دارفور .. مصّرع إبن شقيق كبير الجانجويد مع قُدوم ال Nato !

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02-07-2005, 03:00 AM

hamid hajer
<ahamid hajer
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-12-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 1508

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دارفور .. مصّرع إبن شقيق كبير الجانجويد مع قُدوم ال Nato !

    Darfur rebels kill nephew of Arab tribal chief Musa Hilal
    Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 13:32
    KHARTOUM, Feb 2, 2005 (Reuters) - Darfur rebels killed a nephew of the man heading the U.S. State Department's list of suspected Arab militia leaders who stand accused of human rights abuses in the remote west of Sudan, relatives said on Wednesday.
    The relatives, who declined to be named, said rebels ambushed one of the sons of Musa Hilal's brother, Omar Hilal, three days ago, killing him and a friend in North Darfur state.

    "They were travelling between Kutum and Kebkabiya when they were attacked by the rebels about three days ago," one relative said. "His nephew was killed and so was one of his friends."

    Musa Hilal, head of the largest Arab tribe in North Darfur, top list of suspected leaders of the Janjaweed.

    Hilal is the head of the largest Arab tribe in North Darfur. The media sees him as the face of Arab militias, locally called Janjaweed. Darfur rebels say the government has used the militias as a proxy force against non-Arab Darfur villages
    The U.S. State Department placed Hilal at the top of its list of suspected leaders of the Janjaweed. A U.N. report on Darfur violence has accused Khartoum and allied militias of atrocities in the region.

    Hilal denies he has any links to the Janjaweed. The government says he is a respected Arab tribal leader.

    Darfur has a long history of tribal clashes and aid workers in Khartoum expressed concern that the killing of Hilal's nephew may escalate violence in the region.

    Darfur rebels took up arms against Khartoum in early 2003. They say the government has neglected the region.

    The conflict has driven 1.8 million people from their homes and thousands are dying every month from disease and malnutrition in refugee camps

    About two million people have been forced to flee their homes in Darfur


02-07-2005, 03:09 AM

hamid hajer
<ahamid hajer
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-12-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 1508

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Re: دارفور .. مصّرع إبن شقيق كبير الجانجويد مع قُدوم ال Nato ! (Re: hamid hajer)

    UN Suspends Its Road Movements in Part of West Darfur, Sudan, After Attack On Truck

    UN News Service (New York)

    February 3, 2005
    Posted to the web February 3, 2005

    United Nations road movement has been suspended on the route between two of the main towns in West Darfur state in Sudan after armed men yesterday fired at a clearly marked UN truck and looted all the personal belongings of the driver and passengers.
    One uniformed person and another wearing civilian clothes fired at least 10 shots at a water and sanitation truck as it travelled from the state capital of Geneina to the town of Mornei, the UN Advance Mission in Sudan (UNAMIS) reported today. The truck was marked with the logos of a UN agency and a non-governmental organization (NGO).

    In North Darfur state, UNAMIS said it had received reports that armed tribesmen had attacked a camp containing members of the rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA), and that the SLA had stopped a bus north of El Fasher and abducted four passengers, killing three.

    The latest attacks come as Security Council members study a report by a UN-appointed commission of inquiry that found that genocide has not occurred in Darfur, an impoverished region the size of France on Sudan's western flank.

    The five-member commission found that while the Sudanese Government had not conducted a policy of genocide, both its forces and allied Janjaweed militias had carried out "indiscriminate attacks, including killing of civilians, torture, enforced disappearances, destruction of villages, rape and other forms of sexual violence, pillaging and forced displacement."
    The panel also concluded that rebel forces in Darfur were responsible for possible war crimes, including murder of civilians and pillage, and recommended that the Council refer its dossier on the situation in Darfur to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

    Tens of thousands of people have been killed and up to 1.85 million others are internally displaced or have fled to neighbouring Chad since rebel groups took up arms against the Sudanese Government in early 2003, partly in protest at the distribution of economic resources

02-07-2005, 03:30 AM

hamid hajer
<ahamid hajer
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-12-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 1508

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Re: دارفور .. مصّرع إبن شقيق كبير الجانجويد مع قُدوم ال Nato ! (Re: hamid hajer)

    NATO could play role in Darfur crisis if asked

    www.chinaview.cn 2005-02-04 11:16:00

    LONDON, Feb. 3 (Xinhuanet) -- The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) could play a role in the conflict in Sudan's troubled Darfur region if asked by Africans and the United Nations, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said Thursday.

    NATO could intervene in the Darfur crisis, if the African Union(AU) and the United Nations ask it to do so, de Hoop Scheffer saidin an interview with BBC radio in London.

