely that the doctor specifically meant to slander anything black, giving him the benefit of the doubt it can be assumed that he rather blindly followed unacceptable social norms. So for him and Bint Alhfad I suggest that if the educated are not able to see the plain degradation of associating evil with the black color or any other color with good or bad then we have a long way to go. Untill that time Kursanity's highly elegant and colorful dossiers will be a common practice.

    Please take no offence. If you decided to hate me please assign me a brown to dark brown dossier. I love anything brown!

    Thank you

    (عدل بواسطة zoul"ibn"zoul on 09-11-2004, 06:42 PM)


09-12-2004, 05:54 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 0

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ملف الدكتور الكرسنى ـ بدون لون (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)


09-12-2004, 07:04 PM

Dr.Ibrahim Kursany

تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 49

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ملف الدكتور الكرسنى ـ بدون لون (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    Zoul"ibn" Zoul
    I must admit that it didn't cross my mind the siginficance of the clour in a political context till I read your post because clourwise I am also a blackman myself. So I would like you to take my words in their political rather than their racial context
    Inspite of all what I have said and inspite of the fact that I have been an activist all my life in the anti-apartheid movement, I wold like to pay my sincere apologies to you if you have felt bad about the title of the post.
    Thank you once again.

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