محاولة لتنصير البشير

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مكتبة ابوهريرة زين العابدين عبدالحليم(ابوهريرة زين العابدين)
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02-16-2007, 08:51 PM

ابوهريرة زين العابدين
<aابوهريرة زين العابدين
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-28-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 2655

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
محاولة لتنصير البشير

    محاولة لتنصير البشير
    في لقاء مع البشير حاول فرانكلين جراهام تنصير البشير كما ورد في صحيفة واشنطن بوست قبل يومين
    U.S. Evangelist, a Critic of Islam, Reaches Out to Sudan's President
    By Stephanie McCrummen
    Washington Post Foreign Service
    Wednesday, February 14, 2007; Page A15
    KHARTOUM, Sudan, Feb. 13 -- The first time that Omar Hassan al-Bashir, the Muslim president of Sudan, met Franklin Graham, the prominent evangelical Christian, the conversation came to a kind of standoff.
    Graham, who has called Islam an "evil and wicked" religion, told Bashir in the 2003 meeting that he wanted to persuade him to become a Christian. Bashir, at the time fighting a civil war in the southern region of the country, told Graham that he wanted to make him a Muslim, Graham recalled.
    In a meeting between the two men here Monday night, the semi-serious proselytizing continued.
    This time, though, Graham said he came away thinking that Bashir, who now stands accused of presiding over the killing of at least 200,000 people in the Darfur region in the country's west, deserves credit for signing the peace agreement with rebels in the south in 2005.
    Although human rights activists and some U.S. officials are counseling tougher measures against Bashir's government to end the violence in Darfur -- and to more fully implement a faltering peace agreement with the south -- Graham said that a softer approach is needed.
    "I'm not a politician, but I think our government does need to recognize some steps he's taken and reward this government in some way to show them we appreciate what they have done" regarding southern Sudan, said Graham, the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham and head of the international Christian relief group Samaritan's Purse. "I think we can do more when we're engaged."
    Evangelical groups have for years rallied around the cause of southern Sudan, where a 20-year civil war was waged largely over oil fields along a disputed border between north and south. The conflict also had religious and ethnic dimensions; the government is made up mostly of Arabs and Muslims, while southerners are black Africans, around 30 percent of whom practice Christianity, with most of the rest practicing indigenous religions.
    Graham, who has been criticized by other U.S. evangelical leaders for his comments about Islam, was in the region touring his group's projects in Kenya, Uganda and Sudan. He was accompanied by former Senate majority leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.).
    Earlier in the day, the group flew two hours southwest for a brief visit to Otash, a sprawling camp for some of the 2.5 million people displaced by the fighting in Darfur, the scene of what the United States has described as genocide. At the airport in the town of Nyala, about 550 miles from Khartoum, three government attack helicopters and three Soviet-made fighter jets were parked on the tarmac.
    Aid workers said that 5,000 people had made their way to the camp, just outside Nyala, in the last week alone. Although some people on Tuesday were receiving their initial allotment of bamboo sticks and tarps for shelter, others have been at the camp for more than two years, and by now many have built mud-brick homes and even surrounded them with straw fencing.
    One elderly man had tears in his eyes as he told Graham that he had been at the camp for nine months. "This land in Darfur is our right," he said. "If it belongs to the Arabs, then let us die, all."
    Later in the evening, Graham met with Bashir, who had refused to see Frist, presumably because of his criticism of the Sudanese government.
    Graham, for his part, was warmly welcomed, even though he told the Raleigh News and Observer newspaper in October that Islam is a religion that seeks to "persecute" others until they convert, with the ultimate goal of "total domination."
    Asked Tuesday after the meeting whether his views of Islam had changed, Graham said "no."
    In the meeting, Graham said, he urged the president to work toward a resolution in Darfur, but focused mostly on issues of religious freedom across the country.
    While the south is a semiautonomous secular state, the north is governed according to Islamic law. Christian groups there complain that they are blocked from building churches and are not allowed to buy television airtime for religious programming, among other problems.
    Graham said Bashir pledged to allow groups to build their churches and to look into Graham's other requests, including one for $15 million to help rebuild at least 600 churches in the south destroyed during the war.
    Although Samaritan's Purse is a humanitarian organization that receives U.S. government funding and is not allowed by law to engage in religious activity, Graham was unapologetic about the ultimate goal of his work.
    "I would like to convert every person I meet," he said. "I don't want to force them. It's through persuasion."