    "As far as Darfur is concerned, NATO is not involved, because the African Union is trying to set up a peace-monitoring mission. The (UN) Security Council is divided, and NATO will not go and rush into Darfur," said the NATO chief.

    However, if asked by the AU and the United Nations, NATO could give support -- in command and control and logistic support -- to an operation in Darfur, de Hoop Scheffer said.

    The NATO chief emphasized it should be left to the Africans andthe AU to find a way of solving the conflict in Darfur.

    "But if African leaders would come -- through the UN -- to NATO,and ask NATO what could you do to support what we are doing, I think the allies would have a very serious discussion, " he said. Enditem


02-07-2005, 03:35 AM

hamid hajer
<ahamid hajer
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-12-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 1508

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Re: دارفور .. مصّرع إبن شقيق كبير الجانجويد مع قُدوم ال Nato ! (Re: hamid hajer)

    SUDAN: Gunmen shoot at AU monitors in West Darfur
    02 Feb 2005 14:01:09 GMT

    Source: IRIN

    NAIROBI, 2 February (IRIN) - Gunmen in the western Sudanese state of Darfur on Monday opened fire on two African Union (AU) teams investigating reported cease-fire violations, AU officials said.

    Ambassador Baba Gana Kingibe, the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission in Sudan, condemned the shooting in a statement on Tuesday.

    The first incident occurred in the town of Jayjay, south of the capital, Nyala, where AU monitors were investigating an alleged attack on a village. The second occurred near Shangil Tobai, where another team was looking into reports that aerial bombings had taken place.

    No casualties resulting from either incident were reported.

    Kingibe said that "the military observers were undertaking their legitimate duty" of investigating allegations of violations of the N'Djamena Ceasefire Agreement when they came under fire. "The AU does not wish to be drawn into a situation where its monitors and protectors will be obliged to defend themselves by the use of force," he added.

    UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan condemned attacks on the monitors in a separate statement on Tuesday, saying this "could jeopardise the fulfilment of the AU mission in Darfur."

    On 1 December 2004 another member of the AU observer team was shot at, and on the 19th an AU helicopter was fired upon. The AU warned that if its team continued to be targeted, this would constitute a serious threat to the ceasefire monitoring process.

    Annan urged the Sudanese government and rebel forces in Darfur "to respect the neutrality of AU monitors, observers and police, as well as all international humanitarian workers, and to guarantee that they operate in the region under conditions of safety and security."

    The N'Djamena Ceasefire Agreement to halt fighting in Darfur and allow humanitarian organisations' access, was signed by the Sudanese government and the two main rebel groups, the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), on 8 April 2004 in the Chadian capital.

    However, the Janjawid militias, who are blamed for most of the atrocities, were neither signatories to the agreement, nor specifically referred to in the text, and the agreement has repeatedly been violated by all parties since its inception.

    In a report published on Monday, a UN commission of inquiry found that government forces and militias had conducted indiscriminate attacks throughout Darfur, including the killing of civilians, torture, enforced disappearances, destruction of villages, rape and other forms of sexual violence, pillaging and forced displacement, but concluded that these did not amount to genocide.

    The commission blamed the government for joining in the attacks, and for complicity with the Janjawid militia, but also said the rebels were responsible for some of the serious crimes committed against the people of Darfur.

    The war in Darfur pits the Sudanese government troops and militias, allegedly allied to the government, against rebels fighting to end what they have called the marginalisation and discrimination of the region's inhabitants by the state.

    Tens of thousands of people have been killed in Darfur, with up to 1.85 million internally displaced or forced to seek refuge in neighbouring Chad. The UN has described the Darfur conflict as one of the world's worst humanitarian crises


02-07-2005, 03:44 AM

hamid hajer
<ahamid hajer
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-12-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 1508

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Re: دارفور .. مصّرع إبن شقيق كبير الجانجويد مع قُدوم ال Nato ! (Re: hamid hajer)

    US convinced of Darfur 'genocide'

    The US is standing by its claim that Sudan is committing genocide in the Darfur region, despite a UN report stopping short of using the term.
    Washington called for the United Nations to set up a special court to try those accused of war crimes in the conflict in Sudan.
    It also urged the Security Council to consider imposing sanctions on Sudan.

    The report said the Council should refer the case to the International Criminal Court, a move the US opposed.

    UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said the Security Council had to take action and hold suspected war criminals in Sudan accountable.

    "Such grave crimes cannot be committed with impunity. That would be a terrible betrayal of the victims, and of potential future victims in Darfur and elsewhere," he said.
    Sudan rejected the report as unfair and incorrect, while Darfur rebel groups said it did not go far enough.

    Meanwhile, the African Union, which is in charge of monitoring a shaky ceasefire between the govenment and the rebels, says some of its observers were shot at on Monday while investigating a bombing that the UN blames on Sudan's government.

    Court rift

    The report - prepared by a five-member UN-appointed commission - said the Sudanese government "has not pursued a policy of genocide" although "in some instances individuals, including government officials, may commit acts with genocidal intent".

    It pointed to "killing of civilians, enforced disappearances, destruction of villages, rape and other forms of sexual violence, pillaging and forced displacement, throughout Darfur".

    But US state department spokesman Richard Boucher took issue, saying: "We stand by the conclusion that we reached [in September 2004] that genocide had been occurring in Darfur."The report named, in secret, alleged war criminals it said should go before the International Criminal Court (ICC).

    Mr Boucher said the UN and the African Union should set up a tribunal in Arusha, Tanzania.

    He also called for the deployment of UN peacekeepers to Sudan and targeted sanctions against the government there.

    BBC state department correspondent Jonathan Beale says the US will discuss these proposals with Council members in the coming days but it is likely to be out of step with a number of key allies who believe the ICC should now become involved.

    The US does not recognise the ICC, which it fears could be used for politically motivated prosecutions of US soldiers and diplomats.

    Human cost

    More than 70,000 people have been killed in the two-year conflict that has exacerbated a humanitarian crisis in Darfur and some two million have fled their homes.

    Many of the refugees, mostly non-Arabs, say that militiamen backed by security forces have ridden into their villages on horses and camels, slaughtering the men, raping the women and stealing whatever they can find.

    The Sudan government denies backing the Janjaweed militia and blames the violence on rebels who took up arms in February 2003.


02-07-2005, 03:52 AM

hamid hajer
<ahamid hajer
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-12-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 1508

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: دارفور .. مصّرع إبن شقيق كبير الجانجويد مع قُدوم ال Nato ! (Re: hamid hajer)

    UN's Annan Urges Swift Sanctions Action On Darfur
    Tuesday February 1st, 2005 23:56.

    UNITED NATIONS, Feb 1, 2005 (AP) - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Tuesday urged swift action to stop the killing in Sudan 's Darfur region, but the Security Council was divided about sending the case to the International Criminal Court or setting up an entirely new tribunal to handle the case

    Annan's call for the council to consider imposing sanctions on Darfur came a day after a U.N.-appointed panel concluded Sudan 's government and allied militias had likely committed crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur, but not genocide as the U.S. claims.

    Annan, along with several council diplomats, stressed that the debate over whether genocide had occurred in Sudan wasn't nearly as important as taking action to stop the killings, torture, rape and other atrocities in Darfur

    "What is vital is that these people are indeed held accountable," Annan said in a statement. "Such grave crimes cannot be committed with impunity. That would be a terrible betrayal of the victims, and of potential future victims in Darfur and elsewhere."

    But deciding what to do could expose new rifts within the U.N. Security Council, still battered after fierce debate over handling Saddam Hussein and the fallout from the Iraq war. While all agree that Sudan 's government and the Janjaweed militia it backs must be dealt with swiftly, debate is raging over how to do it.

    Several European nations want the case referred to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, as the commission report recommends. On Tuesday, France reiterated its support for the court. The day before, the U.K.'s Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry had said Britain believed the case was "tailor made" for the court.

    But the U.S., long an opponent of the court, is pushing for a different approach. In Washington, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher rejected any role for the ICC and called for the establishment of a U.N. and African Union tribunal that would be based in Arusha, Tanzania to prosecute alleged perpetrators.

    He called this proposal a better way of ensuring accountability for the crimes in Darfur. Boucher also said the ICC lacks jurisdiction because the crimes committed in Darfur predate its establishment.

    In addition, he said the U.S. has made clear in consultations with other council members that it is "time to move toward sanctions" on Darfur.

    "We have raised a number of measures, including oil sanctions and targeted sanctions with other council members, and we'll continue the discussion of those," he said.

    But China, which has major oil interests in Sudan , strongly opposes sanctions and insists that the dispute in Darfur be resolved diplomatically.

    Diplomats on all sides stressed it was far too early to say what the Security Council would do.

    The U.S. could exercise its veto and reject a referral to the ICC, or it could concede defeat and abstain.

    Sudan on Tuesday denied the accusations in the report, and a day earlier, Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail claimed a victory of sorts, highlighting that the report did not find genocide had been committed.

    Even so, there was widespread consensus - among Security Council members, human rights groups, and even critics of the United Nations - that the report went far enough in its condemnation of Sudan and the Janjaweed.