02-16-2007, 09:16 PM

ابوهريرة زين العابدين
<aابوهريرة زين العابدين
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-28-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 2655

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: محاولة لتنصير البشير (Re: ابوهريرة زين العابدين)

    و قد اورد ذلك القس فراكلين جراهام الذي ينتمي لتيار المحافظين الجدد افانجيليكال وقال ان ذلك حدث عام 2003 عندما التقي بالبشير اول مرة

02-17-2007, 01:45 AM

ابوهريرة زين العابدين
<aابوهريرة زين العابدين
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-28-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 2655

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: محاولة لتنصير البشير (Re: ابوهريرة زين العابدين)

    فقد التقى جراهام بالبشير للمرة الثانية ولا ادري لماذا وربما لمواصلة مشوار محاولة التنصير ولكن كيف يقبل البشير بمقابلته للمرة الثانية بعد ان استفزاه في المرة الأولى، كيف يسمح لشخص لا يمثل حكومته ان يقابله لاكثر من مرة وخاصة بعد محاولة التنصير المسيئة له كرئيس دولة "مومنة"، وريما شعر جراهام بضعف القوى الفكرية لرئيسنا الهمام لذلك قرر ان يواصل معه المشوار ولكن السؤال الآن ما حكم الشرع في محاولة تنصير امير مؤمنينا الهمام، هل يجوز ذلك.. اين الفتاوى الكثيرة المعلبة الجاهزة لاهل التوجه الحضاري... فهذه هي الايدولوجية الإسلاموية فقد اوردت اسلام اهل السودان السمح موردا عجبا والغريب في الامر ان لجراهام منظمة يصول ويجول في السودان ولا ادري ماذا يفعل اذا كان هذا كلامه مع رئيس الدولة ويبدو أن دولتنا الإسلاموية تحولت لمسخ لخدمة نشر دعوة اهل الكتاب والنوع المتطرف منها الذي يمثله جراهام فهو دائما ما يثير جدل وغبار كثيف وحتى داخل امريكا جراء تصريحاته المتطرفة. ولكنها "الزنقة" السياسية ويبدو انهم يريدون اي شيء يساعدهم في فك الخناق عام 93 عندما التقاه اول مرة والآن وخاصة أن القائمة اياها سوف تعلن قريبا .. ونواصل

02-17-2007, 03:47 PM

ضحيه ابراهيم
<aضحيه ابراهيم
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-28-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 2108

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: محاولة لتنصير البشير (Re: ابوهريرة زين العابدين)

    الانصارى ابو هريره جئنا لتسجيل حضور ومتابعه تقبل تحيات واحد مكرهنا الدوحه من ال الرقيق يدعى محمد زين .. وسليمان عبد الرسول

02-18-2007, 05:47 PM

ابوهريرة زين العابدين
<aابوهريرة زين العابدين
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-28-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 2655

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: محاولة لتنصير البشير (Re: ضحيه ابراهيم)

    شكرا الاخ ضحية على الحضور والمتابعة وتحياتي لكل الاحباب بقطر
    مع شكري

02-19-2007, 02:42 AM

ابوهريرة زين العابدين
<aابوهريرة زين العابدين
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-28-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 2655

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: محاولة لتنصير البشير (Re: ابوهريرة زين العابدين)

    Although Samaritan's Purse is a humanitarian organization that receives U.S. government funding and is not allowed by law to engage in religious activity, Graham was unapologetic about the ultimate goal of his work.
    "I would like to convert every person I meet," he said. "I don't want to force them. It's through persuasion
    المنظمة التي يديرها جراهام والتي تسمي ساماريتان بيرس هي منظمة إنسانية تتلقى الدعم من الحكومة الامريكية وغير مسموح بنص القانون ان تتورط او تدخل في اي عمل ديني او مساعدة ديانة محددة او الترويج لها مستخدمة اموال دافع الضرائب الامريكي، وبرغم ذلك فهو يصر على انه سوف يواصل مساعيه في هدفه النهائي والذي يتمثل في تنصير اي شخص يقابله وحتى لو كان رئيسنا الهمام البشير
    فالسؤال الآن لحكومتنا الرشيدة ولرئيسنا الميمون ولاهل التوجه الحضاري ما رأيهم في كل ذلك وخاصة أن البشير وعد خيرا في مساعدة جراهام في اعماله.

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