    The five-lawyer panel detailed a host of violations, including the government's failure to protect civilians from rebel attack, use of disproportionate force and attacks meant to force people to flee their homes.

    It blamed the government for joining in the attacks and for complicity with the Janjaweed militia while accusing rebels of massive violence.

    In Washington, two Republican members of the U.S. Congress Tuesday urged Annan to resign in protest if the U.N. fails to take aggressive steps to stop the violence in the Darfur region of Sudan .

    "We cannot wait any longer for credible action in Darfur," said Sen. Sam Brownback. "The time is now for the secretary-general, Kofi Annan, to lead or leave."

    Rep. Frank Wolf said he does not blame Annan for the violence in Darfur and called the decision not to declare that genocide had taken place a matter of semantics. He said Annan's resignation could jolt the Security Council into imposing sanctions and taking other steps to pressure the Sudanese government.

    "Resigning out of protest is an act of great moral leadership," Wolf said.

    Annan, who was resting at home in New York after a trip to Africa over the weekend, wasn't available for comment. But his spokesman, Fred Eckhard, quickly dismissed the idea.

    "I think it's wrong to assume that he could somehow force them to take a course of action, and should he not be successful he would be obliged to step down," Eckhard said. "I think that's inconsistent with the (U.N.) charter."


02-07-2005, 04:05 AM

hamid hajer
<ahamid hajer
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-12-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 1508

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Re: دارفور .. مصّرع إبن شقيق كبير الجانجويد مع قُدوم ال Nato ! (Re: hamid hajer)

    موسي هلال زعيم الجانجويد

    موسى هلال يهدد البشير وطه
    كمال الشيخ _الإمارات

    بعد نشر تقرير لجنة مجلس الأمن وتأكيد اللجنة بأن هنالك جرائم ضد الإنسانية وتوصية اللجنة بتقديم مرتكبي الجرائم الي المحكمة الجنائية الدولية إختلط الحابل بالنابل في أواسط قادة النظام والجنجويد . في إجتماع عاصف حاول قادة النظام تقديم موسى هلال ككبش فداء ولكن المذكور هدد بأنه سيتحول الي شاهد ملك مذكرا الرئيس ونائبه بالإجتماع الذي كان حضوره:

    1: الرئيس البشير
    2: النائب الأول(السابق) علي عثمان محمد طه
    3: وزير الدفاع بكري حسن صالح
    4: وزير الداخلية عبدالرحيم محمد حسين
    5: وزير الدولة بالداخلية أحمد هارون
    6: مدير جهاز الأمن الوطني صلاح قوش
    7: مدير جهاز الإستخبارات العسكرية اللواء عوض بن عوف

    الذي تم فيه إتخاذ قرار حرب الإبادة الشاملة لمواطني دارفور وتهجيرهم بإتباع أساليب سياسة الأرض المحروقة , بل ذهب الي أكثر من ذلك بأنه قد سلم الجهات الدولية المعنية معلومات تفصيلية في حجم التمويل المالي والعسكري وذكر بعض الأسماء منهم اللواء عوض بن عوف المشرف على تدريب الجنجويد وتنظيمهم . كما ذكر في الإجتماع , بأن لقائه مع القائم بالأعمال الأمريكي في الخرطوم قد تم بترتيب من السيد مبارك الفاضل والذي كان يعد نفسه للخروج من سفينة الإنقاذ الغارقه وتصفية حساباته مع النائب الأول (السابق).

    وأثناء الإجتماع حاول أحد الحضور من أفراد النظام إبتزازه بأن المنزل الذي يسكنه لم يتم تسجيله بعد بإسمه , كان رد موسى هلال حادا وعنيفا وذكر الحضور بأنه على صلة بالسفارة الأمريكية ولديه تسجيلات ووثائق تؤكد ضلوع الحكومة في جرائم الحرب مما أضطر الرئيس ونائبه فض الإجتماع.

    بعد هذا التهديد من قائد الجنجويد للبشير ونائبه هل يقوم النظام بتصفية موسى هلال وخاصة وأن النائب الأول(السابق) ليس بغريب عن قتل الشهود وإخفاء أدوات الجريمة كما حدث لمنفذي محاولة إغتيال الارئيس المصري مبارك من ضباط سودانيين و مصريين و اخرون.
    مما لا شك فيه أن النظام المنهار سوف يقوم بإغتيالات وتصفيات وسط الجنجويد والعسكريين والشهود وفي سبيل ذلك سوف يدفع النائب الأول مجتمع دارفور ككل الي حرب جديدة ليطمس جريمته ولكن هيهات .

    كمال الشيخ_الإمارات :[email protected]

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